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Show SURPRISE PARTY. - Mrs. Meri'Ibol Stevenson of 2p25 Qunl.cy avenue was the complimented truest last, Monday evening at a pleasant pleas-ant surprise party given at her home by the Mutual officers of ihp Twelfth ' ward. An enjoyable evening was spent I. In playing games and musjc. A delicious de-licious luncheon was served, to the following fol-lowing guests: Bishop and Mrs. T. B. Wheelwright George Poulter. Lr. and Mrs Pjii'ie. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mill. .Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Paul. .Mr. i and Mrs. Paul Krey, Mr. and Mrs. George BIddolph, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paul, Mrs. Joseph Evans, Mi's. Edith Kohler, Miss Mary Stewart, MLss Man-da Man-da Hunsaker, Miss Lettlo Ririev Miss Ruby Cross, Miss May Marsh. Mrs. Lunn-Pnul, Arthur Bowman, Wllford Wheelwright, Delbert Foulger. Walter Stevenson. Archie Neil, Alfred Sloven-son Sloven-son nnd Clifford Hunsaker. |