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Show J IFiERGE STORM ; I , I GR1PPLES WEST j ! ! Til SERVICE t i : 1 Wyoming, Colorado, Nebras-j z ka and Kansas Swept by r Disastrous Blizzard I 1 ' : . 1 -Outgoing Trains Canceled at Z Denver on Account of E Weather Conditions DENVER, 9pril 17. Wyoming. Colorado, Colo-rado, western Nebraska and Kansas ! T.were swept today by tbe worst bliz-1 "card in years. Train service was an-( ' jnullcd or almost paralysed and wire communication was cut off from sre.it part of the storm district. In Denver all outgoing trains were! -cancelled this afternoon and one train "jn the Colorado and Southern railroad. vas stalled near Aravada with 15 pas-! ;engers. There are no hotel or restau-: rant accommodations at Aravada. ; " Intcrurban. and local sin et car ser-, Uvice was suspended and thousands of; persons were forced to walk home Iirom work through a blizzard backed j b a forty-mile gale. Interference villi -electric power caused suspension of electric light service for street lamps.1 " The storm broke last night and has -been raging unabated all day. Engineers Engin-eers on incoming trains reported they Swerc unable' to see more than a few t "feet ahead. I I I- Indications w-re according to weath-, f fer bureau officials, that the storm iwould abate some time tonight and be; I followed by clear and cold weather. 1 Denver and this Eectlon4of the west ' Doday was in the grip of a blizzard, : , ;ihc second big storm for Colorado in V. i week. With the report from Trin- 1 Jidnd today of the dealh of Harry Moul-' L ton. 19, and his 13-year-old brother,' 1 Fred, whose frozen bodies were found 5 fin a snow drift on the plains in Las jAnlmas county, Colorado's blizzard list m , jfrom the storm that swept tho. state t Jast Sunday, reached a total of seven. If - The storm began at midnight. Snow II from one inch to two feet, was re- V- ported to the weather bureau today. I, : d-'ress associations were experiencing -'. difficulties with wires, and telephone H; .and telegraph companies were badly lt handicapped in moving their business.' Ill The storm was general over the, ll "western slope of Colorado, in Wyo-J R la Ining, Utah and northern Arizona. I I Heavy rains fell in South Dakota. Rap-, jj 3d City reporting a precipitation of l!J: 1.70 inches of rain. j L);J The fall of snow was unusually' . 5n the mountains. Along Elk creek,' I j1 forty-five miles from Denver, accord- 1 1 Jng to reports to Vhe weather bureau, I n jLwelvo inches of snow fell between 7 ! I . and 10 o'clock this morning. The pre- I 1 cipitation in that neighborhood since Id 1 midnight measured 27 inches of snow; II at noon with the storm continuing. ' mm Lower temperatures prevailed In Hn Western Colorado. Durango reporting H -.6 degrees above zero. H The weather bureau said tho snow H? would continue most of tonight with Hl ' colder temperatures tomorrow. 1 |