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Show if Weber College to Present Comic Opera I Clever Principals to Be Assist-: Assist-: ed by Large Chorus and ; Good Orchestra I .'"The Xantieal Knot," a two-act comic opera by Maude Elizabeth Incli ajjd William Rys Herbert, will he jm -sented by the .Weber N'ormnl College Monday, April H. The two glee clubs of the .school have Joined together and under, iho tlir.ectjon of Prof. YVU-SliUm YVU-SliUm Manning- are' busy mastering: their parts. Z Considerable eoinpe'tition was I liovii in thj choosing of the or.st Hl-ottie Hammer won out over a mim-Zhnv mim-Zhnv of other students for the lending ;role of Julia, a haughty maid of Barn--stupoole. Miss Hummer has a mellow I soprano voice and csipiibly fills the I I role. j "l-uclla Nicholas v;i? ehoeen to fill I the part of Nance, a gentle damsel. iThis part is difficult, requiring a well trained mezj-.o .soprano voice. Mifcsl Nicholas has had experience on the m Jsiagc and has a beautiful voice which a ; enables her to fill this role woll. ,' pGoIden Bingham, as a husky ne,a J captain, takes the part of. Too Stout I 1 capably. . Mr. Bingham has a fine i baritone voice. 1 Bert Lcishman, a tenor of promise. Barnabas L,ee, displays the artistic artis-tic temperament of a real artist. The difficult part of Bill 'Salt, captain ot J the Bounding- Billow, requiring a strong bass voice and plenty of stage action, is filled by Wallace Budge. i " '.'Supporting these pri -.cipals are lliree choruses of eight sailors, eight Bamstapoole girls and eight artiste and a large chorus of 50 lownspeo- ' lc, ,i 1 " The school orchestra Is furni.shmfr 1 the music at the reheaiaals ami lo-j gcthcr with the Urpheum concert er-l chestra will furnish the nv.vlc the' night of the performance. : The whole- performance is full' or vigor, rich in humor and teeming wth MISS LUELLA NICHOLAS beautiful music. This is tho first attempt at-tempt of the normal college at this line of entertainment, but it pron ises to eclipse all the high class enrer-lainmenls enrer-lainmenls presented by tho AVeber students. no MISS LOTTIE HAMMTCT? |