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Show I THIRTY-ONE SWITCHMEN GO BACK TO WORK; TRAINS LEAVE FOR BOTH EAST AND WEST, OFFICIALS REPORT I With thirty-one men reported at work In the Ogden yards, officials of; theOgden Union Railway nnd Depot company announced yesterday that the; backbone of the strike was undoubtedly un-doubtedly broken and that the re- maunder of the men were expected to return to their work gradually, v ' No violence of any nature has oc- curred In connection with tho return I of the men, It was said. Tho crows on hand are adequate to m harfdlc the local situation at present, Ilt Is stated, cmbargos nn. several roajls entering: Ogden preventing' the' m handling of goods from this city. ' Three freight trains for the east and two? for the west departed from tho' yar'ds Friday evening and several ' trains were ready for departure last' night, the embargo on freight over thc Southern Pacific road holding! j them up at the present time. " Vhile officials have given optimls-j ticreporls regarding the return of thomcn, the switchmen who have remained re-mained out declare that they will not ' go!fo work until given definite assur- t amjfe that their demands will bo cra'nted, according to several of themj ' who attended a meeting of the strlk- ingswltchmen yesterday morning. O. V. R. & P- officials have an-i n.ounced that men who returned tin-. dor the conditions Imposed by the, company's ultimatum will. retain their I seniority status, while men who now report for work will have to start as ! new men. their seniority depending' on the order In which they return. . Tho following statement was prepared pre-pared by switchmen after a meeting' had been held this morning at Eagle's hall: "Seventeen men have reported for work" out of a total of 1 3 V employed , prior to tho demands of Ogden yardmen yard-men for an Increase in wages. Tho issue is-sue is still before those who are out that they want assurance that their reasonable demands will be granted I and every person put hack In their proper seniority numbers before concerted con-certed action will be taken towards relieving the situation in Ogden. "There are some who would becloud be-cloud this Issue but have not as yet been able to do so. Optimism prevails, among switchmen as to the outcome, which will insure us a decent wage for our skilled efforts and faithful service to tho public." Switchmen who attended tho meet- , ing today asserted ihat it was opened j and closed by pra.v. |