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Show TWO 8OUL8 AND BO FORTH. Diffident Youth Learn 8omthlni From Summer Girl. They were wandering about the dark, deaorted plana, arm In arm, talking loftly, a people usually do nndor auch circumstance. They had only known each other two day, but the dsy wore long it a aummer hotel and time Is short. Tbl may eem like a paradox, but It Isn't. He was a summer young man, as aba waa a aummer girl, and he was not accustomed to crowding th mourner, ao that, notwithstanding he had been very devoted, he bad been aomowhat diffident In the material ma-terial expreaalon of hi devotion. The girl was quick to note this, but he had not caught on. He was still permitting "I would" to wait on "I dare not." Bo It waa they strolled up and down, up and down, on that plana, nnUI the girl tired. As they turned at a faraway corner, cor-ner, she ssw a lonely cbslr waiting Invitingly. "Mr. Jerome," she said, coyly, "there's a chair. Let's alt down." "Permit me," he responded, gallantly gal-lantly .-'tig It forward. 'Take thla 1"' me .'Olh--" ( th- girl y 1 ''a',, take It Bhs ' 1 i thoro Uurlitng- u cuto little ,4, appealing laugh, and soroe-' soroe-' Mr. Juromo tumbled to the fact I 'i4. . one chair was plenty for two If i 1 msr only went about It r!'ut |