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Show ! PROTEST PASSAGE OF ; STANDARD BOX BILL j WASHINGTON. April 17 Western j congressmen Today received numerous telegrams protesting against the pass-i pass-i age of a standard apple box bill, on ' which hearings are in progress before the coinage, weights and measures committee. The bill proposes to fix the standard stand-ard apple boxes at half bushel, bushel and bushel and a half sizes, which sizes vary materially from the standard stand-ard apple boxes now in ufle through-! out tho west. Jf this standard should be fixed by congress, western grow-1 ors malntaln?thv would be obliged to! change their method of packing ap-1 pies, .and, arcaskliif:. that they be! permitted, u rider I he bill, -to conlinuo' the use of the present standard apple! box. 1 I Representatives who appeared today to-day in opposition to the bushel stand-' ard box, arc confident the bill will j be amended, if it is reported at all, so that the standard box. now used in ' the west may be corMnued without i change. oo ) |