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Show 'BlTAlLORED AS B Wf 11 J YOU WANT THEMJLgj . Made of the material you want ! ALL-WOOL Wool doesn't grow on trees, and you're fortunate to jH get a suit under $50 or $60 nowadays that litis had i:. more than a bowing acquaintance with a sheep. . Our Low Prices permit of no ! I "Extras" Every dollar you pay for a Dundee suit is given right j ijH back to you in clean-cut merit and suit satisfaction. ' " 'S!.. jS Wool fabrics from some of the largest mills in the. country come direct to you, made into a perfect fit- 'R ting suit. Middlemen are eliminated by flic Dundee T' HB method. Is it anr wonder we can offer you such ' ' 1HH amazing value for your money? p " lfl LOTS OF STYLE AND QUALITY I B Individually Tailored Union Made 9 . $30.00 and up . - 'fe OWEN BENNETT.gT. HQ On Hudson Ave. by the Albambra Theater JBH -fgUffTTTT-i ilMtf 'Iil'lml 'I iflfir1''Vr:giagMMTmBF. clXH oo Phonograph repairing, work guaranteed. Phone 173. Lyric Music Co. I ,3m HOHE THW YEAR I 111 Wouldn't you like to live in a house like one of when you take your family to a cozy home , I these and be able to call It your own home? Yoqll Lovelock Subdivision the fadest building resi- jH know what happipess and independence really arc dence district of Ogden. p jH qtnn nivinc hi-h rent orices A . 'Buy a ,ot in Lovelck Subdivi- H m W 1 help ? you secure a home jfet, .' s,on N0W for a foundtion M m of vour own on easv payment (59 for yur Permanent home. ?G'J 1 PlaSS t v"S M month.0 dWn-?1 t0 ?2 n B H im be independent with the "deed wwiooh ve woi w We have somo excellent bar- Wt M pi to your home. sains in all parts of Ogden. Q Z 1 '- : tH |