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Show LEGAL NOTICES ANNUAL TAX SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH Sccttion 6056. Com-niled Com-niled Laws of L'lah. 1017. .that Weber Count j. Utah, by and througn its Board of County Comomlssioners. will, on Monday. May 17th. 1020. at 12 o'clock noon at the front door of the Court House, in Ogden City. Weber County, Utah, offer for sale In separate parcels for cash, all of the real estate hereinafter described, to-cther to-cther will other real estate held by Weber County under Tax Deed, and at Mich sale the Countv Cleric of Weber County. T'tah. will issue and deliver to the purchaser pur-chaser all of the title of the State ol Utah. County of Weber. City of Ogden. or any town or school or other uxlng district Interested In the real estate so sold, excepting however, any Interest held by Ogden City, under tax sale made lo Ogden City up to and Including sales for dcllnnucnt taxes for 1S3I, No bid will be accepted for less than all taxes, costs and interest to date of sale herein referred to. MARTIN P. BROWN. 13. H. ENSIGN. J. M. CHILD, Board of County Commissioners of Wbcr County. Utah. WALTER N. FARR. County Clerk of Weber County. Utah. Dated April 5. 1020. First publication on April 17th. 1020. Bft POFU PROPERTY -UNDER9TAN DEED TO WEBER COUNTY TO BE OFFERED OF-FERED FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AS ABOVE STATED. Part of Lot 1. Block 0. Plat "A," being the West 2.5 feet of Lot 1. Block 9, Plat Part of it5,d Block1 lof 'phit'A," Being the North 117 feet of the South 202 feet ot Lot 5. Block 10. Plut "A' Ogden City Survey. Part of Lot 5, Block 10. Plat "A." Being the South 41.25 feet of the North So feet of lAl 5. Block 10. Plat "A." Ogden City Survey. Part of Lot 3 Block 13. Plat "A." Beginning 120 feet North from the Southeast corner of Lot 2. Block 13, Plat "A." Ogden City Survcv: thence WVs: -7 feet. North 20 feel, AVest 50.5 feet. Noi th 4 cet. East bl.a feel. South -'4 feet lo the "place of beginning. The taxes herein include personal taxes In Book "E." page. So. Lines 10 and 21. 1010 sale. Part ot J.ots S and 0. Block 16. rial "A." Beginning lG.a feet tast uiul lf.o feet South from the Nprtbwest corner of I-ot S. Block 16. Plat A. Ogden City Survey; thence East 10S feet. South 16.5 feet to the place of beginning. Part of Lot 4. Block 32. Plat "A." Beginning 165 feet East from the Northwest corner of Lot 4. Block 32. Plat "A.'' Ogden City Survey; thence. East 36. fceL South 12 feet, West 136.5 feet. North 12 feet to the place of beginning-. Part of Lot 7. Block 15. Plat "A." Being ,lh "West 16.5 feet of I-ot . BIock -lo. Plat "A," Ogden City Survey. r ",,., r . , . Fart f Lot 2, Block 55. Plat "A." Boing the East 2.0 feet of the West 132 feet of 1-6 1 2. . Block 55, Plat "A." Ogden City Survey. . Part of Lot 3. Block 16, Plat "B." Being the AVest Vi of. the East Va-of the South e LEGAL NOTICES : Vi of Lot 2, Block 16. Plat ' B." Ogden Clly Survey. H Fart of Ixit 2, Block 16. Plat "B." Being the East 33 feet of tho South Vs of I-ol jH 2, Block 16. Plat "B." Ogden City Survey. IH I-art of or Lots 3 and 1, Block 16, Plat "C." Beginning 165 feet North and 33 feel H East from the Southwest corner Lot 3. Block 16. Tlat 'C," Ogden City Sur- IH vcy: thence North 11.6 fect, West 157 feel, South lt.G feet, Hast 157 fect tc H the place of beginning. IH Part of Lots i and 7. Block 16. Plat "C ' Beginning 163 feot North and S feci B East from the Southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 16. Plat "C." Ogden City Sur- IH vey; thence North 311.3 fect. East 17 feot. South 311.3 feot. West 17 fect to the place of beginning. IH Part of Lots 6. 7 and S. Block 16. Plat "C." Beginning 125 feot Soqth from -the Northwest cornier of Lot 6. Block 16, Plat "C." Ogden City Survey: lhcnc . jH South ll.G fect, East 207 feci. North 11.6 feet. West 207 fect lo tho place ol beginning. H Pari of Lois 7 and S. Block 21. Plat "C." Beginning 150 feat "West from the South-east South-east comer of Lot S. Block 24. Plat "C," Option City Survey, thence North 25 feot. West 114 feet. South 25 feet. East 111. fect to the place of beginning. Part of Lot 10. Block 31. Plat "C." Being the North 165 fect of the East V&'ol , i Lot 10, Block 31. Plat "C." Ogden Clly Survey. . Fart of -Lot 5, Block 30. Plat "C." Being tho N6rth II fect of the East 14S.5 feel l IH of tho West 207 feot of Lot 5. Block 33. Plat "C." Ogden City Survey. Part of Lot 7. Block 30. Plat "C." Being the West 10 tact of I-ot 7, Block 33, - Plat -a'1 Ogden City Survey. Part of loi o Block -IS. Pint "C." Being tho "West IS feet of tho East ISO fect ot fU the North 'II o.5 feet of Lot 0, Block IS. Plat "C," Ogden City Survey. Part of Lot II. Block 66, Plat "C." Beginning at the Southwcsucomcr of I-ot ll.J Block 66. Plat "C." Ogden City Survey, thence South 66 feci. East S2.5 fect. JM North 36 degrees East S2 5 feet, AVust lo the place of beginning., IH Pai-1 of Lot 2. Block 71. Plat "C." Being the North 2 feet of Ih'i South 06 fect M of tho West 125 feel of Lot 2. Block 71. Plat "C." Ogdon City Survey. Part of Lot 13. Block 1. Plat 5AA. Being the East 330 feot of the North Vi of Lot JM 13. Block 1. Five Acre Plat "A." of Ogden City Survey. JH Part of Lot 11. Block 4. Plat S O ,S. Boing tho West 0.5 feet o the North 21. S3 mM feet of I-ot 11.. Block 1. South Ogden Survey, of Ogden City Survey. H Part of Lot 12. Block I, Plat S. O. S. Beginning 32 feot South from the Inlersec- H tion of the South line of Lot 11, and tho AVest lino of Adams Avenue; thoncc West 110 feet, South 1.5 feet. East 110 fect. North 4.5 foot to the place of beginning. I-ot 12. Block 4. South Ogden Survey. Ogden City Survey, vm Lots S and 10, Block 10. S. O S- Beginning 355.0 feot AVest from the Northeast cor-ncr cor-ncr of Lot 8. Block 10; thence South 50 feet. West 00 feet. North 53 feet. East.. 30 feet to place of beginning. In South Ogden Survey. Ogden Cl'.- Survey. ' IE Part or Lot 11. Block 10, Plat S. O- S. Beginning 3.6 feet West from tho inter- section of the Northwest corner of Lot 11. Block 10. South Ogden Survey, ol . IH Ogden City Survey, and the Eastline of Lincoln Avenue: thenco East 3.6 feot IH North 138.18 feet, AVest IS root, South 1 degrees East lo Iho place of begin- . VM Lot 13, Block 10, S. O. S , part of the lot. Being the East 50 fect ot the Soiilh 20j3 IH feot or Lot 13. Block 10, South Ogden Survey. Ogden City Survey. M Lots, 1 and 2. Block 2. Brummltt's Addition. IH Lot "C." Brummltfs Addition to Ogden City. Utah. VM Lot MD ot Brummittt's Addition ta Ogden City, Utah. Being the West 5 feet of 1-ot 6, Block 3, Central Park Addition to Ogden City, i "tab. ,f IH Belngjjill of Lot 11 and the South 11 fect of Lot 12. block 5, Central Park Annex-- IH R) Ogden Clly. Utah. Being- Lots 23 to 14, Block 2, City Park Addition. , Being Lots 2S to 30, Block 2. Colorado Place Addition to Ogden City. Utah. .7 fM Being Lots 5 and 6, Block 3. Cropsey's Addition to Ogden, City, Utah. , ; jM Being Lots 1 to 20. Block 16. Cloverilalo Addition, Kanesvillc School District. ' Wg Lots 5 to 15, Block 17 Cloverdalc Addition. Kanesvillc School District. - Being Iho AVest S3.32 feci of Lots 1 to 5, Block l. East Park Addition to Ogdcr , City. Utah. Being Iai 61, Block 1. East Park Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Being the East 76.S6 feel or Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, East Park Addition to Ogdci City. Utah. Being the Ea3t 76.S6 rect of Lot 3, to 14, Block 3, East Park Addition to Ogdci City. Utah. ' Being Ihe En at 117.0G reel or Lot "J." East Park Addition to Ogden City, Utah; Being Lots 37 to 41). Block IS, Falrmount Park Addition to Ogden City. Being l-ots 21 and 25. Block 13. Florence Park Addition to Ogden City. Being Lots 52 to 51, Block 6. Franklin Place Addition to Ogden City. Being I-ot 50. Block 0 Ftanklln Place Addition to Ogden City. Utah. . Being Lots 1 to 3, Block 1, Hcrriman's Addition to Ogden City. Utah. ?" . Being Lot II, Block 17. I-akcvlew Addition, Burch Creek School District. Being the South 17.5 rect or Lot 12, Block 26. Lnkcview Addition. Burch Creek School District. Being Lots 13 and 14. Block 26, Lakevlew Addition. Burch Creek School District. , Being an undivided one-hair Interest in Lots 11 to 17, Block 30, Lakevlew Addition Bui oh Creek School District. Being an undivided one-hair interest In l-ots 36 to 33, Block 33, Lakevlew Addition Burch Creek School District. . Being Lots 30 to 44. Block 40, Lakevlew Addition. Burch Creek School District. Being the North 4 feel of the South 12 feet or Lot S. Block 10. Lakevlew Addition to Ogden City, Utah. Being Lots 14 and 15, Block 46, Lakevlew Addition, Burch Creek School District. Being I-ot 20. Block 47. Lakevlew Addition. Burch Creek School District. Being Lot 27. Block 2, Madison Square Addition .to Ogden, Utah. McUary EsUte. Beginning 023.S0 feet AVest and 6.20 rect South from the Northeast North-east corner or Sec. 20 Twp. 6 North. Range 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian. U. S, Survey; thence South 16 reel. West 21".5 rcet. North 16 rcet. '-Jast 216;5 feet, to the place of beginning. , Being Ivots 13 and II. Block 1. Mountain A'iew Addition to Ogden City, Utah"; Being Lot 32. Block 1. Mountain A'iew Addition to Ogden City. . - Being Lots 33 and 40, Block 2, Mountain Vio Addition to Ogden City. Utah. . Being Lot IS. Block 0. Mountain A'iew Addition to Ogden Clly. Utah, - , Being ihc East 16 feel of Lot 7. Block lb. Nob Hill Addition to Ogden City. . -Being Lots 1 and 2, Block 33. Nob Hill Addition to Ogden City. ULah. Being Lot 2, Block 51. Nob Hill Annex to Oj,vien City. Utah. . - Being Lots 6 and 7. Block 76. Nob Hill Addition to Ogden City. Utah. J- i Being Lot 1. Block 3. Otto Herder's Addition. North Ogden School District. ,- i Being Lol 2. Block 1. Otto Bergcrs Addition. North Ogticn School District. r Bolng Lots 23 and 2t, Block S. Observatory Place Addition. Wilson School District Being I-ols Jl and 12, Block 1. Park Place "A." Subdivision of l-ots I and .5 anai the South 1G5 6S feel or Lot 3. Block 67; and all of Block 6. Plat "C," Oscicr; City Sure, , ' y- Bemg Lots 1 to I. Block 2. Prospcc tHelphl.? Addition.' Being Lots II to -It. Block -I, P.ospect Heights Addition. Being Lot 2, Block 2. Rivervlew Addition lo Ogden City. UtKh. Being Lot 3, Block I. Riverside Annex Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Being Lois 20 and 21 B.lock 1, Rushlou Addition to Ogden City, Utah. t, : Being the AVest Vi of Lot 40 and all ot Lot 41, Block 4. Rush ton Addition to Ogdet City. Utah. - ' Being the Wpsi 0 rect of lxt 51. Block 7. and all or 1-ot 52. Block 7, Rushtcn'jt Addition lo Ogdon City, Being' the North 20.3 feci of Lot 2S. Block 2. South Pari: Addition lo Ogden City, ' Utah. " : 3 Being l-ots IS and 10. Block 2, Stephens First Addition to Ogden Cuy. Utah,. : '.'c , i i Being the South 4 I eel or Lot 2 and all or Lot 1. Block 5, Terrace Subdlvliibn. ' Ogden Clt. Utah. t Being Lots 1? and II. Block 1. Woodniansec's Addition lo Ogden City, Utah. , Being Lots 17 to 26. Block 1. Woodniansec's Addition to Ogden City. Utah. ..- Lots 27 to 35, Block 2, oodmansee's Addition to Ogden City. Utah. .i Being the West 45.76 reet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 5. Woodniansec's Main Street: Addition to Ogden City, L lab.- , Beginning 132.13 Icet South and 330 feet East from the intersection of the. liasl , line of Washington Avenue and the North line o. Sec 5. Twp. 5. North Range , 1 AVest. Salt Lake .Meridian. I'. S, Survey: thence North 56.5 feot. East 33: feel, Souilt 5G.6 feci. W est 33.3 feel to place of beginning. Beginning on the vesi line of Grant Avenue 201 feel South from the North, line., of Sec. 5, Twp. 5 N.. Rangcl West. Salt Lake .Meridian, U. S. Survey;, thence.". South 6 feel, West 1N7 feel. Noith.6 feet. East IS7 reel to the place or beginning. Beginning 21.l5,chs. East and i.005 chs. North from the Southwest comer or the Northwest U ot Sec.' 0, Twp. o. North. Range 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian. i . o. oui vi'j ; intme ,oi iu id iuei. r.iiai iwu ifji, ruuui tsi 10 a point Liz x feel East from the point oi beginning. West to the place of beginning'. I Beginning at Ihe Southwest corner of Block 33. South Ogden Plat "A"; thence'.' 1 South 570 feet. East 167 feel, North 570 reel. Weal 167 feet to the place ol I beginning. . I Beginning 16.12 chs. South rrom Ihe Northeast corner of the Southeast U of See. I to. Twp, 5 North. Range 3 West, Salt I-akc Meridian U. S. Survey;, .thenct . I AVest 11 reet. South lu chs. East 11 feet, North 10 chs. to the place or bo- I ginning. m Being all ot the Northeast Vi or Sec. 3, Twp. 6 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake f Meridian. U. S. Survey. fl Being all of, Ihe South ',i oi Sec. 3, Twp. 6 North. Range t AVest, Salt Lake Merld- Ian U. S. Survey. I I Being all or tho East o( the Northwest i or Section 3, Twp. 6 North, Range ' 1 West. Sail Lake Meridian. U. S. Survey. Beginning at the- Southeast corner ot the Northeast U See. 4, Twp. C North, Rangr. , 1 weSt, Sail Lake Meridian. U. S. Survey; thenco North 5 rhs.. West 1.25 chs.. Souih 13 ids.. West 13 ids.. North 13 ids., AVest lo center or the County y road. Soulhwestci ly along the load to a point 5.61 chs. West of beginning,, East 3.61 chs. to the place of beginning. I'.eginnin 121,11 tcel West and 262 feet South from the Intersection of the South line of Second Street, and West linu of Washington Avenue. In Ogden Cltv, ( Utah; thence South 66 feel, West 211. S6 reel, North 66 reel, Ea3t 211.86 fect to tho place of beginning. i beginning 115.5 rcet South rrom the Northeast corner or Sec. 30, Twp. 6 North, ' Range I West. Sail lake Merldition, U, S. Survey, llieuce West S2.S7 reel, ' South 66 feel. East 132 feet. North 66- feet. West to the place of beginning. Beginning S2.3 feet Wesl from the Northeast comer or Sec. 30. Twp, 6 North, Range, 1 West, Sail 1-ako Meridian, U S. Survey: thenco South 261,5 reel." East , S2.S7 feet. South 303 feet. Wesl 107. 6S reel. North 660 rcet. Eosl 2I.S foci lo iho place ot" beginning. Also -beginning 660 feet South from the Northeast corner of Sec. , 30. Twp, 6 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian. U. S. Survey, thenco JSonth 37 degrees 57 minutes West to the C. P. rlght-of-waj. East to East lina: 6r, said seitlon. North to place of beginning. " ' " Beginning 0.24 chs. Wet. 12,72 chs. North from the Southen.'jt corner of the Noi'th- weal i. Sec. 0, Twp. 5 North. Range 1 West, Salt like Meridian. U. tJ: Stir-1 vey; thence South 251.5 tcct, West 1S3 feet. North 251.5 feel. East 133 feet to the place or beginning. Beginning at the Northeast corner or tho Southwest i Sec. 2S. Twp 5 North, Range" " 1 AVest. Salt 1-akc Meridian U. S. Survey: ihcnca West 11.25 chs. to Weber river, Southsasterly along tho river lo ihe East line of snld Sec Nortir to ' beginning. Beginning on ihe South line of Seventh street. ISO fect AVest from the West line or Washington Avenue. Ogden City. Utah, thence South 146.S feet. West sjl feet. North 146.S feet. East 5t feet, lo the beginning. All in Sec. 17. Two. 6 North. Rang 1 Wesl. Salt Lake. Meridian I'. S. Survey. Beginning 1S1 feet East and 330 feet North from the Southwest corner or See. 'IV. . Twp. 6 North. Range 1 AVest. Salt Lake Meridian, U. S. Survey, thenco North 66 feet. West 132 reot. South 66 feot. East 132 Icet to beginning. Beginning at the Intersection of the South line of 32nd street, and the West line ol Sec. 33. Twp. 6 North. Range 1 AVest. Salt 1-a.ke Meridian, U. S. Survev hence South 165.25. East 23.1 feet. North 165.25 feet, AVest 23.4 feet to the place of beginning. on said line 73 steps. South 107 steps to Cedar Stake on bank of said drain dlch. Southwesterly on bank of said drain ditch 100 stops, lo beginning. Rolnp part of the East 'j of the Southeast VI Soc. 7, Twp, North, Range 2 AVoat', Salt Lako Merdllan. U. S. Survey. Beginning at a certain Cedar Slake on the bank of drain ditch, being the South- - l west corner of said tract of land: thenco North 263 steps to U Sec. line. East : 2.S3 chs., North 13 degrees East 1.7 chs.. North 1.52 chs. North 15 degrees East 1.5 chs. North 36 degrees 30 minutes. East 1.25 chains. Northwesterly ' and Southerly along the river to a point North 11 degrees 30 minutes Wee; from the beginning. South 11 degrees 30 minutes East to beginning. Beginning 1S.62 chs; AVest and 2.6 chs. North from the Southeast corner of the Southwest i of Sec. 21, Twp. 6 North, Range 2 West, thence East 2.03 ch's. North S degrees 30 minutes East 5.SS chs. North 13 degrees 30 minutes AVest Beginning 1166.8S feet East and S chs. South from tho Northwest comer of the Southwest K Sec. 24 Twp. 6 North. Range 2 AVest. Salt Lake Meridian L s Survey; thenco North 330 feet, East 400 rcet, more or less. South 1 degree East -130 chs., South 70 decrees 30 minutes AVest 0 chs.. South 26 degreei 30 minutes. AVest 1 ch.. South 11 degrees West 5 chs.. South 36 degrees, Eaut 3.63 chs.. South 13 degrees AVest I S chs., AVcsterly and Southerly to a point on the river South or beginning. North to beginning. Beginning SO rds. North and 34 rds. East rrom the Southwest corner or the North-cast North-cast U Sec. 2S. Twp. 7 North, Range 1 Wesl. Salt Lake Meridian. U. S. Sur"- ' vey;' thence South 40 rds., East 60 rods.. South 28 rds.. Ea3t 13.5 rds. Nctrh 23 rds.. AVest 5.5 rds.. North 45 ids.. AVest 14 ids., to the beginning . Beginning at tho Southwest comer ot the Northwest V. o( Sec. 30, Twp. 7 North Range 1 AVest, Salt Lake Meridian. U. S. Survey; thenco East 1.22 chs. North IS degrees 30 minutes East 6.1S chs North 6S degrees 45 minutes. West 1 2C chs.. North 17 decrees 30 minutes. East 7.6S chs.. North 17 degrees 15 minutes min-utes West 2.26 chs.. South IS degrees 13 minutes. AVest 0 chs. to tho AVcsl line of said section. South to beginning. Beginning S.5 chs. North from the Southwest comer of the Northwest V of Sec 30. Twp. 7 North. Ranqe I AVest, Salt Luko Meridian. U, S. Survey; thonc-i Norlb IS degrees 30 minutes. East 0 chs.. North 63 degrees 45 minutes. AVcsl 125 fect. South IS degrees 30 minutes. West to he AVest lino of said scctlbh,." South to beginning, , Beginning 12.25 chs. South from the Northeast cornor or the Southwest Vi of Sec IS. Twp. 6 North. Range 2 Eust. Salt Lake Meridian U. S. Survey, thencr South 67 degrees 30 minutes AVest 5.3S chs., South 3 degrees 15 minutes East 3.6 chs.. South S3 degrees 12 minutes East to a point South of beginning, thence North to beginning. Beginning 52 rds. 11 rcet East rrom the Northwest corner or tho Southwest '.1 of the Northwest V of Sec. 20. Twp. 7 Norh. Range 1 EasL Salt Lako Meridian. Merid-ian. U. S. Survey; thence South 10 rds.. East 16 rds.. North 10 rds,. AVcsl 16 rds. to the place of beginning. Being tho Southeast hi of Sec 13. Twp. 7. North, Range 4 East; Salt Lake Merld-ian, Merld-ian, V S. Survey. Being the East Vt of Lots 6 and 7. Block 22. Plat "A." Huntsvlllc Survey. Being all of the Northwest VI or Sec; 3,' Twp. 6 North. Ransra 1 AVest, Salt Lake Meridian. U. S. Survey - - - |