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Show ! Combined Resources and Lia- bilities Are Shovn in j Statement i WASHINGTON. April 17. Combined Com-bined resources and liabilities of the 12 federal reserve banks we're a's follows fol-lows at the close of business April 16, according to the weekly statement of the federal reserve board: lie-sources. Gold and gold certificates'.' $1U'J,-'l,000. $1U'J,-'l,000. '. Gold settlement fund." federal e-' serve board. $3G0,0SS.U00. Gold with foreign agencies, $112,-7S1.000. $112,-7S1.000. Total .gold held by banks, $662,-.'JS.OOO. $662,-.'JS.OOO. Gold with federal reserve agents, ? 1,1 70,3iy,000. Gold' redemption fund, ?112,SSa,-000. ?112,SSa,-000. Total gold reserve, ?a. 055. 294, 000. Legal tender ' notes, sliver etc., 132.437.0,00. Total reserves, $2,0S7,73 1.000. liilj discounted, secured by government govern-ment war obligations, ?1,430,SSS,000. All others, $US0,303,000. Bills bought in foreign market, M10.7S4.000. Total bills on hand, $2,S27,075,- 000. U. S. government bonds, $26,791).-000. $26,791).-000. . U. S. victory notes. 6S,000. U. S. certificates of indebtedness,, ?303,72S,000. Total earnings assets, ?3,16S,970,-000. ?3,16S,970,-000. Bank premises. $12,123,000. Uncollected items and other deductions deduc-tions from gross deposits, $956,669.-000. $956,669.-000. Five per cent redemption fund against federal reserve bank notes, 514.015000. All other securities, $5,305,000. Total resources, $6,234,413,000. Liabilities. Capital paid in, $91,272,000. Surplus. $120,120,000. ' Government deposits, $30,595,000. Due to members on reserve ac-vount, ac-vount, $1S9S,S10,000. Deferred availability items, 077,-252,000. 077,-252,000. Other deposits including foreign. SOernment credits, $"102,657,000. Total gross deposits. $2,709,3 H. 000. Federal reserve notes in actual circulation, cir-culation, $3,073,693,000. Federal reserve bank notes in circulation cir-culation net liabilities, $1S0,'501,000. All other liabilities, $6,234,413,000. ' Ratio of total reserves to net deposits de-posits and .federal rcSerVe note lmiili-ies lmiili-ies combined, 4 3.3 per cent, j .Katio of gold reserves. to tcderal re-' re-' servo notes in circulation ufter.set- ting aside 35 per cent against net de-I de-I posit liabilities. 4$ per cent. ' net |