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Show iBARlET IN LABORREOUEST American Federation Calls on Congress to Keep Out I , Mexicans, Canadians I . WASHINGTON, April 17. To prevent pre-vent an influx of Canadian and Mexi-'can Mexi-'can laborers into this country, the lAmorican Federation of Labor through jFrnnk Morrison, its secretary, asked congress today to "take any necessary (anion to abrogate orders or the department de-partment of labor permitting temporary tempor-ary admissions of Mexicans and Can-;adians Can-;adians lo work this year in tho beet' sugar industry in Colorado, Wyoming.1 Utah. Iowa and Nebraska. Mr. Morrison told the house immi-Igration immi-Igration committee that laborers "so imported" would oversupply the general gen-eral market. He added that there would be no shortage 0f labor in tho beet industry -Mf "living' wages" 'were paid an American workman. ' "Overwhelming pressure," from members of congress, Morrison asserted, assert-ed, preceded the recent order of the labor department suspending provisions provis-ions of 'immigration laws so aliens might be admitted, but he argued that the situation had been "misrepresented" "misrepresent-ed" to congress. . He submitted telegrams from central cen-tral labor organizations in cities of the five states named and in California. Califor-nia. Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, declaring "every one claims there is no shortage of labor." i The committee adjourned without taking action. Mr. Morrison declared that "advo j cates of cheap labor want to draw on Mexico for help," and' he announced that the American Federation of La i bor did not propose to permit the of-1 fort to go unchallenged. |