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Show ' RAPID CROWTH OF MOSCOW. Russlsn City Will Boon Rank With tha Largest In Europ. The puputitltou of Moscow shows a remarkably rapid lucruasa. Within the comparatively abort period of SO years the number nf inhabitants has )usl about doubled. At the time of the French Invasion In IMlli the urban Muscovites numbered about 300.0IH), although the official re rums wore 252,. ooo. In 171 the oOlciat census gave the population aa 02,000. In UH2 It waa 7tis.0u0, and . according lo the reckoning now completed thu historic capital contains 1.173.5UO Inhabitants, thus taking tho tenth pUre among the moat populous cities of th world. Moscow rotor area of 101 square kilometers, or only two kilometers less than that of Ht. Petersburg.. Area la not, however, by any meana a general criterion, In question of population, as spiMsrs from the fact that whereas lindon. with the largest population of any city In the world, covera 102 equar kilometers. New York, with a population numbering more than a million less than that of the llrttlsfi metropolis, hss a total area of 795 square kllotnetsrs. Tha population of Moscow la less dense than those uf 8L Petersburg. Glasgow, Umdun, Ber lln and Parts. |