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Show I CONSTIPATION TV- CALDWELL'S Syrup j j Pepsin is a combination of siinplo laxative herbs with pepsin that quickly relieves the congestion of undigested food and poisonous waste matter, and rc- 8 stores tbo normal regularity of n natural action. It docs not gripe I or crnmp and is as safe and pleas- ! ant for children as it is effective on even the strongest constitution. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is Hj the indispensable family remedy in thousands of homes and Is sold in drug stores everywhere. In spile of the fact that Dr. Cold-well's Cold-well's Syrup Pepsin is tlie largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million battles sold each year, many who need its benefits hare not yet iis:d it. If you have not, send your name and address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 51 r Washington St., Monticello, Illinois DR.CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN H j THE PERFECT LAXATIVE f Be Careful What You ! Wash Your Hair With I Most soaps and. prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very ' injurious, as it dries the scalp and ' makes the hair brittle. ' i 'phe best thing to use is Mulsified icocoanut oil shampoo for this pure and entirely greasoless. It's very cheap and beats anything, else all to pieces. You : can get this at any drug store, and a' , few ounces will last the whol? familv , for months; 'i Simply moisten the hair with water, i . and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is oil ! that la required. It makes, an abund- . ;ance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses i 1 thoroughly, and .rinses out easily. The 1 hnir dries quickly and evenly, and Is I I sott, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to handle. Besides, it loos-1 i. ens and lakes out every particle of! dust, dirt anil dandruff. Advertise 1 'jnu-nt. I A Simple Way to Remove Dandruff There la one suro way that has never failed "to remove dandruff nt once. an'I Hint is to dissolve It, then you destroy It enilroly. To do- this. Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid nrvon from any drug: store (th)s Is nil you will ncort). apply it nt nlrclu when rctl-lntr; U60 enoiiuh to inolston tho scalp nntl nib ll in scntly with the finger tipn. By mom ins. most if not all. of your dandruff wll! be gone, and throe or four more applications will completely cllaaolv.s ami entirely destroy cvjry siiiBtc sljm and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you mav have ,You will find all Itching and dlirfilnp of the scalp will atop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, histroup, glossy, silky and hoft, and look and feci a hundred times hetlnr. Advertisement. Whatever Yeu Dt Don't Neglect I Your Eyes, Says Dr. Lewis, Who I Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight 50 in One Week's Time in Many A Free Protcrlptlon You Can Have Filled and Use at Home, Pnllndclphln. Pn. Do you ever wear glasses? Aro you a victim of cvo strain o,- other cyo weaknesses? If so. you will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis thero Is real hope for you. Ho says neglect causes more eye troublea and poor sight than any other one- thing. Many whose eyes wore failing say they had ! their eyes restored throiiKh the principle princi-ple of this wonderful free prescription. One man sas after trying It: "I wns almost al-most blind; could not sec to read at all. Now I can read everything without am glasses and my eyes do not water any more. At nlpht they would pain dread-fi.ljy; dread-fi.ljy; now they feel fine all tine lime It! wa like a mlraele to me." A lady who used It says: "Tho atmosphere seemed ha.y with or without glanscs. hut after) using this prescription for flft'ucu lay uvurythinr cema clear, I can even read , fine print without rle." It U believed that thoiiitanits who wear In .an can now discard Diem In a reXAonahlv time nd imillltudei morn will br nblo to trrjigtheii ' tl'rlr eyes to to br spared Hie trouble ( nd expense of eer settlnje Kasa., Byn j troubles ( r deaeiijtioa mij h i Coming to us for all your musical needs is a good habit. Everybody !; S comes to GLEN BROS.-ROBERTS PIANO CO. I j 2472 Hudson Ave. Phone 181 wondorfully benefitted by following the simple rules. Horo is. the prescription: IH Co to any active dnitr store and gat a bot- IH tie of IJon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon- 1 Opto tahlot In a fourth of a class of water H and allow to dissolve. With this liould IH bathoi the eyes two or four times dally IH ion miould notice your eyes clear up per- H ceptlbly right from tho start and Inflam- IH matlon will quickly disappear. If your H oyes arc bothering you, even a little, take H ntops to save them now before It Is too IB late. Many hopelessly blind might hav iaH been saved Jf they had cared for their eyes in time. tM NOTE; Another prominent physician tc ll whom the abovo article was submitted H said- 'Bon-Opto Is a very reniarkahlo M r.'mody. Its constituent Ingredients are H well known lo eminent eye specialist and H widely prescribed bv tlu-m. Tho mnnu- H facturers guarantee 11 to strengthen eye- M sight 50 p-r cent In one wvvk' time, In fH mitny Instances or refund the inonev. It IH can be obtained from any good druggist "H and In one of the very few preparn tlon-i lH I f-l should be keel on hand for r.-jnilnr &HH u.teln almont every family." It Is sold In HH this cit b all cood drtigglnts, Including B A R. Mclntyre Drug Co. H |