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Show i ' I Entertainment at impromptu par- n ' '' ties with a Victrola, Columbia or H i - ' Edison. $25 and up on easy terras. 1 j GLEN BROS.-ROBERTS I PIANO CO. I ' 2472 Hudson Ave. Phone 181 J I Victrolas and Vocalions just past the Orpheum, 2524 Washington" Ave. Lyric Music Co. i LAST & THOMAS B I m Announcing for Next- Week's Selling (two great bargain VALUES 1 1 AT TREMENDOUSLY SACRIFICED PRICES I 1 A SAMPLE SUIT SALE AT FACTORY PRICES AND THE CONTINUATION OF OUR GREAT SILK SALE 1 H I AT EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL PRICES i m The value given in this sale is worth the attention of every thrifty shopper. The tremendous response for 1 P quality merchandise at these surprisingly reduced prices is fully appreciated by the thousands of shoppers 9 j unu ll I n i p v SUIT SALE I I I HeCOFCl rOF VailieS ever held; a value giving achievement unsurpassed with i H 1 $3.25 regular 36 inches wide brilliante lustrous satin stle diversity that is nothing short of phenomenal, and : messalines and chiffon taffetas a full range of color- savings that are unprecedented. New style suits worth H I ings at this remarkable sale price of, yard . $1.98 f45-00 60.00, $5.00, and up to $90.00. Bought at manu- H H p a xTTk o a facturers price concession. There are 125 sample suits B I SATIN FOULARDS - every one smart, attractive and characterized by ex- I H $ Regular $3.00 to $5.00 a yard; hundreds of beautiful treme individuality. At one sensational sacrifice price of B i iancy colored designs, for dresses, trimmings and lin- H H a ings. An unusual big bargain. Special, yard, $2.25 and 40 PER CENT DISCOUNT 13 h S2.95. I m H M ' t t v Handsomely tailored, ripple and flaring style effects, H 1 Three Special Silk Values Inducted in This Great embroidered with the newest trimmings in vesftes, silk j H 0 Silk Sale braiding and embroidered styles; every one lined with m H 1 HIGH GRADE BLACK SILKS silk foulard and all silk satins Such favorable materials g rn A -c.u a u An u i r , 4 as all-wool . tncotine and nne rrench series, and colors Pi $3.0 grade French satin duchesse, 40 inches wide, black nvv hl j rp th nrednminatinp- feati rp nf this I I 1 only. Specially priced, yard $2.10 aS naVy blue ,are tne predominating teatures ot thib m ! ' . amazing sample suit offer. m I $6.50 grade high lustrous imported black charmeuse, 40 m H H j inches wide, at this remarkable price per yard $4.35 wmTs4 ?fJQTIC0AT I I $6.00 grade double faced satin peau de soie; the excel- pnNP1?1? TnTT QPTAT Quality wash petticoats; look w 4.u: j . i i ,i 1111? PONGEE BLOUSES, SPECIAL like wash satin, uentlv hemmed p lence ot this silk is undisputable the very best; black - price $6.25 . with hemstitching. They are $ only, 36 inches wide. For a limited time only at, per durable and practical for sum- jp H yard S3. 95 1 Reelai' 5 values, tailored mer AVcar- M H " ' blouses made of a very fine clii-. , fff x-- . , . pougcej natural colors only, ' BIG- BLOUSE VALUES W p " WOMEN'S PA JAMAS w' for wash and wear they are the For quick selling, dainty assort- j S j SILK MOIRE AND LEATHER S2 25 best that mouev cnl1 buy. Get men I of fancy and plain geor- M H m HANDBAGS . Pink batiste and bluebird nlisso one of them while this low price gette blouses, values up to $15, m H I At a remarkable price reduction crepe pajamas, regular 43 50 is prevailing. . . slightly soiled m liandlmg. At M H I of $3.9S. Our $5 to $7 newest - val'ues, trimmed in laces mid em- - - on? cleau UP Pncc of crr M style silk moire hand bags, and broideries, extra good quality, ,- , KNIT BLOOMERS ' ...?iD0 m H S leather purses. Effectively de- and very low priced. " ' ' Specially reduced on two fa.st B signed with metal and old silver :'-t selling prices. . 65 and 45 !? - f '"" m JM $2 handles, and silk tassels, colors CHILDREN'S NIGHT GOWNS Pink and flesli colored bloomers . ' r Wi and styles according to your for women and children in hirge PTTMPQ 1 d taste. Unusual big bargain of- Finc grade ni ht . and small sizes, well made, with , fUlVirO m fei;ine' Values up to $7 at worth .$1.75, made of a very fine elastlcf wais and g ands; mu a . r , 1 I 0fcQrvA98 ' grade ons cloth neatly trim- ea9' fcJ wasllJ crf"1 That Satisfy and m I WHITE SUITING YARD 35c ' med with laces and embroider- r : gam at 65 and 45d w I oOc grade Indian Plead suiting, ieSj sizes 2 to 16 years, oxeep- ,W '. 1 1 jg so much wanted for middies, otitA Ioav price m H k white dresses, skirts and sum- ' 1 las mer dress wear. Best wearing j- B inose new riDDoni m I material for washing and endur- ties are extremelv H E ttnee. Notice the price of, I 1 1 m 1 J t 1. ' K H I starfsf l Rubber and Mohair rA:I 1 I Women's quality hose, regular Wjk 4 - 11 They are made SO H i Zf:t:G:t::t I Kain Uoats that there is no shp- i I ioa 1 AT A DRASTIC CLEANUP PRICE bSfing aMhe?ides1 I I 1 1 eiaUvprS I CISJIR 011 I AR 1 Come in and Seel I I I round table centers, I A IJL JBU fl 41 ,4XJLV I beauties Priced p I SPECIALLY REDUCED S1.68 I v A 1 , , , c r 1 M I Filet lace edge table cloths, io Women s and mjsses last year s raincoats. Sold for- g ft I I inches in diameter, a regular merly from $10.00 to $15.00. .Slightly damaged and soiled 1 $10.60 to $12.50 m m $2.50 seller, offered at this ex- . J . , 11 - j , x j j a i 1 H I traordinary -low price. These I in handling; good practical coats for dust and rain I I grown Calf Walking 1 H tablecloths are made up in an . splendid for automobiles and traveling. There are only I I Ovfords W I m extra good grade oi mercerized I n i 1 xr i 1 n t I lAiuiu& m m linen, with a three inch wide I 50 all told. You must hurry to obtain one oi these won- I IH I j uS.'.'feiS.ttJ'80 Pat' ,, derful values. I Special, $10.50 I LAST & THOMAS f I |