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Show I ( HOME NECESSITIES 1 I OF QUALITY 1 I A COUGH IN APRIL I "ONCE MORE" 1 Our Cold Remeay This makes a cough remedy , . - r.i.rf One moro box of Monarch jn April necessary. Coltsfoot remedy bccauso there's i Cough Remedy is still the ono moro month of wot. Head best, may be you've tried to off colds by this proper means m beat it, but no one yet has. of protection. 25c. I) MAKE YOUR OWN I THE BEST HOME I uMNeJdV'' I New Spring l.cht-mazda FIT-ALL I Hat MAZDA Traveling Case I A bottlo of Colorlte , H o 1 d b necessary 9 and your old elrnw efficient nnd ceo- trnveltne accessories 1 hftt turns the trick. nomlcal. hjy furnlah compactly nnd con- M M Colorlte In nil colors more light for lens vcnlently. Wo have K here nt. a bottle. 2Se money. O r d I nan a size and style for U H rtIT the magic dyo house size, 0c. every requirement. M I H for all fabrics. 10c. rVfljj II TRUSSES EClAtX In 1 I SrcVS MALTESE j I K quality trusses, and 1 OLIVE OIL I clht models. Plain j arc equipped to i and Radlollte. M 1 sen-ico iffilnjral Finest quality I w.25 to 5h.bo H French Olive Oil (tl W o c A 40c-75c-$1.25 1 I OSX? $2.25 J Appreciated! I So far has our rcpu- assaes5 M tation for our pharma- people who arc more than or- yj ceutical skill spread that lTxTiA I f. v.'e receive letters from all prefer JOHNSTON'S. Rj t over the country soliciting nllc$?& W opinions on matters pertain- There is a great variety m l& 10 the druggists' profes- SffSSS'SSSSJ'SSK m sion. This exceptional kuowl- lng chocolates everything that Kg ( J 1 edge and experience is avail- makes JOHNSTON'S candy ap- Kj ,3$ ft able to vou in our proscription predated. M S department. Here In all sizes and kinds. J i - ' - Bramwell's J Desks, Chairs, Filing Cabinets i and everything for the office i .. I Office Supplies : L f PERNELL Jf FOOT ' SPECIALIST Phone 260 Over Western Union, Stevens Bldg. ' ; EjESi7'1 DOCTORS HMTH 1 . SHORES & SHORES -M p&, : Men and Women IbB Office 249 Main Street MTL'&mm fg Salt Lake City, UhWSM Bafck ' Call or write. oB &v siH Thirty year experience treatlnc Acute. Chronic nnd Special Disease, i I ) m I i i We Are Interested in the welfare of the Y. saver and wish to see ( him prosper. R This Ic why we oncour y ige regular deposits and f ix the building of a sur- gs plus fund. Jj 1 New accounts are In- 11 vited. 1 ; 2 Four per cent interest 1 i J p9 paid on savings ac- IV :ounts compounded ( i fxH quarterly. !'! Commercial H) i - New I Management I We have secured Miss Craig of Omaha, Neb., as man-: iH J ager of our millinery store. We are fortunate in bringing ; !? Il I to Ogdes a designer and trimmer of Miss . Craig's repu-';;- I'l ; tation and ability. !; ;f i t Ogden's better dressers will find Miss Craig's advice 1 IJ on specially designed hats, or hats for special occasions ;5 ll ? to be of untold value. Call at our shop and get:' IB acquainted. I t ll . Specially I J ' Priced Hats I Monday we will display a large assortment of trimmed j: J hats and banded sailors at unusually low prices. These J: jH ; !; hats would sell elsewhere at $8 to $15, and are priced r IB !; here for next week's shoppers for $3.95, $4.50, $5.00, I I I $5.50, $5.95, $6.50, $7.00 and $7.95. Don't fail toh ; s see them. 'l Children's I Hats at Cost I I li; Our stock of children's hats is getting low. It hasjj ;! been our policy to furnish our patrons hats for their r ; children practically at cost. Bring the children in next j h IH j; week before they are all gone. Store first door south of s m I A beautiful, mellow toned piano en- 1 dears itself to every member of the i IM famllv. Easy to buy our way. ? 4 M GLEN BROS.-ROBERTS PIANO CO. js 2472JudsonAve H IN EVERY CITY OR TOWN JN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA THERE IS A FLORIST. j WE TELEGRAPH YOUR ORDER FOR FLOWERS j . ( ANDMAKEA DELIVERY THE SAME DAY. j We belong to the "Florists' Telegraph Delivery As- j sociation" j H DUMKE FLORAL CO. In- tho Portola Cafe J 370 Twenty-fourth St. Phone 250 j ' ' . . .......... . t LA.t.AA.'.AA.li 'i B 1 4HBfe GOOD EYES X I WSSBm are a blessing that all would enjoy. If yours are poor, a pair of .StBmWM glasses bought here will be of untold, benent. 5 I SSar -, J. T. RUSHMER s ft I ' .' Manufacturing Optician 2464 Washington Avfe. ; I B IB |