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Show Former President Cabresra Seems to Have Colne to , End of His Luck j SAJNT SALVADOR, April 17. Former For-mer President Estrada Cabrera of Guatemala has been captured by .::e revolutionists, together with his .staff, according to advices reaching this city. He has been placed under arrest ar-rest in the polytechnic school. The first artillery corps, command-, ed by General Padllla, yias aurren-. dercd to the revolutionary army,1 which has triumphed albpg the n- tire line. The surrendered Fort San Joso contained large numbers of ma- chine guns. ' GUATEMALA CITY, April 15.- Ca- plttilatlon of Cabrera followed Intermittent Inter-mittent fighting which began on Ar-rll 9 when Cabrera was holding thv tons of San Jose and Matamoros Avhh an inlerenched . po3ition ' at La Palma. southwest of the capital. The revolutionists, revolu-tionists, lacking arms, seized small quantities in Guatemala City. The greater part of t:io country '.rallied to the support of Herrera and' arms and men arrived every day. i Attempts Beaten. Off. I All attempts by tho Cabrera 'forces to Invade Guatemala City were ueatcn off, lively street fighting occurring in several suburbs. The Herrera forcea surrounded Fort San Jose and com-' pellcd Its capitulation April 12. the revolutionists driving a vedgo between Matamoros and La Palma and gradually gradu-ally surrounding the latter pi ice. ) The loss of life among combatants was not heavy considering the amount of ammunition used, but 'there were1 many casualties among tho civilians during the bombardments of the capital capi-tal and in the street flghthig. American sailors are guarding the American legation and consulate. Manuel Esfra.da- Cabrera, deposed president of Guatemala, who was reported re-ported to havo fled to Cuba following a revolution which began last Fybru- nry had tho distinction of governing' the Central American repabllc for 22 years. Union Party Grows. Growth of the -unionist party Sn Guatemala, the';menlUor3 otwhjch favored fa-vored an amalgamfflion of ail tlie ' (ContinuodronvPage2) j Famous Guatemala j Ruler Meld by Rebels (Continued From Page 1) I Central American republics intb;r ontf government, was opposed by Cab.-i-ra on the ground that It was "reaction-; nry." Numerous uprisings occurred during his regimu and many attempt were made on his life. In 1907 he! caused the arrest of 1G0 men on" a' charge of conspiracy to assassinate j him. Nineteen of ese,, who were Irid. nnd sentenced .jo' death, were wie-j cuted. ' Many other attemmX had been mado to kill him. 'On one occasion a bomb was thrown under his car- riage Cadets from the Guatemala1 military academy who acted as h'.s escort, attempted to shoot him om April 21, 190S, when he entered the I national palace to receive the Amerl- - IjjEn can minister. William Helmke. He j. i jE I suffered a bayonet wound in the hand i flE 1 pand escaped death only by his jflK 1 bravery. flB - Carlos Herrera, a nnancler, was 'H tjj I chosen provincial president on April BE 1 12 upon the ousting of Cabrera ,whc IHi6 1 abandoned Guatemala City the next IBbI 1 day and announced that he and a mmmvk I number of troops who had remained I Hflfl loyal would cut off the capitol's water i BB supply and flood shipments until "'.ho HH rebels begged for terms." Bi Cabrera concentrated hi3 quarters IBS at La Palma, Mtvtamoros and San IH9 Jose and, dominating Guatemala ICty. I Hfl began to shell the eapltol. killing, it I was reported, many civilians. Mean- , HI while the revolt against Cabrera i H spread over tho entire country. JR!! Cabrera was born In Quczaltenango Hfl on November 21. 1S57. j jHM Gcnoral Justo Ruflno Barrios, then 'HK "dictator," named him, upon his grad- Hl uation from law school, as chief jus- I ikH tlce of the department of Ketafhulen. ' Hl In K3S he was made a Justice of the court of appealj and later he became i 'Hi a member of the national assembly. ' Cabrera soon became a loader oi if!B tho assembly. When he had achieved i (fogefl this place Barrios was assasslnatod in ' ' .he streets of Guatemala City in. Feu- tiwW r-unry. 1S9S, an election was called i mid Cabrera was chosen as .Barrios' (V 'M successor. 4 j. ilH Jl was then that the real develop- y 9 mentgiof Guatemala began. Cabrera SJH built one of the most magnificent HIH capitols In Central America. He vad the first ruler on the American1 con- IHI tinenl. it was said, to adopt aviation HBfl for his army. , U |