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Show i fUNE FBI ELK Major E. A. Goldnon of Biological Bio-logical Survey to Meet With Officials Major E. A. Goldnen. of tho United States biological survey, who for the past six weeks has been making an extensive study of" winter conditions of ranges that are open to elk In the j vicinity of Jackson's Hple, Wyoming, lis due to arrive in Ogden today. Major Goldnen will meet with Jesse IW. Nelson, inspector of grazing for tho forest service, with offices in Washington, and will plan a summer ; investigation of elk range, It was an- noirnccd. ' Because no investigation of conditions condi-tions in all seasons' of the year have 1 been made of ranges frequented by I the elk herds, a series of range stud- ies which will take the greater part I of a year, will be necessary before 'recommendations regarding the pur-i pur-i chase of new feeding grounds for the elk can bo considered, it was said. Inspector Nelson has returned from Kansas, where, with District Forester ' L. F. Kncipp, and Assistant Foreatcr C. X. Woods, he attended a meeting of tho Kansas Valley Stockgrowers' ! association. j Mr. Kncipp reports that the Kansas I stockgrowers are seeking earlier op-lening op-lening dates for ranges in the vicinity. Forest service practices this season I are to postpone the opening of spring ' ranges and to determine whether or i not the ranges in the vicinity of Ka-' Ka-' mas shall be opened May 1, or at a later dale. Inspector Nelson will make 'an inspection of the ranges on May 1. |