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Show I 'IP? Dress Your Eyes in Style j There is no more need of wearing i Vfi iH becoming glasses than there is j r-Wf of wearing clothing out of style. g ' tSSaf S?biS The small amount it takes to keep . ffl lra! "tlllv your glasses moBish will also give M ; jr ' r M$ Z you efficient eyesight. H ilibltS We Know How H j 'tyfk. ' After fitting you for vision we de- S IH s'h $&ysi' & J s'gn skS5CS at nve yu a i j i$s& gf I pleasing appearance. It's the judg- m IH , I i tx& J ment, skill and good taste shown IH I in our work that brings us the best 1 I I trade in the city. IH ; "One Reasonable Charge io all" S jf i liik Jewelers and Opticians 1 I 68 i Si Established 1870 amcAN"MA1D EAD I I HUM III! "l1tiTll'r1,lllnRnFrR FROM YOUR GROCER ggiJ . . , i Tho Baptist churches -of this city, in common with ten' . V ;. " '-' thousand other churches over all the nation, are making v final preparations Today for the greatest effort in Baptist " . " ;- r history.4 This is Denominational Day. ."'"'Y ' ' . '. :i. ' On this day the final plans of The New World Movement of ' . Northern Baptists will be laid before every Baptist congregation "'y''-'- - ' in the North. You should be in your pew to hear. - Quicken!--. "' ' ':;1 ; ' TOsuQ,y$ prepare for y out reatert -A ' No solicitation of funds will be made today. Next ? . V i " f the New World Movement Fund of $100,000,000. 1 ( ;: for the vigorous application of Christianity to the ' . flM problems confronting the World. v illli - -"U This fund will be used during the next four years a Mw I " ' ' . . in carrying out the great educational and mis- I m TljS A ; sionary program at home and over' seas. J$j m Hf ' The only solvent for the turmoil of the world is A frcPli 3U A -? - Y ' ; Never before has its need so challenged Christian- '" j jff J jBf fSn 'T.'..."'. . itys power to serve. , ( I ' The" happy, fortunate, prosperous people of J , P ftijS nllf SSJniJ j America can not turn a deaf ear to the world's cry. f j s lpffij I jiP 1 I Th your Churches TO-DA? ! " |