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Show Mi SHEPHERD QUITS i, I. C. I. CLEVELAND, 0., April 17. An at nosphere of suspense and foreboding )ervaded today's session of the sixth '.aliohal convention of the Young Wo nen's Christian Association, following he resignation of Mrs. Finley Sh'ep' lard of New York, foi-merly Miss Hel-:n Hel-:n Gould, from the national board. Mrs. Shcppard had vigorously op losed, but without avail, the adoption :f an industrial and social program al resterday's meeting, committing the Y, ftr. C. A. to use ii,s resources and influ-nce influ-nce in obtaining legislation beneficial o the welfare' ur women and the basing jf active voting membership in stud' nl associations on a simple declara-ion declara-ion of faith instead of a Protestant ihurch affiliation. The resignation of Mrs. Shcppard :ame shortly after the opening' of the msiness session of the convention. Diher resignations, by other board nembers AVho have disapproved the jrogram of the convention supported ) delegates representing the young' ?r and industrial sentiment of the as sociatlon and the student organizations re expected by officials of the asso liation. In severing her connection with the latlonal board on which she had jorved 1-1 years, being a charter mem Der when It was organized in 1906 Mrs. Sheppard said: lesues Statement "As an humble worker for aud in be-iialf be-iialf of ttho Y. w. C A. for a good many years,.! must own to a real grief xv.Qr some, at least, of the sentiment .xpssed andvthc measures adopted y this convehSion. 1 have always be-ijeved be-ijeved in the de.pth rather than in the oreadfh q the tenets of its construction construc-tion and I contend that the association's associa-tion's greatest gifts and accomplishments accomplish-ments lie in l lie; intensification of tho religious aud inner life of the nation's young women. Separated by Wedge. "As an association -we are allowing Durselves to bo Intervened by a wedge Lhat is separating It from the highest purposes of Us constitution and which reasonably may be 'expected to bring ibout its- undoing. "Holding the convictions that I do, mist in loyalty to my Lord and Saviour,'1 Sa-viour,'1 and In justice to my friends and Lo myself, request the Immediate acceptance ac-ceptance of my resignation, which I now' tender as a member of the national nation-al board of the Y. W. C, A. |