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Show Y. ' ' TUCK -- rtBUIKUt The Owlv Way te Dwl X lh Asms Is Give Tbssa 8avara Thrashing. COn UTAH STATE NEWS 1 tu of smallpox la America Fork There ere twelve ;precsL The opening el tbe public school al Maoti baa postponed on account of tba prevalence oC an epidemic ol bo diphtheria. The board of education of Salt Lakt City baa decided to ralae the aalarlet of practical!; all tbe tcachcra in tb city was week one laat b; da; fojarrd being kicked in tbe region of tbe aolai pleana b; a horse. Tbe linemen in the ample; of tba Rock; Mountain Belt Telephone company in Salt Lake City are on a atrike for an lecreaae in wage. Tbe ore and bullion aettlemanta la tbe Salt Lake market during the paal week amounted to 8314,100. Tbeetock aalcc amounted to 8 317, 707. Willie Halloran of Salt Lake, aged II, who wit abol in the abdomen b; another bo; while on a plcaanre trip, baa anccnmbcd to bit injuriea. The cit; council of Provo baa granted - a franch iae to local capitalist for tbe ronatrnction and operation of an dee-tri-e etreet railway In that city. A gang of robbera have been operating in Davia count; recently, two atore being robbed in bread da; light at Bountiful one da; laat weak, Gua lllumenlbal, a young plumber of Labi, attempted anielde iaat week by taking laudanum, bnl hla life wee eeved by prompt medical attendance. A young woman of Salt. Lake City eeenred a divorce from ber husband one day laat weak, and took another hueband on the evening of tba eame da y. convicted of the , Peter Mortensen, murder of James R. Hay, baa been sentenced to be executed on October 17. Morteosen chose shooting aa the inode of execution. Edward Johnson, n young sheep-herde- r, la behind the bars, charged with embexxlement and abdaetlog a Dr. Peterson, of Kimberly, Bountiful glrl. Johnson admits hla guilt. Fire broke out In a aolid row of wooden buildings at Kimberly on the (lb, but fortunately It was gotten under control after damage! the amount of Isoo had been dona. O, Flanders of Junction met death lu tbs Acute Leung ttiss at Kimberly on the 4lh, when. a care-i- n occurred. Flandera waa caught against a timber and died before help readied him, John Gray, the convict who killed Mike McCorolok, a fellow convict, al tbe state prison, will not be prosecuted for tbe deed, it developing that tbe deed wae committed in self defense. . Thomas Lund and wife and two of their eons of Ephraim, had a narrow escape from death by poison last week. The poisoning was caused by drinking coffee which had been roasted In copper uteostls. George A. Maxwell of Denver, on a single motor, rode an exhibit lou mile on tbe saucer track In Salt Lake City Ust week In 1:17 The time Jm the fastest ever ridden on a western track by any kind of a machine. from Camp Vickers. by Moron, Kept. 1. First Lieutenant William M. Parker, Eleventh infantry, end two aoidiere were wounded and one soldier billed. General Chaffee also ssys: -- Havi authorized Biigadier General Semoel.Sumner to niovo troops into Maelu country and exact promise of good behavior ia future from dslos and followers. Troop hev been attacked twelve times since Me; 2, with toss tow of four killed sod twelve woUndedT"Wc have remained atl the lime quiet, seeking friendship, noting In only. Some time ego General Cbsffet asked for aothority to attack tbe Voro immediately, hut be wet advised that the department wished to avoid hostilities, If possible. At lb same time It has long been the belief of officials of tbo depart meet that an aggressive campaign In Mindanao is inevitable, and it would not be surprising if there should he a forward movement of the United States troop iu a abort time. self-defens- e TO THE 80TT03 Attack IN THE GERM OP CHOLERA INFANTUM. Crete-e-Pierro- tember 3 that I Germatr steamer lie Markoinennis, ('eptain ILansen, belonging to tbe H s m burg-- merica n Packet company, having on board arms ami ammunition sent by the provisional government to Cape Haitian, had Hopped Sept. 2 by tbe Firminist gunboat at the entrance of tbe harbor of Cape Haitian, and that an armed fore sent on board the steamer from the ganboat took possession of the war munitions in spite of the protestation of Captain Hansen and the Germao consul, wee a steel screw The vessel of 9it too displacement, She was armed with one disc, on four two Maxim mac hi oe guu and four Nordenfaldt , machine guns. The Panther ie a steel eruiser of 897 tons. She was built at Danzig In 1901 and Is 200 feet long. She It nrmed with alx quick-firin- g guns, tlx sad two machine guns. 'The Panther left Germany July 9, for the A bn Crela-a-lierr- Town HALF band wantonly killed two women and one girt and wAuuded several other person. A detachment from the native arrived unexpectedly stabulary con- at LagumanAe while Rio's men were still there. They attacked and routed tbe beodita. killing several of Rios's follower. and have rounded up 700 men, many of whom are suspected of complicity in the attack on Lagumanoc. The guiliy opes smoog the 70Q men will be picked out and the remainder set at liberty. One of Rios' lieutenants who was wa a direct decaptured said scendant of God and that it wax beyood tbe power of man to injure him. The constabulary have also captured cne of Rios's inaio strongholds. s DEADWOOD GETS CONGRESS. Crete-a-Pierr- - The aaaina vl Mlalag Congraas ta b Haiti la That CHy. Ptiaaia Wblcfc Orpatoa A vaf tblktraa The death of Joho D. Rockefeller's grandaoa Jack. two years ago, has enabled two students, on at Johns Ilopkios and the other at the Univermt Hiraata 1.4-ln- cb Crete-e-Pierr- Is SI. VIstMl VWs (fssrtsr-MI- l Kingston, St. Vincent, dispatch The sights in the Windward district of this isiaod resulting from tbe eruption of Soufriero September rd are very interesting. Tbo Rabaccs river it a stream of firs a quarter of a ml) wide. Tbe river bed Iscontlnually throwing up dens cloud of steam, mul and pebble. The land' has spread farther southward and ia changing considerably the appearance of tbedle-trtfrom whet it wen prior to Ka pte robe r 3rd. Probably this is caused by the ejecta that flowed down the slopes, fiiliog the sea about the coast. A says: at on eelf-defen- e, lf BILLION LIVES IN PtNGER OF ING BLOT fEO OUT. BE- elrass laaesaaaa la Activity aad Fartha ICcSptlaas ara II oasati tartly Kip.rt--J a Hag Maaatala Faak lata Crater. Top-pla- The report brought, by the royal mail steamer Yaree, which has arrived at Castries, Island of St. Lucia, B. W. I., of the loss of 2,009 lives through the recent outbreak of Moot Pelce, referred to tbe deaths since Ang. 30, and not to the loss of life resulting from the reported outbreak of Wednesday, SepL 3. Tbe state department bas received tbe following cablegram from United State Consul Jekyt at Fort de France, relative to tbe latest eruptions of Mont Pelee: Two violent eruptions of Monk Pelee, Aug. 30, destroyed village of Morns Rouge, Ajoupa Bouillon, devastating area including Paroasse Mourne, Car hot Mourne, BallaiH Bourdon Heights. Estimated liOO killed; many injured. It is generally believed that the Island of Martinique ia doomed to total destruction, and tbe fear ia that when tbe catastrophe comes. Guadelope will be visited by an tidal wave. Business is absolutely at a standstill. Few shop are open, and if it were not for tbe efforts of a small number of tbe more valiant souls, hundreds would starve to death here, because of their fear of a more terrible death. Detaila that have been received during the last two' days, prove that the eruption on Mont Pelee of August 39 was far more violent than any of tbe Crete-e-Pierr- GREAT RIVER OF FIRE. f 'riant 3.9-ioc- b, 3.4-ln- oh sity of Pennsylvania medical schools to discover what is believed to bo the organism or germ of disease that carried off so many little one every summer and which is commonly called summer complaint. When little Jack died, two year ago, Mr. Rockefeller Is said to have offered a fund of 8700,000 to be devoted to research. The outcome of this offer ia tbe reported discovery of the fatal germ. In fourteen ease the organism found ia nearly identical with that wbicb prodacea dysentery in adults. A fifth annual session of the International Mining congress, which has been in session in Butte, is n thing ef the part, and when it reconvenes in the joint city of Deadwood and Lead, 8. D., it w ill be the American Mining congress, the name having been changed. The following officers were elected: President, J. B. Richards, Idaho; first vice president, 8. W. Russell, South Dakota; second vice presiCaribbean sea. dent, E. R. Buckley, Missouri; third The erew of tbe lef jf rice president, Thoms E. Ewing. Calithat veaael amid great disorder,. Ajl fornia; treasurer, Charles W. Goodale, earlier explosion. As the eruptions continue, the mouth tbe end of fifteen minutes tbe Panther Moo tans; executive committee, Joseph of Mont Pelee grows iu size, it is now sent n small boat, carrying one officer L, K. Armstrong of Washington. Geo. of enormous proportions. Morne Laand twenty sailors, who were to take' J, Graysoo of Oregon, W. M. Kendall one of the peaks that reared skycroix, possession of the Firminist gunboat. ef Ohio. . from the south side of Pelee, has ward When these men bad arrived at n point v The selection of Dead wood and Lead fallen bodily into tbe crater and bas about twenty yards from the City, 8. I)., as the place for holding tbe been There completely swallowed. flames were seen to break ont text meeting of the congress was efon bomrd of her, 8be bad been fired fected eery quietly and there wae little seems to be a aide pressure in the crater and the burning chasm widens perby ber crew before they left her. Tbe or no opposition. Tbe time for holdceptibly every day. Panther then fired on the vessel n til ing the session was fixed for the month Cloud no more hang about the crest aho waa completely immersed. Thirty ef September, next year, but a definite of MoDt Pelee. Tbe terrific heat seems shots ail told were fired. dale will be fixed by the executive to drive everything away. The column SummUlee. of flame and smoke rear directly into BARTHOLINS BODY FOUND IN AN IOWA CORNFIELD. the heaven so that its top is lost to Ksla Ran lata th Bay. slghL In the darkness of the night it v An extra switch engine of the South f Motbar a ad Uweathearl Merdarer - Clients Ira Pacific company, while standing hasj.be appearance of a stream oi molHaag eras by Taklag Hie Owa LIT. leuealb the coal bunkers In the Weak ten Iron, standing fixed between Tbo body of a man thought to b Oakland, CaL, yards waiting for n heaven and earth. From Moroe Cape William Bartbolin, accused of tb diasge of erewsj was bumped into by th relief troop were compelled to murder of bit mother and aweelheart I freight train and tbe throttle thrown make a quick retreat, although they in Chicago a month ago, waa found In pen. The locomotive plungedfor-ar- d Succeeded in taking out fejy wouod, 'field' near Lowib'er.Ta.Y 290 mile instantly nnd began a runaway ed. The entire country nearly to Fort from Chicago, lie bad been shot in kip through a network of hundreds of d France is buried under a deep coeer fide tracks and headed for the West of as be a. , This has mad it almost im- tbe bend and a pistol lay nearby In the mans pirrUrt trsi a V Uyn eug Mnlsi. dozes trai1 impossible to find the bodies of thosewbe have pCrithell whl fleeing tq the eea- leasing to the murder of two momeo and 3.&J0 passengers from Kan Frapel soast. ia Cbfeago, and one signed Misnie co were waiting to be earried overland Constantine Carra, one of tbe few Mitchell,' the name of Bartholin! to local pointa. By a fortunate chance murderer fiancee. Nothing wa said the tower man, knowing the engine who succeeded In escaping from Morns of the death of hla mother, Mrs. Anna waa not manned, threw the runaway Rouge after theexploeion, fouDd refuge Bartholin, whose body was Zoned iu onto an extreme outside track, thua off the steamer Esk. She was with tbe basement of ber residence in Chi- averting a collision with the standing twelve others in her house when Pelee trains or preventing tbe iron monster gave its first warning of the disaster cago three week after the sop flei The town authorities at once oted from erasbing through tbe waiting which it was about to pour upon the tbe resemblance the body bore to th rooms at the ferry depot, crowded with upon the village. 8he said that tbe description of the Chicago fugitivt. Il human beings. The engine attained a first explosion destroyed many bouses. waa then that a more careful exeniu-atio- u apeed of thlity-flv- e miles an hour be8be was burled with great force we made and tbe note confes- fore it plunged off the end of the track against the wall of the room in which sing the murders was fouod. Tbe towr into tile water of the bay, making a wae sitting. On recovering from the authorities burled the body, but it wil' leap of fully thirty feet The huge shock, she ran outside, and there saw be exhumed to remove any doubt aslc monster lion lies buried uoder tweuty three seperate tongues of fire sweeping feet of water. the Identity of the suicide. down from the mouth of the volcano. 1 he earth shook with so great violence Bartholin's note referred to the twe Blown From Ibo Moaih of a Cannoa murders and declared that no on ex that she could not retain her feet. While the guns of the fort were Kite w a Minded by the glare of the , y, tbceom- gepiJiilfca.HM!eed erTtS-rWrightFishbu tBCDeet mission of the crime. Th note filled flames. The heat was so terrific that N. Y., Edward Roy was one and a quarter pages of letter pa pee er Island, flesh waa blistered. She awaited her ioatantTy kiTled lv the premature disand wae signed Wm. Bartholin, death she believed to be inevitable. the e of gun; Harry A. Other letter found on the body, charge the flames swept to one Davis died later at the hospital from Fortunately were writteo two years ego and were aide of her end she was saved. Injuries received, aud a third mao, At Grande Anse the tide swept 300 signed AL M." -- The initials are sup- Samuel Clevenger, was severely wound-- , posed to stand for Mtonie Mitchell. In shore, deetroylog many houses feet ed. Several others suffered slig ht inand drowning scores of inhabitants. Uvelale Hall In aa tbs lathmaa ExpaetsU Even at For de France the most juries, All the men were privates of Official circles iu Panama, Colombia, the Second company, coast artillery, stout of heart have lost courage. hold to the belief that within a short of th Colouei LeCoeur has reported to hi regular army. Roy waa No. 3 that it is his opinion the time a great battle will take ' government and was man the at tbe gun, handling entire isltnd of Martinique will have somewhere In the Interior of theplaee lie had put a thirty-poun- d de- powder, He asks for assistbe abandoned. partment of' Panama that will decide charge into the guo. and had just to tbe fate of the revolution. .General pushed tbe breech block into place ance in transporting the inhabitants to the otjierlsland of the West lodieu f1-- ' .governor of 1 auama, anxiously without locking it. when the ezploKion desires to leave In command of an ex- occurred. It la supposed that a piece group. left-i- e pedition for tbe relief ot General Mor- of burning rag haid-be- ea tbe VENEZUELANS ARE 8TARVINO. ale Bertl at Ago Du Ice, but th gun. Roy was literally blown to pieces, national government does not want to Davis was bit in the cheek by a piece Gnat Suffering as a KaaalS af the engage in battle with the revolutionists of flying bone, and sustained fatal tract War Maw la Pregraee. Until ail th force ordered for the . United States Minister Bowen et isthmus and th remainder of the 3,000 Famous Frotasaor Brad. mn who were at Hoods aball have Caracas has forwatded to the state dearrived. rrof, Rudolph Virchow, th patho- partment, under date of Aug. 2, a logist, ia dead at Berlin. Tbe papers plaintive pies for the poor people in OLD FEUD SETTLED. print glowing eulogies of tbe deceased that capital, who are Buffering great Bloadj Flbl Oerara la WbleH Oaa Mas professor, classing him as the world's misery as the result of tbe protracted to Klllsd. greatest medical and scientific reformwar now in progress. The special plea Ten mileeeest of Durant, Oklahoma, er, and saying that no other man bad ia mad by Rev. T. S. Pood, tbe senior a feud waa settled by a bloody fight so deeply iefiueneed modern medicine, American missionary In Caracas, and In the road between Rev. W. E. and that no other had such a worldMr. Bowen ha undertaken gladly to Whaley and his two sons, Ernest and wide reputation end so many follower receive any contributions That may be Alt bis on tide and J. A. and J. E. !a all lauds. The papers also- praise sent from America to hia legation. He Richardson sod their brolber-ie-tahie humanitarian activity ia improving Mr. Pond does not that propose to nays John Waltenhurger, on the other. The the Bertie hoapitals sod other sanitary rw money to the poor, but only proelder Whaley was killed and Alfa arm institutions, end the Liberal organs visions that are cooked. lie needs, were shot to pieces, while J. A. extol hie political activity end unaccording to Mr. Bowen, 83,000, but Richardson received a severe flesh could easily use five times that amounL swerving liberalism. wound. FEALTRACEDY ON STAGE. SHOT ON THE STREET. Craabad to ltoatb by Aatamobll. One person we killed end two were Jalla FaekvF. aa Aetrvsa. Kills Har Laver, Kegra Attamptlag ta Kaeapa Fram OAcaru to Kill. Tbaa Commit Baked- Injured by an automobile at Vineland, Edward 3 Saturday. The dead man was colored, waa fatally Brown, an , Jelia Fackey, actress, shot Jot! ns street on wounded tba of 8L Louis. Alonzo WUberg. aged n. Ills father Bardoss on the etager-T- he had couple A n b ie Gates, aged 12, accused tin and a friend were the other victims. been engaged but Bardoss' affections Young Wtlberg was riding a bicvcle, had cooled and be bad given up bit negro of ebaeiug ber, Hq was capwhile bia father and friend were iu a fiancee - Ia tbe play Julia had to shoot tured aad identified and was turned over to a policeman, but jumped out of carriage a few feet ahead. Suddenly Julius, who acted as her eweethearL tbe patrol wagon and ran. Citizens an automobile came up from behind. Bullet were placed ia the revolver inIt wa going at a high rale of apeed stead of blank cartridges, with fatal and officers pursued, fi?0? at the fleeand struck young Wilberg. He was results. Afterwards Miss ing negro. Two bullets brought him Fackey comthrown from hi wheel aud the anto-mob-'le muted suicide to tbe ground, and he died twenty ber veins. by opening minutes later. panned qver his body, killing - him instantly. 4.7-ln- eb, 2--5. m t, which The gunboat was iu tbe service of tbe Firminist oarty, ha been sunk at tbe entrance Of the harbor of Gousive by the German gunboat Panther. Tbo crew left tbe veaael before she went down. , Tbe German gnoboat Panther reached Port at Prince hr plain ber 5. It wa announced from t ape ilsltlen'oo Sep- NEWS SUMMARY. MARTINIQUE IS DOOMED. 0.7-fac- h' Rtrlklag Miner Ural Man te Baelh. Two Italian striking miners named Frank Portray and Kislino Van Costello left their home in Swoyereville, Pa., to go on a hunting trip. Aa they approached th Harry E. Colliery they were held up by picket who mistook them for armed non-unimen going to work. Van Costello wan shot in the leg sod hls bfaitis beaten out with stones and stubs. Hie companion was besleoso badly that his life Is despaired of. The frieuds of the Italians threaten to kill the nien whocouimtUed the assault on their co untrymen. Matte Mni Bud. JH csrcsMws of Jiw JgeiUml heep, brought to London by steamer, Eugene Duggioa, a thirteen-year-ol- d Provo boy, was, shot-l- a tbeforebead have been consigned io the sen inimfit a rifle fn the hsndeofa for human food. On the arrival of the by vessel at Loudon th mutton was in youthful companion, the bullet flatten- - such a shocking condition that the lug against the boy's skull. Strange authorities ordered the ship to go to to say heauffered no serious wound. sea sod throw overboard hrr eotlre f Barney Eckstein, a bartender, shot cargo. nnd Instantly killed J. A. Jennings, a EMULATING TRACY. bridge builder employed by the Oregon Short Llo Railroad company at a re- Mavdarar at Iowa Hhartff la Htldins I'p Farraheaiara. sort near ISalt Lake City. Eckstein A is elalme the shooting was in posse pursuing rFederick Cams but the sheriff la investigating, tbe the slayer of Sheriff Strain of Whiting, ease on the suspicion that Jennings la.; who is supposed to be hiding on bau been robbed and murdered; the Winnebago reservation, north wel A potato is being exhibited in Balt of Omaha, Neb, Caros ha sriued liim-seLake City than wbicb a more perfect with rifle and carries a large flt could scarccly bc modeled by a amount of ammunition and' Is said' W ek tiled worker In tie; than this tuber be emulating Tracy, the Oregon conbsAd. Every Unger ia perfectly shown vict, At several farm house he has even to Incipient nallt, while the pro- secured meals and left word of deHsnce for his pursuer- portions are all correct. A small child of David Shaad, Jr Mae Lies n Itsvs U tth Hruhsa Ksek. of Maatl, met with a painfnl accident Julian J. Adams la dead in Butte, a few days ago In whlchthree of her after llagerlug five deye le greet peln fingers were badly bruised by accident- with a broken neck. Adame was standally putting tbem into a feed chopper. ing oe the platform of tbe It may prove necessary that tbe tlpe hense ie tbe Northern Pacific freight yards of the Angers be amputated. , whee two horses became frightened la all portlona of the mining dn and began to ren. Adams aUenppled trictsof Bearer county tbe greatest to stop tlx frightened animals end waa thrown heavily to the ground, reunitactivity ia apparent. Properties every direction are being worked and ing in e broken neck. Tbe doctor from not a few of them pvl reports alteadlng him pronounced hie ease to are dally being made. Ilu nl.is are be e remrksbls one, as he lived five literally alive with prospectors. days with e broken neck. While attempting to ernes the big Raw Eaa tone's pilot Mle tolar Due Sevier river bridge at Deseret, Lik Chaom Far Basra. threshing engine and tank broke The prim minister of New Zealand, through the bridge and fell a the hot-to- Mr. 8eddon, delivered a characteristle of tbe river. Engineer hw not farewell address at Plymouth, England, down with the machine et when taken out it wae found be he I s Ironcn upon hia departure for borne. 'He advocated e national council for cmPiial leg sod waa otherwise Injured. J. C. 1rout of Ogden and Nelson affairs, and advised Secretary Perkins of St. Louis were killed in an berlin that the leaders of theoppewition accident on the Southern Fact fie near vi'i vKitlng, all tbs colonies. Mr. .Ogden last week. Tlietwo men were Redd ou said the cheering of the Boer riding on the rear end -- of n taboo- -, geeerale we notjCousisteet with Hrit behind which were some other cars. leh dignity nnd that It would not eom-me- nd when th rear ears crashed itself In th coleniva. th caboose, khug both men.through - TINT GUNBOAT WAGE WAR ON WOMEN. HARBOR OF 60NAIVE8. Kloe, a fanatical leader of the natives Tbs war department has reeslved a .1 cable dispatch from General Chaffee, in the province of Tayabae, Luzon, atH'laatad to lb KnaliUwWt tacked tbe town of Lagnmanoe, Sepdated Manila, Sept, 6, stating that an Tbs taa and Had BwllJ Saiaed a Maaraar or tember 3, at tbe head of 30 riflemen attack waa made on tbo United State tba Haaabarg Amrrieaa Farfcat t'a. . and 150 men armed with boioa. Tbo troops at Matiliing falls, seven miles UTAH. COALVILLE. GERMANS MIX WITH HAITIENS KINDNESS WAS IN VAIN., COALVILLE TIMES. - f Vlf fir-T- Destructive forest fires have occurred recently in every part of Greece. Martin Ruix is dead at his home la Santa Monica, Ckl at the eg of 107. Anthracite coal i being shipped to New York from London, on eccouutof the strike. in.Engineer BaUen was severely Rock at accident a in railway jured Sprlogs, Wyo. The total valuation of the reil estate-ithe etty of Chicago is shown to b 81,382,558,875. Two electric cere on the Fort Snell-ing-- ht Rsul line collided and ten persons were injured, none fatally. ' The imports of drygoods and merchandise at tbe port of Yew Y'ork last week were valued at 811,865,180. A tornado struck tbe town of Albia and Uiteman, la. In the latter place several house were blown away. Mrs. Joho Flanigau of Uutbra, O. I., was burned to death while attempting to light the fire with kerosene. At Butte, Moot , Jemes Morten has been sentenced to death for the murder, at 8ilver Bov, of Brakeman William. The corporation of Limerick he resolved to offer tbe freedom ef tbe city to Generals Botba, Dewet and Delarey. A runaway tram car at Glasgow, Scotland, ran into three csrs wetting el a crossing, twenty persons being injured. At the eloee of the seventeenth week: of the miner's strike both sides to the con test say they are satisfied with the situation. An explosion in a colliery near Rhymley, England, resulted in the death of thirteen and the serious injury of seventeen. Id a fight between joint raiders and proprietors in Kzosaa City, Kan , Pan! Radamacker, a cooper, waa severely wounded. Michael, the bicyclist, while training, ceme into a terrific collision and possibly permanently disabled Hu ret, the French champion. In a wreck on the Northern Pacific a on the line Engineer Owens was killed and hia fireman aed a tramp severely injured. Neither the partial nor the total evacuation of the island of Martinique has been decided upon by France. The question bas not even been considered. President Roosevelt has placed himself on record as opposed to any inhumane uae of horse In tbe coming cowboy race from Dead wood to Omaha, Reverend Yeslie Atmitage, of White Sulpber Springs, Mont., while hdntipg, accidentally shot bljnnelf and waa dead when fpund by a earehtng party. . President Roosevelt'S accident has strengthened tbe outcry in this Country against th present inadequate regulations for tbe Control of motor traffic. A suit for 87.i,0O0 damage against the California raisin combine has been begun in the Foiled State Circuit court, San Francisco, uoder the Sbyr-m- an anti-trulaw. masked men, supposed Twenty-fiv- e n to be miners, killed 400 sheep on Horn Mountain, Oregon, because the sheep were on what is termed the miners reserve. In a gate on Oull lake, Michigan, a rowfioat containing A. C. Miller of Battle Creek and Herman Buer ami Henry Buer of Yorkville, Mich., was capsized and alFthree were drowned, ldaho-Moutan- Y . ' st the-Gree- Levi Ashenfelter, whose name was a terror to the Indians on the Wyoming frontier in the early days tf bloody" warfare with the savages, died, near Covina, Cal., from accidental injuries h susta'ned while loading hay. Fisher Million,, a negro tried before Judge Davis in tbe county court at Shelleyville, Ky., has been found guilty of vagrancy, end sentenced t be sold into servitude for a period of twelve month, tbe highest penalty. Harvey Logan, alias Kid Curry, the alleged ringleader ia the Great Northern train robbery in which 840, 00 worth of unsigned Montana bank bills were stolen, has been turned over te the Federal authorities at Knoxville, Tenn. Barcelona police lnterferred in a workmans meeting and made several arrests. A crowd then tried to rescue the prisoner and cavalry guards charged and fired on tbe people. Gee man wa killed and several were wounded. Secretary of State Dunbar of Oregon ha paid th reward for th capture of Harry Tracy to five men of Crecton, Wyo., who wonnded the outlaw at the Eddy ranch, near Creston, and captured him. Titus ends the Tracy chapter in that state. American dressmakers, in convention next week, will lay plans, it is reported, for an invasion ot Europe in relalialioL fur the manner ie which Paris and other Eurothe modiste- pean cities have beru making inroad upon their custom. Berlin bourse last weetriacked a uni-- " form tendency. The ra -- r d- vane of coal and iron snare of the previous week, io unite of the un- - w .. rid 1 pleasant reminders that the industrial situation had not yet improved, waa seen to have been unwarranted. $ ' -- 4 |