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Show LOWOEN WINS , OUTIN 101 Majority of Republican Delegates Dele-gates Favor Governor, Results Disclose DES MOINES, la., April 17 Gov. Lowden 19 the choice of the majority of '"the republican delegates to tho state convention. April 22. in tho counties which had boon heard from tonight. Many of tho counties ' instructed in-structed -their delegations to , work for Gov. Lowden, and In a number (of instances wherr no instructions i wore issued the delegates personally were reported to the Lowden head-uuarlers head-uuarlers here a being favorable to ; the Illinois governor. The slate convention con-vention will have 10 (2 delegates. The Lowden forces asserted G40 were for , their candidate. . Those figures were based on' re-' re-' ports from fifty-seven of the nlnety-, nlnety-, nine counties. Some of the members of the delc-igalions delc-igalions from Black Hawk, Boone, Allamakee, Al-lamakee, Marshall, Dickinson and Da.v-! Da.v-! is counties, were reported as Wood adherents, but the number for Wood 'was not given. The Polk county delegation dele-gation of thirty-two was given instruc-I instruc-I tlons for Gov. Lowden after a stiff 'parliamentary fight conducted by tho i Wood supporters. Efforts of the Wood men to get the Polk county dclega-j dclega-j tion chosen from tho floor of tho convention con-vention also failed, and the delegates were nominated by a committee. |