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Show v I LIBERTY BONDS INVESTMENT SECXJRnTES j WttMUM - OQBcN SALT LAKE. ' Information Bureau $1.00 PER LIN PER MONTH I ACETYLENE WELDING Cast Iron. Steel. Brass and Aluminum wcldod. ORden Weldtnp fc Repair Co. Phone e03-J. 227 Washington Ave. 1-20-tf ANYTHING New or Old ANYTHING A to Z new or old bouKht, sold or traded. Phono .133. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Bram-n-cll Book and Stationery. 2.tr,2 Washington Ave. Phone 3C0. 205S OAJSJKI NG Utah NntUonal Bank, southeast coincr Tvventy-foiirth'and Washington. Phone CI. BUTTER, CREAM &. MILK DEALERS Butter. Efrps. Cheese. Milk and Clean. Economy Butter Shop. 2450 Washington Ave. BOJTLINC WORKS t'Uili Bottlinp Works, manufacturers of hifih Erode soda water, ciders, syrups, and all kinds of fountain supplies. 2512 Lincoln Lin-coln Ave. Phone US. 3-5-3nio BICYCLES AND REPAIRING H. C. Hansen Co.. bicycles, accessories, repairlnf;. VlUilic Tires. 24CS "ludson Ave. BEAUTY SHOPS Bo5jJon Hair Dressing Parlors. Shampooing, Sham-pooing, hairdreslng. manicuring, chiropody; chirop-ody; hair work a specialty. Phone 107-J. Reed Hotel Building. COUNSELOR-AT-LAW T R O'Connolly. Ogden. Utah. Legal advlre by mall. Write me the facta. Phone 393. CARPET CLEANING K. Van Kampen for upholstering, carpets car-pets cleaned, altered and laid Remaking of mattresses. Phone 2752-J. Kxperl carpet leaning, mattress renovating, reno-vating, upholstering, and springs re-str-tched.- Call E. J. Hampton Co., Feather renovating Phone 25iG-V. CHIROPRACTOR Owen W. Halverson. D- C Res. phone mt'6-YV 701-702 Eecles Building-CHOP Building-CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES Matsuha & Co.. leading Japanese restaurant res-taurant In Ogden. 273 2Uh St. COMMISSION AND PRODUCE E A. Oben fc Son. Commission and produce, china, glass and stoneware. We have a big line of chlnaware that we are selling at prices that existed before the war Phone 2S. 2213 AVnghington Ave. 1 CUSTOM SHIRT MAKERS Custom clothes and shirts: exclusive neckwear Leroy Buchmlllcr. 21S2 Washington Wash-ington Ave. Telephone 1313. DENTISTS , ; The New Method Dentists are specialists special-ists in all branches of Dentistry. 2-tf.O Washington Ave 2l'0S ENGRAVING Ogden Kngr.-n inc Service Co . makers of fine cuts in one or more colors. 416 Twenty-fourth street. Phone 4C3. FOOT SPECIALIST I L. J. Barker. 320 Col. Hudson Bldg 'Featherweight nrch supports. Corrective treatment j 313 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES See us for bids on your wiring. Wc also have n complete line of electrical sup-! sup-! piles. The Lighthouse. 2154 Washington ! Ave. Phone 5S1 FIRE INSURANCE Charles Kisenberg- Phono 1S50-.I. Caledonian Cal-edonian rid Michigan Commercial Standard Stand-ard Insurance. 1C75 ELEVATORS Wc furnish and install high-grade electric elec-tric or hand elevators, any rapacity from fi0-lb. dumb waiter to 10 ton. Write Win. ' AVatrouSj 240 Kdlson St. Salt Lake City. i We buy second hand ones. 2-2S-IT ' FEED STORES ! PINGREE FEED STORE J Tlay, grain and . poultry supplies, (let our prices for fresh seeds before vou buy. Phone 73&t 2C16 Wnshlngton Ave-.. Ogdr n. ! 3-5-Imo ! FUNERAL DIRECTOR C. J A. Llndfiui.U, funeral director and 'licensed eniblamer. Prompt and modern ser ice 2620 Washington Ave. Phone ! 520-W I HAY AND GRAIN i Hay, grain and poultry feed Boll Bros. 371 Twenty-third street. Phone 2S45. I 2100 (HIDES VOOLS. FURS O. M- Runan. 22C3 Wall Ave., pays j top prices. Phone 7S1-W. 152S HIDES AND WOOL LTtah Wool & Hide Co., 23G0 Wall Ave., Ogden, Utah. Hides, pelts, wool and furs. Fhonc 2SG. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE I .Y,il?rd. Kn" 1031 estate and loans. 2174 AVashlngton Ave Phone 103. JUNK AND HIDES Western Hide & Junk Co., 2323 "Washington "Wash-ington Avo. Phone Sfil . Ocden Junk House, 2050 Washington Ave. Phone 210- KALSOMINING Kalsomiulng and paper hanging, good work, reasonable price. 3220-R. 110 Thirty-third street. 328 KEY FITTING 1 Key. lock, safe and cash register work Ogden "Welding & Repair Co. Phono 003-.I. 2274 Washington Avo. 1-20-tr LIFE INSURANCE I George D. Bennett manager Mctropoli-I Mctropoli-I Inn Life Insurance Co. Corporation and group Insurance u specialty. 200 Col. Hudson Hud-son Bldg. Phone 12 1-W. MUSIC AND INSTRUMENTS Ezra H. G. "Williams Music Co . 221.1 Washington Ave. Sheet music department anil teachers' supplies; pianos, violins, violin supplies, mandolins, guitars, banjos, records and phonographs. Phono 503. I PAPER CLEANERS I KAISOMINE or paper cleaning. Phone 20-R-ll. 4007 I PRINTING When In need of printing come and cee Dee Prlntcry, 2I2S Hudson avonuc. Phone 732-M. 1531 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Dr. A. Fernlund, office hours 10 to 4 p. m New Pccry Bldg.. Hudson Ave. Res. Phone 640. Office phoo 1000-W. Wlllard Kay, real estate and loans. 2471 Washington Ave. Phone 403. IS74 I SCAVENGER Garbage and rubbish hauled, cesspools and tollols cleaned- John Chlpp & Co. j Phone S28. 234S Hudson Avenue. 3733 1 SANITARY WORK I Sanitary Garbage Co.. ali kinds of rubbish rub-bish hauled. Phono 620. TAILORS Suits made to order. Cleaning and pressing. A, G. Bolander. 2177 Lincoln Ave., Ogden, Ltwh. ' 3-5-3mo ITAXI SERVICE i Tajci scr-ico Phone SI for taxi. Closed jcars only. 2743 TENTS AND AWNINGS I Ogden Tent & Awning Co. Manufac- luicrs of high grade store, office and , resident awnings. Waterproof covers. bags, etc Anything in canvas. 22G3 Washington Ave Phone 26S. 1324 TRUNKS AND BAGS I Trunk and bap repairing, round corner cor-ner from Stundard. Gullacher's, T373 Ilud-jscn, Ilud-jscn, 211S I VETERINARIAN Dr. Bundy, Veterinarian. Phone S23 1 C70-M. 3S3S WALL PAPER CLEANING Lowe & Evans, cleaners of tinted walls and paper. Phone 11S0-J. 273 Paper cleaning, wall washing and general gen-eral houseclcaning Phono 1016-J. 369 Paper cleaning and kalsomining; good work, reasonable prices. 110 33rd St, Phono 3220-R 3-21-lmo j WINDOWS CLEANED EXPERT window and wall paper clcan-I clcan-I Ing, American Window Cleaning. Ph ZSZ |