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Show The Last Rssort. The mother of the thrno unattractive unattrac-tive daugbtera stepped from the train, followed by th father. ' "I'nless we get the girls engaged here." she said In a whisper, "there Is no hope." Upon the ample lawn the pater counter! ninety eight girls. In the middle atood the lone summer man, answering eighty sine quectlou al one. Th pater groaned, aa be felt his depleted pockotlMMik. "Yes." , lie answered, hnaraely, "1 fear In every aeuse uf the word, this Is the laat resort!" t'luclnnitl Com uierclal Tribune. Race Spirit of Bosra. The lloer leaders ars exhorting tbelr people to preserve the race spirit, writes a reporter for the New York Bun. At tbe same time they acknowledge acknowl-edge frankly that South Africa I now under on flag. Why ahould not th Dutch keep up the tradition of their country, aa Scotland, Wales and Ireland Ire-land do! Anyhow, as metiers now stand, no other colony haa such a glorious glor-ious past lo point to aa th former South African republlca. |