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Show f LEADING MAKES SPECIAL TERMS ' -- kI - ; DURING APRIL glb I Down $5 Month jl The Boyle Furniture Company has had considerable Ifei 1 flnJrtl experience m handling the different makes of) cleaners, QI? A UD kW and we feel we can offer you some valuable points're- Djfli jlflll S garding which make to choose. Better visit our d-m- BilWHBlIt JBuf'ill1 r-l onstratmg room before placing your order as we can M IJHIfl I P ' '-c" v ' sve vou mney as well as render you service if any- mmmSSMM f thing goes wrong with the machine. iffliHfe9HsSHIlfl L Organs, $10 up, on terms. Phone 173. Lyric Music Co., Orpheum Bldg. Tho latest jazzes and popular music, IHR bolh on records and in sheet music. h I'HI Phono in your orders. -. 'jVl GLEN BROS.-ROBERTS ! jM PIANO CO. j 2472 Hudson Ave. Phone 181 Hj i TTTT-TBmirpiminjiijjLi C Sl jj We Lead J I 1 1 Others Follow I M ExtFa Pants I MADE TO ORDER SPECIAL AT 1 '1 You get the same ALL WOOL I materials other tailors ask $50 I V' l to $60 for the SUIT alone. Best " I workmanship obtainable and sat- X I , HB isfaction. & I Hl QnXhl"t 1S the biggest ofFer made by any tailor. We have J 11 olce sPring patterns to select from, all for $45 1 WM including two'pairs of pants. . 1 Kyl The extra pants "will double the life of your suit. 1 ' lW We guarantee everything to be first class woolens I linings, trimmingsstyle and fit. Come in now order 1 the best suit of clothes you ever had on your back and I get our extra pair of pants all for $45. I QTrJ Howard Williams l w H HdsrgesWo IB r r'mU MgMIMBIBL . . i,L Vj, M -"B |