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Show LAST OF FORT QUNNYBAQ6, From Its Wlndowe Ban Francisco Murdsrera Ware Hanged.. What la possibly tho most Interesting Interest-ing historic building In San Francisco, the old , two-story structure on Sacramento Sacra-mento street, between Davis and Front atrecta, which served aa head-quarters head-quarters for the vigilance committee of 1850, Is being partly torn down. It will bo rebuilt and its Identity so merged In the new structure that Its historic lnteroat will be loat. It waa hore that organization of the committee proceeded, and In Its rooms that, on tho following day, Caaey and Cora, the slayera of King and Richard-aon, Richard-aon, wero Imprisoned after their surrender sur-render by the authorltlea to the committee. com-mittee. The trials were held here, and from the projecting beam of the old building Caaoy and Cora warn hanged "ou "tu. aftornoon of May 22, whliu' thousand of armed vigilant kept bark the 10,000 people that crowded Into the vicinity of the aeon of ex cutlon. The committee continued to meet In the same rooms, and the subsequent fortification of the building with a breastworks of gunny bags Oiled with sand gave the place the name of "fort Qunnybaga." Not until William T. Coleman and his fearless associate had completed the work that struck terror to ths hearts of the lawless and had adjourned, ad-journed, did the building now being destroyed cease to be the center of fearful and wboleaome Interest. |