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Show IS FORGED HIGHMHEflT European Wheat Demand Is Stronger and Embargoes Are Feared j CHICAGO, April 17. Extraordinary high prices for wheat have stimulated ;brisk new advances this week in the I corn market. Compared with a week ago, corn quotations this morning ranged from 2 5-S cents to 4 1-4 cents !up, oats showed gains of 1 1-2 cents ! to 3 3-8 cents, and provisions a rise varying from 17 cents to $1.50. ; Although at times the measures tak-,en tak-,en to bring the railway strike to nn end led to shap setbacks in the corn market, the dominating factor on the i whole was wheat at $3.00 and upward !a bushel. This influence was ascribed in turn to sudden expansion of European Euro-pean demand for brcadstuffs, a circumstance cir-cumstance due partly to likelihood of lessoned production of wheat in the United States this year and partly to chances thai India. Australia, and Argentina Ar-gentina might declare embargoes against the exportation of wheat. The upward strain of the corn market was partly relieved, however, by big resales re-sales of oats which had been pur-i pur-i chased for France. A motive for reselling re-selling was said to be to provide increased in-creased vessel room for Avhcat and rye Oats sympathizing with corn jumped Ic new high price records for the season sea-son and then reacted somewhat. Provisions reflected the grain advance ad-vance and the semi monthly warehouse ware-house report indicating no burden- OUIII U iiv i - NEW YORK STOCK LIST Allis-Chalmers '13 American Beet Sugar 102 American Can -,s American Car it Foundry 142 American Hide Leather Pfd. ...112 American Locomotive 107 American Smelting & Refg 6SV'i American Sugar 137 j American Sumatra Tobacco ... 99 American T. & T 96 Anaconda Copper ' Atchison Sl All. Gulf & W. Indies 170 Baldwin Locomotive 142 Baltimore . Ohio ... 31 Bethlehem Steel "B" 97 Canadian Pacific i 120 Central Leather '. . . . . Sl Chesapeake & Ohio 55 Vt ! Chicago. It. I. & Pac. ... . 34 I Chino Copper 35 Vi j 'Colorado Fuel & Iron SSs i Corn Products 102 j Crucible S;eel ... 262V, Cuba Cane Sugar ... ... ... . . 57 Vi i Erie 13 VJ General Electric '.. '. 151 I General Motors ...350 j Goodrich Co , 09' Great Northern, pfd 77 j 1 Illinois Central ......... S8 ! ! Inspiration Copper ... :'. .- .... 56Vs jlnL Mer. Marine pfd C6 j International Paper ... , SI iKennecolt Copper- 30 Louisville & Nashville .'....104 : Maxwell Motors 34 'Mexican Petroleum 201 ; Miami Copper ... 234 iMidvale Steel 46 I Missouri Pacific 26 i "New York Central .., 72' ;N. V., N. H. & Hartford, 32 j I Norfolk & Western .' 93 (Northern Pacific ... . . 7S j (Ohio .Cities Gas 43 Pennsylvania 44' People's. Gas . 37 I Pittsburg and West Va. 30! Ray Consolidated Copper'.- 19 Reading ? S5 Pvep Iron & Steel ..' 128 Sinclair Oil and Refining 40 Southern Pacific 9S Southern Railway 22 Studebaker Corp '. . 123 Tennessee Copper '. . 11 Texas Co 206' Tobacco Products ... ; 72U Union Pacific ... .' 119 United Cigar Stores 125 U. U. Ind. Alcohol 99 jnited States Rubber 110 Jnited Slates Steel 104 Hah Copper 76 iVesliughouse Electric 51 ft'IUys-Overland 24 fVmerican Z'mz, Lead and Sm. .. 18Vi Butte and Superior 25 2ala. Pelrofeum ... .'. 37 Montana Power 05 3hattuc Arizona 10 American Inter. Corp -....102 Royal Dutch 114 Texas Sz Pac is Standard Oil, ,pfd 107 WALL STREET. NEW YORK, April 17. Easier money and the reported collapse of the railroad strike infused a degree of strength to slocks at the outset of today's shore session, but trading dwindled later, leaders reacting moderately. mod-erately. Motors and their specialties, oils, steels and equipments were among the more active issues. Shippings, rails and utilities, notably gas and local traction stocks also recorded variable advances. Foremost among specialties were the rood and chemical issues. Settlement of week-end contracts contributed con-tributed to the irregular close. Sales approximated 450,000 shares. The bond market was reactionary on renewed re-newed offerings of Liberty bonds and Victory notes. OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle Receipts 334; choice heavy steers $9.5010.25; good steers SS 9; fair steers $68; choice feeder steers $7S; choice cows and heifers $7.503.50; fair to good v.ows and uelf-ers uelf-ers $6.50tfp7.50; cutters $56; can-ncrs can-ncrs $3fa)4: choice feeder cows $5 6; fat bulls $56; bologna bulls $4.5; veal calves ?10ll. Hog Receipts 299; choice fat hogs, 175 to 250 lbs., 13tt14; bulk of sales $12.50013 75; $11.00gll.. Sheep Receipts 267; choice lambs $14.0015.00; wethers $9.0011.00; fat ewes $7.008.00; feeder lambs S12.00 15.00. Arrivals Reno Packing Plant, Lexington, Neb., I carloads hogs. BANK STATEMENT , NEW YORK, April 17. The actual condition or clearing house banks and trust companies for the week, shows that they hold $23,684, 590 reserve" in excess of legal requirements. 'This Is an increase of $11,907,490 from last week, - " t i CASH PRICES. CHICAGO, April 17. Wheat not quoted. Corn No. 2. mixed $1.70; No. 2, yellow $1.73. Oats No. 2, white $1.021.03; No. 3, white, $1.01(7iL02. Rye Not quoted. Barley $1.60((7)1.6S. Timothv seed $9.001 1.50. Clover seed $l0.00'y)53.00. Pork Nominal. Lard $19.75. Ribs 17.75fi'lS.50. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO. April 17. Open 'High Low Close Corn Mar $L6S 1.70 1.6S 1.69 July ' 1.63 1.64 1.63 1.64 Vi Sept 1.5SVJ 1.59 1.57 1.59 Oats-May Oats-May .95 .96. .94 .95 July .$7Vs .SSVi .S6 .S7 Pork-May Pork-May 37:50 37.50 37,05 ' 37.15 July 3S'.50 3S.50 3S.00 3S.15 Lard May .... 20.30 20.25 20:25 Julv 21. 2o 21,25 21.02 21.05 Ribs-May Ribs-May 1S.47N 1S.50 1S.42 1S.50 July 19.05' 19.10 19.02 19.10 MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK, April 17. Mercantile paper 6 7 per cent. Exchange steady; sterling 60 day bills $3.903.90 ; commercial 60 day bills on banks $3.90 ; commercial 60 day bills $3.90 Vi ; demand $3.95V1; cables ca-bles $3.96. Francs: Demand 16.22; cables 16.20 Belgian francs: Demand 15.42; cables ca-bles 15.40. Guilders: Demand .37 11-16; cables 37 3-16. Lire: Demand 22.02; cables 22.00. Marks: Demand 1 59; cables 1.60. Government bonds irregular; railroad rail-road bonds irregular. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, April 17. (United States Bureau of Markets) Cattle Receipts 7,000; beef steel's and she-stock steady to 25c lower; top steers $14.75, bulk $11.50j'14.00; cows, light weight $S.50 f 10.50; canncrs $4.505.00; corn-steady corn-steady to 25c higher; calves steady to 50c lower; top vealers $16.50; compared com-pared with week ago; beef steers steady to 50c higher; she-stock mostly steady to 25c lower; canners steady; j bulls strong to 50 higher; calves $1.50 j to $2.00 higher; Tceders nominal. Hogs Receipts 7,500; market strong, to 40c higher; top $16.30; bulk $15.00 1 & 16.25. Sheep Receipts 3.000; steady; top wooled lambs $21.50, compared with a week ago; lambs and yearlings most-! ly $1.00 higher; aged sheep 25c to 50c higher. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 17. Hogs; Receipts 700; market strong to 10' higher; top $15.25; bulk light and mediums me-diums -$14.75115.25; bulk heavies! $14.4015.00. I Cattle RecelpL 1,500; market com-1 pared with Wednesday. April 7, (day J proceeding switchmen's strike), beefj and butcher SOcffl.oO higher; canners and cutters and calves strong to 50c higher. Sheep Receipts 3,000; market strong wilh April 7. WEAKNESS IN CORN I CHICAGO. April 17 Weakness de-j veloped in the corn market today chief-1 ly owing to prospects of a speedy end j ot the railway strike. With improved traffic condittions. larger receipts were loolced for. Excellent weather counted also as a bearish factor. Open-i iug prices, which varied from un J changed figures to lVic lower, with: May $1.6S to 1.69Uand July $1.63 to 1.64. were followed by moderate rallies, but then by a fresh decline. Oats were weak with corn and as a ; result of continued talk of reselling of j oats on the part of foreigners. After j opening unchanged to c lower, including in-cluding July at S7 to S7Vic, the market mar-ket underwent an additional sag before beginning to react. Provisions declined with grain. Firm-i ness in hog values had only a transient effect. 1 I i I . OMAnA LIVESTOCK. I OMAHA, Neb.. April 17. (United ! States Bureau of Markets) Hogs i Receipt? 75,000; market active, 25 to ! 40c higher; medium and heavy weight 'advancing most; bulk $14.3515.00 top $15-00. j Cattle Receipts 500; compared with week ago; beef steers and she-stock she-stock 50 to 75c higher; bulls fully 25c higher; heavy veals $1.00 lower; stock-ers stock-ers and fecdsrs steady. No sheep receipts; lambs $14.00'?7 15.50; higher, sheep 50c higher; feeders feed-ers normal. START MANY BUS ROUTES Hundreds of motor lines have been established throughout the country since the war as a result of the many roal roads discontinuing the operation ol branch lines because they had I ceased to be productive of revonue for ! their maintenance. OIL LEAKS; BRAKES SLIP Very often oil leaks through the avel tubes fro mthe differential housing and gets on the brake bands, making it impossible for the friction surface to grip the metal drums when the brake pedal Is depressed. To remedy the trouble temporarily, pour a little kerosene kero-sene on the bands, as this cuts the grease. To cure the trouble install new felt washers to prevent the oil getting through the axel tubes. WHAT STATISTICS SHOW In the year 1919 the people of Wis-consin Wis-consin purchased 36,110 automobiles and 4.02S trucks. At $1,000 apiece for automobiles, the investment was $36,-110.000. $36,-110.000. Assuming that motor trucks cost $1,500 each, this represents an in-vestment in-vestment or $6,042,000 or a grand total of $42,152,000. MINNEAPOLIS FLOUR. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., April 17. Flour 25c higher; in carload lots standard stan-dard flour quoted at $15 a barrel in 9S pound 'cotton sacks. Bran $50.00. Wheat cash No. 1 northern $3.00 3.10. Corn No. 3. yellow $1.631.65. Oats No. 3, white 97(f?98c Barley $1.34 1.65. Rye No. 2, $1.971.99. Flax No. 1. $4.604.65. LONDON RATES. LONDON, April 17. Bar . silver 68 d 'per ounce. Money, 4 per cent Discount rates: Short bills. 6 per cent; three months bills 6. per cent. i BUTTER AND EGGS. CHICAGO. April 17. Butter higher; creamery 46?64c. j Eggs unchanged; receipts 18,792 cases. Poultry alive, lower; springs 38c; fowls 3Sc. 1 NEW YORK SILVER. NEW YORK, April 17. Bar 3ilvcr ?L17. . Mexican dollars SSc. COTTON FUTURES NEW YORK, April .17. Cotton futures fu-tures opened firm; May 44.40c; July 39,40c October 36.S5c; December 35.55c January 34.65c. ' SUGAR MARKET. N7W YORK, April 17. Raw sugar firm; centrifugal 19.56c; fine granulated granu-lated 16.5017.00c. LIBERTY BONDS. I NEW YORK, April 17. Final prices qii Liberty bonds today were: 3's .93.60; first .'s 90.30; second 4's S6.9S; first 4VTs 90.30; second i'i's S6.96; third IVi's 92.00; fourth -Mi's S7.00; Victory 3's 96.0S; Victory 4 '96.20. COFFEE MARKET. NEW YORK, April 17. Coffee No. 7 Rio J5 3-16; futures steady; Mav 14.17c; July 13.S7c. COTTON QUOTATIONS NEW YORK, April 17. Cotton futures fu-tures closed steady; May 42.25c; July 39.85c; October 37.00c; December 35.S9c; January 35 00c. Cotton spot steady; middling 43.25c. POTATOES CHICAGO. April 17. Potatoes strong receipts 24 cars; northern white sacked $7.507.70: King's $7.40. |