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Show i oo ;t VALLEY LEAGUERS ij READY FOR SEASON Logan Champions Lpom As i Real Contenders for 1920 Flag (Special to Standard-Examiner.) LOGAN, April 17. The Cache valley val-ley league will open the season on May 12, according to the league officials, offi-cials, which will furnish the fastest baseball to bo found in any of the , "outlaw" leagues of the intcrmountain j J . west. Last year the circuit became j j . known for the class of ball produced j under such favorable circumstances, J,; and this year the improvements over r:' last year will go at least 4 0 per cent, i' The Cache league schedule calls for j two games a week and double-headers p on holidays, which is the busiest card of any of the bush leagues in Utah, .' - Idaho, Montana or Wyoming. Tnc clubs are so arranged that any fan can I see his homo team play any game at ; a very small expenso or none at all, save tho price of admission. Thei towns all -lie within a radius of 37 miles. The officers of the Cache valloy league of, this year are practically the same as last ytfar, and these men have the advantage of one year's experience experi-ence in handling tho kind of baseball the league puts up. The officers cleei-4 cleei-4 fjt ed recently are: President; Dr. S. P. i" Packer of Preston; secretary, Ray Ol son of Logan; treasurer, William J. Allen of Wellsville; ooard of directors, Joseph R. Jcnson of Logan, llermin Theurcr of Wellsville; AVhltney Klin-ball Klin-ball of Preston, Samuel W. Hendricks of Richmond, S. Russell Rogers of Lcwlston and Leonard Miles of Smllh-The Smllh-The Cache league might have lengthened ' out this year to include such clubs! as Ogden and Brigham. . buti the expense of travel compared with the price of play..rs and male-, rials, madp this quite Impossible. ' However, on open dates the Cache " ' clubs are anxious to vie with any Og den club. ' ' Some of; the best players of the Coast league of recent years will oa on the rosters of different clubs in the Cache valley circuit, among which will bo Welser Dell, Gene C'ddora. t Louis Fonseca and others. - Walter Camp, noted football auliior- 1 iiy, says the business of gaining andl j maintaining perfect health has been1 1 - clouded under a lot of rubbish put r--or" forth by unscrupulous quacks who are K not-to be trusted. He adds that pro vides exorcise for the body - is the easiest thing in the world and one of j the most enjoyable, if. done properly. I |