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Show is ' OLD FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE - personally interviewed at their homes' pttation, headache, and nervousness lay Doan s Kidney 1'ills cured them (passes away; swelling of the limbs Thousands took advantage of this' and dropsy signs vanish. They cor following free offer diret!y it was' reit urine with Frick dust sediment, inad$. t Friends heard of their cure ; high colored, em essive, pain in pass-thus came the 'great fame of Doans. ing, dribbling, and frecjuertcy - These They realized what they promised pills dissolve and remove calculi and 1 By their direct action on kidney gravel hey are free to readers of structure, backache, bad., hip, and this paper tor a tew days Cut Out J he loin pain is removed condi- coupon, fill addiess plainly, nd mail. tions causing sleeplessness, heart pal roster-MillnirCo , Buffalo, N. Y. n You Get this Free by Cutting out this. Doan's FOSTER MILBURN CO., Buffalo. N Y. Pleaae teed me bp mail, with do charge, trial box Doeava Kid fCidney mey pm; ' --ASTf Fast ob. Pdia. oit .. ... State W1m COUpdl ipicc ufikterH to iccmtuikmUic pLua wa acpMratc slip. k not tt WIU ttiiinrt, Name tbs - . I paper xgrssgsa: CRADLE CQMLS MILITARY PACK. v t MARS AT UK. TD STOP y,ROQT2fi:S.QI?OWiyG. Most Impressive of fhlpbeard Ceremonials. J ...By long odd's the tmibt Impresari ot The ceremonies that occur oh1 shipboard Is the military- taass on Sunday Nothing less than a Tull cathedral service for Catholic's, yet the attendance of all sorts, sailors. dffleexe and casuals The atterhatch oqthe gun deck Is cleared and an altar erected there with varloua of The , fltmepti pertaining to the servJqQ. A large American flag paytltlrmt off the space behind it and also conceals the band that . is the organ la this . function, accompanying the priest in the Intonations and playing during the offer lory.' The priest Is fn full canonicals, and is a wonderful spot of color as he kneels under the opening where the- -- light fall - Before the hatch, forming three sides of a squaretr the .marines, standing silently, like trees bending together In the wind, They are la full uniform with fixed bayonets and are at atteatton. A sailor In white is altar boy. and tbe choir, on the front beats la the audience, consists in this instance ot newspaper men, the least terrible in a collection of voices that would not be accepted by Mr. Grau. At the elevation of the host the drums give ru21 and the ...marines present arms, the flag advainced, while all In front xw. And at the end,v after short and practical sSrraon' by" tho chaplain, the band plays "America and all join In the dinging ot It, say Brooklyn Eagle. It Is to he noted that In this - service the hymns are not (hose of the Roman church, but are euch things as Abide With Me, Rock of Agee," Nearer, My God, to Thee,"- and , Coronation " since these are better known to the' major Ity who sing them than are the masses. Wet Weather Compete Roeort to Primitive Methods. In JS35. peforo th mod-- , era reaper and blpder, .had been In-- , vented, all grain was cradled, apd by employment ot that primitive method the loss to the farmers was considerNow the soil Is no ably reduced thoroughly saturated with watef that the heavy machines are 'rendered practically useless, and many farmers have gone- back to the cradle to save If possible, some portion of their badIt is a comly deterioratlug crops mon sight to see farmers In rubber boots wading througa the sodden soli, cutting their wet and often growing crop of wheat with an old fashioned cradle. The dealers here cannot supply the demand for these old implements, for the cradle a score of year ago was stowed away with the spinning wheel and candlesticks Not only have the old cradles been brought into use. but new ones have been ordered The dealers here kept Betting of the kind, and have with difficulty lound them among the jobbers f the slate. Geneva (N. Y ) dispatch. - - -- THE, SURGEONS KIIIFE h t - Slmpf Device Which Will PrdvMt Ah- ' noyance. ot - Salt , .. Hrfi., ErUfiv distincMr. Val TVirtvrp bus hsfi-th' take .Tells lIow Opera' Citjr tion Ct being summoned fete attowing a Troubles tlowi For, cock to crew In the morning, to the He Avoided. May He inconvenience of hi neighbor showed a common sense desire to I suffered D ear Mr Piss ha m avoid annoyahee.' though the said with inflammation ot the ovsrie and neighbor lived a quarter of a mile womb for over six years.rnduring aches from the fowl house, and the magis- and which none esn dream of but pains trate evinced no deelre to harass the those who have had the same expe- - ; J)friaa artist . But really It is quite possible to keep fowls And prevent theta ffom crow-- ' lag AH that Is needed Is a slight strlag ever (he neck and fastened to foot. It s (he habit ef chanticleer to threw back kls head when crow-lag- . and kb will sot crow If prevented as be may be by tbe string from doing - t so. Tbe ooatrtvanee has the great merit IsIlcUag no pain whatever. Tbe bird scarcely Sinews ef the pressure ef the string till he cries to crow, aad a harasleas jerk brings him to order. Country Llf of LEFT IN DEPOSIT BOXES. Many Thlqgs MBA KCKIS BTKTEJTSOlf. Fergetten by Absent-Minderlence. II andreds of dollar went to the Person waa simply doctor apd the drvurjUL It often happens that deposit boxes a walking Immediately. medicine chest and a physIt Is undoubtedly a fart beyond disrested la bank vaults are opened on ical wreck. My sister residing in Ohio aooosnt of arrears la payment on tbe wrote me thst ahe had been cured of pute that the etrongeat advertising E. medium the proprietors have is that of part ef tbe renters, wbo cannot he womb trouble bv xialng Lydia ComVegetable founds Then etrang are the revela- IMnklianis people who refommeud others to use me to try tions ef a box's contents, says the pound, and advlcd other St. Jacobs Oil. People who have ties-selvemedicines discontinued all then a Philadelphia Record. happy result experienced and gave vour Vegetable Compound A ycoag womaa had a box la a which invariably follows the use at thorough trial vVlthin four weeka downtown bank ad failed to pay Its nearly all pdin had left me ; I rarely this great remedy, show their gratitude second year's rent An aba had dis- had headaches, and my pervea were In by recommending It to tboeo and 1 waa whom they know are similarly affectapeared from bar former residence a much better condition, tills avoided the box Wes opened fast weak.' All cored In three month and ed. This is the rase of Margaret Lee. Ma a terrible operation." surgical It contained was a pair of baby oboes. of 71 Brtgbtfleld road, Lee Green, Wi 150 Bo. Btate SL, bTXvrxeox. Beats Another box, rented by a man, dis- Salt Lake Having suffered from muscular Utah. fsooo firfrHtf to Ml famriae, closed on being opened for the usual atM tntimuMCity, rheumatism for years, and not receiving raason a dlamead brooch worth at any benefit from various remedies, Remember every woman I I used St. Jacobs OH. pain and soreleast $400. Tbs bank baa held the I cordially Invited to' write to Mra. HOW HE MADE. AN ENEMY. brooch aow for three months, In the pinbiiam If there! ness removed at once; no return of anything bsllef that the man or hla hairs will about her symptoms ahe doei not rbeumatism " St. Jacobs Oil Is told one day claim It Qld Gentleman Tells ef Perfidy ef in 23 ct3. and 60 cts. sizes by all drugMr Pinhham! " understand. Former Friend. Often these boxes contain Interest- addreaa it Lynn, Mass, v - r. rists. said the old man, "Yes," letters letter! from' an aged Siplth ing Reward lor Sir George White. Because of hie gallantry Sir George was my bosom friend when we were mother to her son, from a young man Close to Danger , Went -' White of the British army, who would, boys at school, but he became my to his aweetheart, from a grateful of (be victims ot tbs St, Plerts One ou to same worst We benefactor. sat his enemy. the prisoner In the ordinary, course, have been redisaster was a French painter, Paul tired from the British army this form, ate together, slept together, and Trsmsndus Pswsr ef Explosive,' Merwert, who waa at Martinique on sorrow shared and other's eaqh joys month, has been given an extension Franco has secured tho patent an artistic mission from tha governWhen we grew older our parents and will retain the governorship and of a new nitroglycerin powder ment. , He ascended to the crater ot rights us to the 'University together, the commander In chief at Gibraltar sent la contended will tend a rifle Mont Pelee as late ay April 28. It which where oar friendship; if possible, grew until July 6. 1905. hi 4 seven and eue-bal- f miles and bullet We tookour stronger. degrees Increase tbe HcraU-b- , are deadly range blood eighteen and Bad artillery srretch. unable to laiUgeetion Che tnd, to preserve friendship atu nd to bOmntms dur ng the day or deep of our oemlM to good health. IS unlock Blood . miles. went Into boyhood days, Bluer dwtroj tbeux. daring tba nigbt Itching piles, horrible " Doan's Ointment . cures Never plague COLIEGE. BUSINESS rails. A t any drug stoi a, 60 cauls. He Comes IFrom Cleveland. i I'We were more than brothers and were Always together,' and It was Mew Odm Per Ike Teaptoa-TeltkM- i Prof, Elliott, an Ohio scientist, was . Leavee Politics for Farm. - ot while attending a social party that ) Iwr, 40. Before tbs ways and mean commit'StephensonIn love with we met fell and both E1U Cabinet system tee some time ago speaking upon the control tbe tye Mlchlghn ha dropped out of politics . s . of bookkeeping aad the Gregg system subject' of the preservation of tbe and employs all his tlma on hi farm the same girt . was and a , Alaska. v ot rivalry one, .Our friendly Visit on are the best. thousand acres, whlda is on of of shorthand. They of for sometime none pqjd tH which In the course ot hts statement Rep at the Temnleten and make inoulr-- ; YlkehlaOVe U. flnwttjn the state. one night jny ?a was the Wered on Tawney 'asked tte" wit- less about us from the business, profee nee what his To Cvure a CWd lw One day. AU chum cane to me In his old friendly business ws tonal and educational men of the city. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet ' horticultur"I am a pomologist, way gffiljwM:-- Hfailutoeura If uauuey refund truggb 'Job 1 can see that If f should We load, others follow, Salt Jake ist, viticulturist, an artist, and a nat, - r r., s Lighthouse Keeper Hard Life. prove-thwinner you would suffer Business College- uralist," replied the professor. - I - Milton therefore have decided to - u The reply staggered the Minnesota has who' deeply, Captain Reamy. Lee. Under Served FItxhugh charge of the lighthouse km Minot'S turn over my interest, lu the business ,f Curtis Guild, Jr. republican 'nom- representative for a moment, and then to you and leave for, some pew foun-try-.' be said: "Oh, I understand, yon Ledge, off the coast, of Massachusetts, inee for lieutenant governor of Massa- come from Cleveland; that explains v , has been seventeen years In the servwaa on of Qen. tbs staff chusetts,' e . (M course, I endeavored ice and draws a larger salary ($1,000 to It , inspector general of FItxhugh. Lee. klm not to go, but he' persisted a year) than any other keeper on the U. B. V., of tha gjveutb army corps, A little life may be sarrifloed to a sudden New England coast. Because of the and carried ouLbis plan.' He went to war. attack of croup tf you don't have Dr. t months I mar-ie-d during i the Spanish especial desolation and loneliness ot Australia, and In three O.f II. band for th Thome' Elec-triI l' ' the girl." Mlnofs Iedge the keepers are allowed emergency. tTxdera minute. a I infantnm, lion; delay But how did Smith" become your druetiury dlnrrtvi a c pie anddenly I nly to spend half their time ashore on tns ' Record Coll of Wire Rope. enemy inquired one of Yhe listeners. aaie plan 1 to have Iir Fowler a Extract Lghtbouse reservation in CohasseL iiand. The largest coll' of ane rope ever By not letting jne go to Auitralta of Wild htrawtoiry always oa ' Cultivation of the Oichid. , made in Brooklyn was turned out by a Glved Shamrock to wiihemin. instead, snapped the aid man; and An authority on the orchid says an a shamrock, a rope company of that city last week. they all understood. Flbdlng amateur cultivator; often falls, not farm laborer at Gronlnge, Holland, It measured 17,700 feet lq length, or much through want of attention, but RAPID GROWTH OF MOSCOW. sent it to Queen Wllbelmin who ac- over three miles, without a brenk, and i rough, overatteptlon and a disregard I for use J cepted the gift and Rewarded tho weighed 22,030 pounds. It . if nature and her Jaws In a bituminous coal mine, was mads Russian City Will Soeir Rafik With donor with 2 1 shilling 3 pence. of forty-twstrands of crucible cast th Largest In Europe. tadln Caa Wear Shoes Foot-Eas- e, The Last Resort. took sixteen Moscow The a days to manufacsteel, shows of population usin Allens On1 size smaller after g The tqotbsr of tbe three unattrac- ture and was valued at $2,300. a powder. It makes tight or naw remarkably- - rapid Increase. Within from the train, shoes easy Cures swollen, hot .sweating, the comparatively short period of 80 tive daughters stepped father. soiling feet, legrowing nails, corns and years the number of. inhabitants has followed bywethe Unless net. the girl' engaged "7?TiTrnr?,7nriHnT7T! All druggists and shoe store bunion jgaF-the time of iiiC '(? VJL2iI'I'r'Y'r Trial pakageT'BEfcrby mail. Ad- ' French Invasion laAt1812. here," she said In a whisper, there urban the ,:1y- dress Alien 8. O mated, LeRoy, N. Y. no la hops. Muscovites numbered about' 300,000, lawn the the Upon ample pater Cause of Steampip Explosion. although tbe official returns were 252,-00- counted ninety-eigh- t girls, la the la 1871 the official census gave Many stearqplpe explosions are due . Tho Twentieth Century r action. A plug of the population as 802,000, rin 1282 it middle stood the e lone summer mam, to MONEY MAKER. eighty-ninat quectlons answering water onJy six Incnea long propelled waa 768.000, aad ..according to tha once. 10,000 profile per aero, jArg est Garden te Amerlr Address by only two feet, under a pressure af reckoning now completed tbq JUstorle The pater groaned, as bo felt his fifteen pounds can exert a pressure of capital contains, 1,173,500. Inhabitants, R.E.BARNARD, Houston, Mo. pocket book. 8,400 pounds on being suddenly thus taking the tenth place among the depleted "1 be Yes, answered, hoarsely. , ! most populous cities of the world. i topped. in every eenee of tbe word, this Moscow covers an area of 101 sqokra fear ImemnN'tOuislwCosnesdMiwnl kilometers, or only two kilometers less Is the last resort! Cincinnati Comhi Foot Bt i ttMt fdffiYFoot mercial Tribune. my lit three yean tee- - Mr. Two Loam Bi) Ouldo IkMfiUiMtfunt of 8t Petersburg.. Area-I9$ ftiNH) Foot iJi lnronM$Kfi,ompriB than that Y Harwich. tT. A Pe Maple Street,foot htil fot nff rhAptm for for Oho fiM, tbflfitht not, however, by any means a general Mother 8$orU$r8,PBiil(tM yy. Sweet Powder, fer ChUdvea l fflM$iMH) fmHlMli AlWAiMThOBtau, Grey. is as of Demand for Reading Matter. criterion, questions population, BovttwrB foot MUt, K flstorfl fool bdl tt - Saootmfolly aaed by Mother Gray, name nd frhool Uom . Hair rtftwl of on Ur Borne Idea of the Increasing appetite appears from the fact that whereas I th Children Home in Hew York. Cures for ittl tn4 photo of tV pitvort N 4 At O. ifALDtld" tl! t$Wr t of the American .popi for r reding London, with the largest population I even tmwm, Bud Ftomoeh, Teething ABAOA, Hmw Tork. CHko. Iaomw, move end regulate tbe Bowel end matter" is conveyed by tbe census of any city in the world, covers 202 tortimoniol 90,000 Worm Over bulletin on "Printing and Publishing." quaro kilometers. New York, with a Destroy 95 Sample FREE. AdThe number of newspapers and perio- population numbering more than a At nil drugy i.t, GORDON Olmeted. Uitof, 8. Y, 8. Allen dress than less that of the British dicals published in 1900 was 18,228 million -- i BALT LAKE CITY and the aggregate number of. copies metropolis, has a total area of 795 , - Race Spirit of Boer e The population of ' The Boer leader are exhorting their A Issued in that year was 8,168,148.749. ..4 qaare kilometer B.m Day MmI . tee Bey u4 (.b . r The latter staggering total eras 'an Moooow Is less dense than those of people to preserve the race splHL TERM FALL DECINS 3EFT. 8 Increase of 74 per cent over the cor- SL Petersburg, Glasgow, London, BerYork writes a reporter for the New New dormitory fer girt. Grammsrsadhlfh responding total of the census of UH. lin and Pari Sun. At the same time they acknowl- rerhool depertnwaM. GaranMUHwd edraalww edge frankly that South Africa it now for the study ef League, rkplnl TrolnU) ' SVtimw" Smtkht Xjmm,-Fo- r Our Mastsr. Vn. under one flag. Why should not the Drawing aad Maele, Tenns tCMonable. . ehIMraa wwtki. mfirwi im irm.. mdww. to aooaes CanOMtoB Faint, fnmowsa lanxiMiaa, .1 tax. PM. oure. w Ib4 coi le. Kc.kMOa, Dutch keep 'up the traditions of their ' ' "Immortal love, for ever full, and IreWales as Scotland, country, For ever flowing free,Geod Work of French Women. land do? Anyhow, as matters now tot ever whole A Prize of Virtue" ha been coif For ever gehared, eeet A stand, no other colony has auch a glor' ferred by the French Academy On ' f ious past to point to as tho former Mile. Bonnefol, who has devoted her No fable old, nor mythic lore, t South African republics. Nor dreem ef bards and arwrs. life to the education of the children dead fact .trended on the shore who livo In booth! nna caravan She No eta the Mis t. Homo Visitors Eieerslew Of th ebllvlou year ,4 eoerl Feelfte Railway goes the round of all the greet fairs and seta tip her tent school among But warm, ewmt, tender, even yet To points in Ohio and Indiana. One A preeent help le He; tho shows and circueee, doing ea Imfere for the round trip pins 8100. IM Ha faith ha Olivet,. mense amount of good. She is very And Ticket on sale September Ind, 0th, And love It Galilee. popular among her rough clients, 18th, and f3rd, good to return within The healing of His seamless drees ' Excellent SO days from date of sal young and old. la by our bed of pain; ' old folks at We touch Him In life's throng and opportunity to visit the nearest Mishome. Call on or address Ball' Catarrh Care pree- . And we are whole again. souri Pscifie Agent for perticnlar b constitutional cur Prica, 75 WHAT DO YOU CATCH1 Townsend, U.r. AT. Our Friend, our Brother, and our Lord, Art 70a Bahing for bmtife or fomilkfirUot Leaflet Tree beT service Wbn do you eatch it'Wkt wrt of irulta Tbeii What may Thy Lost Track of Lives 8avsd. . It nor fily 000 wtf lo beaJiby ind bnppy. to nor ritual Nor name, word. form, There are forest of leafless trees la Mr Thomad Simpson of Hoboken, Ihtt U toetiibt be t food. on eiuinoi atvc But simply foliosing Thee. wholfMtome food some parts ef Atwtrall They respire, you btrt r?itde $ted N. !,: daughter of Major Morton, an btkinF poirdtr TKrt Crewk brand so to speak, through a little stem, ap- Thy litanle. sweet office English frmy officer, has saved to offer you more bitfb qutlitv tud purer ttUtfeo, Of love and gre'l'd tko tbto tor you ever ued parently answering the purpose of a manj people from drowning. It Is said, II la aoid tnd gutranird by til groedrt tl ftf leaf. The tree Is known as the leaf-.es- s Thy sacramental .uric tired of baa that keeping got t pound. H by not glrtUt trial of doing good. jshe Th Joy acacia" HEWLETT BROS. CO. John Q. Whittier. coun(." She was Persuaded to Try SL Jacob Oil, and Alt Pam Disappeared , d i it - - TYPE ofthe bright, girl who is not afraid of sun, wind or weather, but relies on THIS IS A up-to-d- ate - r, Cuticura Soap assisted by Cuticura Ointment to preserve, purify and beautify her skin, scalp, hair and hands, and to protect her from irritations of the skin, heat rash, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports. KFMnch that all should know about the the circular with Ccnctiu. Boar. akin, scalp, and hair la part-nershlp- fur-seal- leld U j.v j e IF LAME.isTIFF, OR SOILE, USE J 1 - - ' s' MEXICAN V , per-wuad- w t, MusteLrvg.Limm.ervt. SIXTY YEARS 1 Or The Beet Remedy Known lor Man or o iri r Beut nine-leave- d SALT LAKE CANDY CO.S fo MOLASSES DAINTIES CLASS DEALERS SELL THEM. ALL FIR8 o 1 'BEST ASK YOUR GROCER. ..SALTAIR.. . ON EARTH POWDER, EXTRACTS AND SPICES BAKING PAY WHEN . REPORTERS WANTED ud ala. COKBUiroSDIkTg avorywkna to collect useful ideas and experiences about tbe health and care of children. nurses, teachers, parents, T9K If fm totter from inf Ibysicians, of tho vmkntuM or - brothers. Bisters, invalids, and all oilier oroooo oooiod hf fjror- - friends of tbe little ones are interested Tj aiMLffxoNtsf this 'work. Employ m at for 10 minV- - 700 ara ibo Tryuv poaoa in iTVI ht ute to J0 hour a dty and free textvo wont to talk a I A V M Wo hffivo rorott er books with a free coarse of study by Ztm. o. w. ooobco aktllla carlo ail Cbroota mail are by pobilablng given oar regular reporters. d1aaaaa -a A 50e outfit, which In really worth dolQauaawfla of rolootory toorimf'rtitoof homo flTlng Offimos ptetara tad aOIrwam be mailed prepaid Wo oti I pohiirh our earaa t 4hiiw lar to anyone. will bacavaa It woo betray October 18, 1002 for 25c in silver until oooflk mi- H ooeo wo Address or stamp host to proro our skill la CURED. . 41- CLV poo-pb- 14 o- St INFORM ATtOY EXttfftWGKT'RMm MS Lake btreat. CMU AUO, 1UJAOU, this olass of troiislos ia stotittr rtg. 1 his Is oof Wo ooro you trot m4 thoo ok s rossoo-0M- 0 f o sro Tom mm 4o- oar word: oaf ipsa la Utah will oodorao ft, thooaoadi of patJoam MTt aodoroad as. flow floo whoa trtfe Ct tut end after tvtrt' year PbrV yws of use n th eastern Tower s f wwmmw 5 wtu aos domaad h fro ml Bill wo oaro iron Wo Lw Maakood. Smalnal WmViW, VaHeoaet. pormatorrhooa. Uooorrhooa. hypbills aadall woakaooaoo of aam UoasaliatJoa sod adrioo nil, toy lotior or to porsoa. CaU or wit to. nr WE tV RE CATARRH Bear, aad ell eiaaaaM f k Laaea. Stoat aa. Um. KlSnara. BlaSeev. Narvaa. SMn, Praia. aaS eU C6roa eiaaaaaaol aM, aroMa ea IH Ml.Ml Rmiivtl OOn BmiiI ( , Saadar. sad UollOarvW DRS. SHORES XhBT ja .1 . snOHES, pbciauwts. ,W6oid and SUaar....,....l to OoM, Bilvar aad Ooppar Oil MSI I, SAMrlJJ. EBTCRNS rKWPT 4 B Ail LU tncla. I wla prenta Wni for tarma ALL 10, eos W eiaat U. UTAH JUNK .VS 1.SS CO.;::. OVttt. Him A. FKAR. SaULaavCHf. Lie. WaaaaaiTiip. Water fidvertiaemenu Klndlg V , Mention. I bis Paptr. When floswertng W. N. U Salt taI.Holeae, laws baa, aoppw. kraaa, ew. ca AJ.TOWUJ fiOiTOXMAil .MTAmWW Wt u hHi7.aMiphttwhrL raaHax Srualaa aad Trrtanaa. HI nant thejwnuht iJtitites-,Yo- theJijnof the reKand Jfr, Look for Tower on the buUcnv .v the hune Y hm miam wuow ttm aou ar psprcscktativx tRaDI W3Y UVE ALCSF? lwaonM OGDEN ASSAY CO. Tn to mw lr.lTlicnipsoasEi8 KEUABLI AM AT. rifrrrn-aiN1 Waterproof Oiled Coots were kdrodjeed in the Wot and mere oiled Aiders Inf the pioneers and oRbya. TWs graphic nunc has eene Into such (aernl use the it U freqaert thewjh wronjfuRy applied TMC WORLD LYON BLOCK. 5 w Second So. St. SALT LAKE CITY. .a HUES SL CHER irC( f to with tho dlstioot foa adorotaadlao that wo WO tJ Lake-N- o. water-hamme- - EVERY BOYT ta s - ., ACADEMY THERE IS NO A 0. 37. 1002 Blgh-Gred- never-ebbin- L?V aa Agt-.StLo- t i i |