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Show I places r l; Electric ' in your home : Spring House Cleaning has begun. Do away with ' drudgery. Let the Premier Jl'; do it. Cheaper than Brooms few rT- ant ast a e &me. mm cleans three ways. i. i j SUCTION L' jjj RUBBER BRUSH ; r-s: REVOLVING BRISTLE j i. BRUSH ' Every Premier is fully 1 guaranteed. Let us demon- f., r- i strate this wonderful clean- ' , er in your home. No obliga- I j ; tion to buy. We love to demonstrate. : j a j Buy a Vacuum Cleaner ' It rA from I ELECTRIC ! 1 Vacuum Cleaner Co. I l 2422 Hudson Phone 236 J : jj: . I 1 1 in,. , 11 Fti-HrrffyiM- mjy j Buy Q. R. S. Player Piano j j. rolls at the Lyric Music Co., I Phone 173. !! For the good health and prosperity of a community, cleanliness Thetoo, the yards, front and back, should experience' the clean- . ; is an imperative duty devolving upon each individual. The physical0 ing effects of the rake, hoe and shovel until every particle of rubbish ' i well-being of every locality depends largely upon its sanitary regula- aRC garbage shall have been removed, all of vhich should be taken I g tions, and the physical condition has much to do with mental activity Pces ?5lgJtelfa "mP he?Ps" wf the contaminating influ- g and higher intellectuality of the people, all of which makes for a more c " ?ul, to !hf min,mum I? 1unctleanlr accumulation H thrifty and enterprising population. Big accomplishments cannot be of de.bns ,of wmte5. m whlch befouls air, wherever it j , (realized in f filth and squalor, for under such circumstances stagnation may he sbould b confined to flames of fire and turned back to the i i and lethargy predominate and the wheels of progress are clogged-a dements from whence i came In short, our city should be made thriving and happy populace is characterized by cleanliness and purity, c and be keP c ean k," disease germs and unwholesome I both in body and mind. frS be entirely obliterated The city should be made a fit abode J tor healthy, robust and energized people. 1 In the past Ogden has justly boasted of clean streets and homes ' t u- j il v r a i i i i I and it is unquestionable that'this rule will prevail this year. This will lo l? end e fx fathe?s hav planned a clean-up campaign depend, however, upon the energy put forth by the people of the ch hJ Monday morning, April 19th They proffer to haul city during the coming cleanup week inaugurated by proclamation of awa ?reef charge, all rubbish and garbage that may be placed at I ' Mayor Francis. It will be incumbent on citizens to carefully observe ?IaCeS.m the dential dist"cts, the dates for gathering 1 this municipal regulation and take every advantage of the opportunity the. being Pven m this clean-up section of the Standard-Ex- I to thoroughly renovate, inside and out, the business districts and ammer' he people are urged to carefully observe the rules and regu- H homes. This means that the paint brush should be freely used until Ia - A i CamPaig" and havf. tbe ruJ?blh ady for hauling at the fi I new coats of paint embellish the homes ,and business houces from hme an Place d?signated m particular districts of the city. It requires I garret to cellar, both outwardly and on the inside; whitewash and 0nly a comparatively short time at each home to gather together tin calcimine should pervade every nook and corner; fresh, new paper can.3' stacks. A PaPer refuse substances and all kinds of unsightly I decorate every inner wall and the mark of soap and water be in and uncleanly accumulations for sanitary disposit.on. evidence throughout every edifice. COME ON; LETS CLEAN UP! ! j .v: ' ' lO j I Distinct No. 1 South side of Twenty-fifth street, east side of Washington avenue, south to city limits. v ! I District No. 2 West of Washington avenue; south side of Twenty-fifth street to city limits. , V: '4 I I : r . I I District No. 3 North side of Twenty-fifth and west side of Washington avenue to Ogden river; w. i E I District No. 4 East side of Washington avenue, north of Twenty-fifth street to Ogden river. p - 3 "District No. 5 All sections north of Ogden river. 1 I Only accumulations of ashes and rubbish in small lots will be taken by the wagons and motor trucks during the jj I campaign. In order to arrange a schedule for the hauling. away of accumulations in the various districts it is necessary I that the rubbish be placed along the curb three days following the arrival of the wagons in each district. i s In District No. 1 the accumulations should be set out during April 16, 17, or 18, and will be collected April 19, 20 i and 21; District No. 2 rubbish should be set. out April 19, 20 and 21, for collection April 22, 23 or 24; In District No. 3 it g should be set out during April 22, 23 or 24 for collection April 25, 26, 27; In District No. 4 it should be set out April 25, 26, 27, for collection April 28, 29, 30; In District No. 5 it should be set out April 28, 29, 30, to be collected during , the I three days following. ' ' k STAY CLEAN ' V I JMeIW tfl Cleanliness is one of the highest )ft I virtues in life a virtue we cannot til Jj j 3Fms V&M I 1 afford to sacrifice. It Pays to Keep jf i 1 1 Ji .TiLai JL ft-Bmriftj Clean. ; I Partake of the spirit of the Clean-Up Campaign. Use soap and water, I ' lye and cleansing powders; apply the mop, scrubbing brush and broom. ' I Get a new washboard, clothos pins, mophead and handle NOW. Wc will supply you. mt In our store you will find everything for houiecleaning. This is the opportune time. ' J. S. Carver & 8ras 2362 Washington Avenue Phone 227 i I I I mm M I As spring is here, winter's ac- 1 1 Wk l A cumulation of dirt and rubbish ' j$ ws ? must be cleared away. 5 !m. 5 We carry a complete line of Sorubbing Brushes, Floor 1 W Brushes, Window Brushes, Brooms, Paint Brushes, Varnishes I j ' !& anc a1 jPaper Cleaner, I i After the house has been cleaned from cellar to garret, turn S l f; to the yard and beautify your home with a nice lawn. 1 I I FOR RESULTS USE D. M. FERRY'S SEEDS Ij 4 JL' You will find every tool you nted among our up-to-date line I ! W of G-arden Tools, We also have a complete line of Garden I !, . IIo:e. "Bull Dog" is positively the best hose made. Non- ii- j Kink, Vim, and the celobrated "Vholebono Brands. I fygp1- a Drop in and see us before buying elsewhere. I ? ' . Watson-Flygare Hardware Co. ' I p 2414 Vashington Avenue I lteJF' Pstaf that A "CLEAN-UP" without a "paint up" i3 useless and absurd. Not only because houses that are unpainted eye-sores appear uglier and more conspicuous after a "clean up" but because the painted surface, inside in-side and outside can be kept clean, sanitary and germ proof. j Painting is economy the better the paint and its application, and the more promptly it is used on paint-needy places, the greater the economy. The ravages of the elements by sun and snow and rain and sleet k are certain,, unloss your buildings are kept protected by proper paint coatings. j Our Paint Department Is completely equipped, w'fth a full line of reli- I able Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Stains, etc. Also brushes, and other accessories and all reasonably priced. Ogden Paint, Oil & Glass Co. . I 2440 WASHIGNTON AVENUE j does spring cleaning. We can help you with many items from our store. j Enamel Painl f' SmS: Shin un The dust help, $1.50 vac- and germ de- Bu . p S j stroyer; adjust- !S L311 j u u m washer. able with long I S cial 98c I hardwod han- iCp !1 ' die. Extra spe- 1Jlr 'l p cial 75c ; Lawn Hose Fresh stock, high grade. Cut any length from 1 foot to 500 feet. j y2-inch, ft, 16c 5-8-inch, ft., 17c -inch, ft, 18c ; SCRUB igr... t SPADING ! BRUSHES f RAKES II FORKS Mops, rSrooms n , , n , A , c x l Good value. Good, strong 4- 1 Extra good wov- 1yl , na 18 . ' Ar :! en fibre scrub, oA ..79c tme, only. $1.57 long wearing, f 16'tooth 89c Extra strong Only Sc 'V JJ $1.97 Mcterd-Ilint ! I The- CFgpcKEFy People Jf PAINT-Up Use the Best Paint-It Pays 3 Applied as easily and cheaply as in- jk' 1 3 fcrior paint, but It wears longer, and It I I more thoroughly protects the rurface. Vmm 9 For high quality paint and clean-up HH materials at the lowest price; in town, HI! Griffin Paint Co. II J 1st door north of Burton 1(9 I Implement Store pjl |