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Show S. P. OFFERI SCHJPIPS Classes Open to Prospectivn Employes Throughout Territory Ter-ritory Served by Road Y G. Wilson, travelling agent for tho Southern Pacific company, with ' offices at the Union depot, has announced an-nounced that he has several scholarships scholar-ships for the Southern Pacific company com-pany Vocational school at Sin Francisco Fran-cisco for clerical, telegraph and' station sta-tion employes. The scholarships are divided into classes as follows: . First Includes teaching of telegraphy teleg-raphy an,d general station accounting for the development of employes for positions as station agents and station telegraph clerks. The course Includes all of the essential details of duties of those employes. Second A course specializing In freight and passenger rates, routes. (ralc combinations, rate making, and general traffic Information with re- ' spect to passenger ami freight. Slu- , dents from this department will be j us. mI in general .offices, district freight and passenger, offices, large or im-1 porlant ticket offices. Mr. Wilson said: . ' ; ! "This is an excellent' opportunity, i'jI" young men who would like to fol-low fol-low the railroad. It is open to pros-1 pective employes throughout the ter- ritory served by the Southern Pacific ! system. j "The Southern Pacific company be- limes It is nest that their employes! should be taken from the various communities In which they arc inter-' estcd. Believe such course has a ten- 1 dency to infuse new blood and new j Ideas Into the organization. ( |