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Show II t ' 1) z FALSE AGITATION. j r Wherever agitation in favor of Bolshevik doctrines is found, a i i careful tracing to the source should be started. J There is reason to believe that 'much of this v:cious advocating I "of revolutionary methods springs from scheming organizations in ( Europe. The Bolshevik propaganda was manufactured in Germany for the purpose of breaking the resistance of the Russian army and was sue j pcssfully spread by Lenine who is supposed to have been supported j 'An lm work by the German imperial government; " Nothing would be more pleasing to the Prussianized part of the '.! .old German empire than to sec America rendered harmless in trade '-and important in world affairs through the demoralizing effect of Bolshevism. During the war true Americans generally resolved to defeat all scheming propagandists who might seek to destroy the powr of the ' Tnited States by subtle, influences, and that same resolve should bp ; renewed, now that there- is evidence of a foreign evil abroad in America. This country should not be made fertile soil for intrjgue against v , -orderly government and sane conduct. j |