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Show Article on Sherman in Federal Bulletin An article on E. A. Sherman. former for-mer district forester of district No. 4 of the forestry service of this city, now associate forester, appears in the weekly news letter of "the department of agriculture. Mr. Sherman was at the local forestry headquarters for a number of years prior to being transferred trans-ferred to another district. The article follows: Edward A. Sherman, of Utah, has been selected to, succeed Albert F. Potter as associate forester of tho forest for-est service on tho retirement of the latter next month. Mr. Sherman lias been assistant forester in charge of the branch of hinds in the forest service ser-vice since 1915. In 1903 he was appointed ap-pointed supervisor of the Blllcrroot forest reserve in Montana, as an officer of-ficer oi tho department of tho Interior, Interi-or, which was then in charge of the federal reserves. He entered tho forest service through tho transfer of administration of tho forests to the department of agriculture in 1903. In 1907 ho was promoted to forest Jnspector, and shortly afterwards was made chlof inspector in-spector of the national forests lu Montana Mon-tana and northern Idaho. In 1910, after having served In California Cali-fornia for something over a year as supervisor of the Sequoia national for-est.Jbe-was appointed district forester at Ogdcn iiicharge of thtJ national forests of Ltah, Neva.da and southern Idaho. In this dlstrlct-ue of the national na-tional forests for livestock grazing constitutes the- leading actvlty. For this reason the selection of Mr. Sherman Sher-man to succeed Mr. Pottur, an old livestock mai is" regarded as evidencing evi-dencing that grazing maticrs will bo looked after by one thoroughly familiar fa-miliar with the que3tion. Mr. Sherman's selection as associate associ-ate forester la on the rccomniondutiori of Col. W. B. Grqeloy, who Is to succeed suc-ceed the present forester on the lat-ter's lat-ter's retirement. oo |