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Show STOCK INTER EST' , IS SPECULATIVE Week's Review Shows Stand-! Stand-! ard Shares React; U. S. ! and Rail Bonds Low NEW YORK, Apri 17. In their re-! Ration to the immediate future, developments devel-opments of the -week in the securities market differed in no important particular partic-ular from conditions of the preceding fortnight. Stock dealings were moder-, ately active, but again of a speculative ' or professional character. j Standard shares, of the industrial groups were Inclined to react for the most part. The railroad strike and' money market were outstanding influences; influ-ences; the former by reason of its effect ef-fect on general business and industries and the latter because it denoted fur-1 iher curtailment of "unessential cred ' Much of the week's call 'money was loaned at S per cent, but the compara-', tJvei eafja -of. demand lotfof did not ex j tend to time money. Far from evinc-; ing any relaxation, bids, for such funds were sllghj.lv higner without evoking appreciable response. New low records accompanied the almost al-most incessant liquidation of liberty' bonds and victory notes, several of which fell to levels where the inter- est return exceeded G per cent. Pre-! war railroad and industrial bonds of! the highest grades suffered correspond-' ingly. In the International market the significant sig-nificant feature was the advance of the Bank of England notes, an erent foreshadowed fore-shadowed by the rise of French dis-. counts. The only effect upon foreign exchange in this market was i halt in lhe acute decline of French and Itnl-inn Itnl-inn remittances. |