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Show DISCARDED ?-RAY PLATES TO BE USED AS WINDOWS (By International News Servic;,) DETROIT, Mich., April 17. Discarded Dis-carded "X-ray plates will glaze all the windows In the Detroit Municipal Tu-; borculoBis Sanitarium being erected Hear North ville. "Three photographic platen cleaner! of chemicals will serve the purpose eaai i .1111 gams jujui as well as new glass and will savoi the city $30,000," said Health Com-' mis'sionor Henry F. Caughn. "Plumbing "Plumb-ing fixtures are coming out of the! ,Pontchartrain hotel and will cost only; ; $7,200, as against $50,000 to $70,000 1 for new. I ' "Five hundred mahogany doors and i idoor frames form the dismantled hotel' will savothe city ?lo,U00," Mr. Vaughn, declared. I |