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Show V . Re passed wnd comfortably awaited SKI i Tllf - the response Then came the crash, from the dear sk , No. ! do mot, replied the wopiaq at tae. altar In a clpar, tense tone, throwing (tilde her veil and disclosing a face, of asjjen cola, strangely setl "God help me, I ranfiot. 1 My God, Florence what does this exclaimed! the groom aghast ''Silence, commanded the woman, turning upon him with J1 ashing wye. I will not because I. cannot la the sight of God and man 1 will, !)Ot and cannot because this man belongs to another to a girl whom ha has' deceit ed and intended to betray. Bub good friends, you will not be cheated of the wedding ou came to see. Yh bride the real bride la here, gad the ceremony Wrlll go on. and with an imperious gesture she motioned forward Dollie Culver from her bridesmaids. lifted the veil from her frightened face and. turning to the clergyman, taid: t Proceed, air, the bride and tba ' t bridegroom are ready;' The reverend' father raught the . poetic justice of the occasion and sternly began the service over again. The startled groom, unable to gather together Us scattered senses, mumbled along- the responses an3 la "a trite the closing words wert spoken and' tbe Four Hubdred were, maklnf their way to thd door amid a rattle of tongues would have put tbs tower of Babel to sleep la a cradle. , ' REDWOODS m-a- n!" - The Saving of Collie. . BY HOWARD DEVINE. VCopjMghf. ISwrby Dally SlorV Pub Co ( tV' Dollte! cried Madam, snarply. Did you hear? MDs Hayes la salting te have her wedding dress fitted. Didnt 1 tell you to watchfor Jier and attend to It. Are you asleep? Yes, mam no, mam; I mean. 1 will attend to it 1 I did pot hear. Madam, I I beg pardon, and the girl sprang to her feet, flushed and tremirto her arms the bling, gathered priceless gown of the heiress and vanished through tue door leading into the dressing rooms. There was a snicKtr from the other girls and an angry inort from Madam "I don t know whats (oimiig over iihe she exclaimed, Mlgg Culver, seems to be in a trance , In the meantime the pretty blueeyed girl with the pink cheeks that were the envy of all the great dressmaking shop of Madam Gervais, had disappeared thiough the door of the work room and emerged into a dainty a awaited dressing room, where haughty damsel with flashing orbs of the deepest brown and the regal figure of a born queen. This was Florence Hayes, easily the belle Of all the city and the greatest heiress as well a superb young woman, with all the hauteur of the born aristocrat added to features and form and carriage of a , ' beauty of- - nature. She had ' reigned long Tffid , with a high hand, but at last had' succumbed " to " the ardent court of Howard Dunton and the wed- -' and preparading day had been tions were In progress for the ceremony which was t be by far the most pretentious affair the tokrn had ever seen. Dunton was young, ardent, and of acknowledged abllityal ready a power at the bar and In politics; not of 3, known family nor fortune . but dls-- . one of the coming men of the tlnctly place and recognised as one of the t desirable catches. It was, in sooth, a model match, and society reveled in lb The work of . fitting the wedding garment was soon in full operation. There waa all the pulling and hauling, lipping and pinning and smooth-- lug and tucking so necessary to a successful gown and finally all was as It should be and tbe two women the heiress with her cold and classical face traced with lines of pride little and hauteur, and the round-facedressmaker with her voluptuous r simple trusting countenance faced each other, the task " first now and will be. . He (s mine and I am his Ail you ran .do Is to ride In his carriages ard llve'in his house and bear his name. Much joy (o you," find the girl laughed and cried hysterically as she stamped her pretty feet on the carpel. The face of the other woman was a FIND FEW WOMEN 8T0WAWAYS. drama during this tirade. With the self possession of the born aristocrat Rare Caste involving Membere of the she maintained her entire dignity and Gentler Sex.- t, but it was evident Women stowaways are very rare. from the first bow strongly she was On Sept 8, 1901, one was found pn.thn moved and bow deeply she was Neptune line steamer Ohio, which shocked. When the dressmaker sailed that day , from Baltimore for paused for breath she stepped for- jtotterdam. Capt. Samuel Wilson, who ward and laid her hand imperiously commanded the Ohio, intended sendupon Dollles shoulder , ing her hack on the pilot boat with Is this true she demanded In a Pilot Willi nm Carrpll, but as It might voice' so irtenre as to awe the girl. have cost the woman her life It she 1 must know the truth. Do not trifle had been forced to take to the boat, with me If you tell the truth 1 will the weather being ao severe at the be the best friend you ever had. If time, she was allowed to remain. you are merely after money ou can A woman disguised as a man shipped as a cattleman on the Johnston steamer Vedamore several year ago, when the late Robert Bartlett was in command. Her, sex was discovered before the ship reached the Bristol channel, and Capt.. Bartlett had her placed In security unUl Liverpool wae reached.' She smoked cigarettes, played, card ind hid the record before being discovered of .attending to ti cattle better than any- - on of the men who had shipped to, perform the same - tht -- ri f m-s- d ure-ndbe- GREELEYT As Interesting Letter Written by Men-- , ry Ward Beecher in 187? , Immediately taller the conciumon of Jb pqiitipal campalcn tn which Horace Greeley way snowed under by . Grant,' for tlje presidency of the united States, the Rev, Henry Ward -Beecher, To common' with thousands of ethers, 'felt- - ead over the .terrible desolation f Ms old friend, and just as soon as Mrj Greeley announced himself once, moyn .In journalistic harness, addressed to Jbbn the following letter: . . Brooklyn, Nov. 9, 1872. . My bear Mr. Greeley; 1 read your card In the Tribune with slueere pleasure, and congratulate myself and the of jOuriiallhm on your return be a field 1a which you have won so much reputation aad where you have done such service that the history of America yannot bp, written without Including at an important part of. it your life and services. "Tou may think, amid cjouds. of wmbke awT dusf, that ail ' vWfHdd friends 'who parted company wtHr You to the Jute 4antpaign will turn au nio--. ' mentary difterenca into i .life long .alienation. It will nut be so. 1 apeak for myself, and also from what 1 other juen hearts. Your mere political influence may for y Grid he impaired, but your own poweft ,for good. In the far wider field of 'industrial economy, aoctal and civil i and the general el' society, will not .be lessened, but. augmented.. It la trqt thol -- hitherto .lb times called for a warrior, and such You were',' yet'I canEot but think wild yegfbt how much ability has - bequ spent by you that died .with the occasion.-and which might have built, up positive and permanent dements-Bu- t 1 look upon your years to. come - as likely to be more fruitful and irradiated with a kind and beneficent light,, which will leave your name In honor far greater than If You had reached th highest office. I beg that you will pardon my intrusion, especially when you stand in the shadow of a great domestic- trouble. I hoped that a word-o- f honest respect and sympathy might not displease you. There are thousands who would like to do as I have done, and who with me will rejoice once more to i be In sympathy with you In all things beneficent and patriotic. I am, my -- U.-S- per-celvf- l. crit-icam- well-bein- g Milk Caponiiing. The author of Capons for Profit" saysr There are people whom T would not advise to undertake the operation of hapbnlstng. "Thd person to do It should have above all things faith tn ltis undertaking and In himself. He must he convinced that hit work Is tght and then go ahead. ThisorIsinnoa place to make a trial for fun way. It la a tittle of the genuine enthusiasm that is needed, and that- la bound to evereoma diffhalf-hearte- d - iculties should any T?ien there ahoald be encountered. be "an avefaia amount of mechanical skill and tba sfims amount of nerve. Clumsy-fin-gar- s have no. business' In operating on fowL; If you are a little net- vpug at first U will do ne hurt. Your nsrvousuew Witt 'wear, off sfleryqu 'ration two, or three fowls' and K hjf phtly ir easy itW joir'Is' little' pain It .causes, the Sriil'-spb- bird. You musk have full conscience It Just right, add' j(a,'yoitrvabUlty then 'id aheadWithout fear or trembling. . And 'when you are eace It .Ip, far fetter te operate .on all the bird read for the operation in, pqe 'day fh'an Tuss aloriy with twe er three, every fewdafr.rhe beginner la, apt to be a little ntrvbui weta he goes for the flrtt bird, but after be gets his' hand in qnc everything moves 'Off smoothly ahd nicely. Hia hand be oo at-tt- . ttom steady and the work1 passes- Off rapidly.' Of course It Is an advantage If yon can see some one perform the - Powdera We would 'advise our readers inverting money In any of the reputed t redpea ' for making milk powder. - There are some of thee in the bands of men that may want to use them for the purpose of patting money out of the pockets of the unsuspecting public. Sometime a method will perhaps be discovered milk powder, but when that time tomes the recipe will not be given away nor sold for a dollar.- - Several scientists' at home .and abroad have been working on the problem. i Tha United States Uonkul at Bergen, Norway, reports tprtpr. Ekenberg has made progress in this respect . He had last winter been able, ao he said, to produce - a milk- - powder that ' resembled fine wheat flour.- - It doe not sour and seems not to be affected b the weather. ' It Can be shipped ' iq bags, barrels or, boxes, like flour, and will endnre long journey It can te changed toknilk by adding about, ten' times its : bulk of water. "We have, however," hoard nothing about it for several atqntbs, and It may not he all hat the consul reports It to he. The great trouble, with all the milk powders to far produced has been that they did not again fully dissolve when water waa readd'ed to them. ' If a powder can he produced that will change to veritable milk on the adding of wgter the dairy and creamery business will, be revolutionized. . te-av- I , -- -- -- - , -- '1 -- poul-tryme- T f , , , My God. jrFlorence, what Idoo 'this mean! exclaimed the groom aghast t i have all you want only If you tell me the truth. But do not attempt to trifle with me. I will not stand It and I warn you for your own good." She paused, and the other woman met her eyes without flinching. : I tell you the truth," she said I want no money. All I simply. want is him Howard. I am not here testifying to my shame for money, I do not need money why, he give me enough money to keep me from 1 De-tenti- full-bloo- d -- It l i love Mm yes, lov4 him a thousand times And then a strange thing occurred. better than you or an other woman Without the sign of a warning tbe knows how and you are golngi to little dressmaker stepped forward, the steal him from me. She sank on lost color blazing in her cheek and her knees and hurled her face In grasping both hands in the filmy laces a sofa then rose suddenly and fierceIn the front of the priceless gown tore ly and went on: No, you afe not out two great hands fall. You cannot I will wait and watch Your wedding gown, she screamed yes, and pray, and I will keep him, hysterically. "Your wedding gown. I know I will. You will have all the Yea shall not wear lb Do you hear, honor and the name and pride, but you shall not wear lb You have no I will have him see- - It I dont him right In the sight of God, you have and hlk love. You-w- ill have the no right" The law and the priest may husks and I the kernel, Walt girl, cried the other 1 jwant I do I -everything but -- the words of "the woman before her. Listen to mb. And she grasped her arm so fiercely Prove to me that, Dollie winced. what you say and I will do ifor you what you never can do for yourself. I will be the best friend you ever ' had." A few momenta . later , the two women left the place together and rode away In the magnificent equipage of Miss Hayes. . .The little dressmaker tore out two r great handfuls. but' In tha (give you the legal right, me to and he God of belongs sight 1 to him. Of course he cannot marry me 1 am not of his world all I can do la to love him and be loved some doll born with a gold spoon ln her mouth must bear his came, and then ha girl laughed a long and ghastly laugh. Then clenching her hands: Yes, you can bear his name, but Jrou can never have his bearttand you must know jhat you are w- rst yes, and am gecond the HORACE Operation, even on a single bird. No Where Hustling ft Needed. ' more Is needed to teach you tbs whole a butter maker or creamery -When J operation." We ourselves had to learn manager finds himself In charge ot a It from book end printed Instructions not very plain ones either end creamery that has been established in succeeded bdyond expectation.' After a locality poorly supplied with cows, a few days practical experience 1 the only thing that Is tttely to win Is bustling. The man that in such a sitthought nothing of caponlzlng twenty uation waits for the business to grow 'birds before dinner. Tbe operation around him Is more than likely Indeed after y6u have once under- up' to move away before success comes. taken It and succeeded Is an easy In such a position the man In charge enough thing and causes but little must recognize in himself an instrucbird and If to Inconvenience the pain a well as a mechanic and manutor do It right and with proper tools. you facturer. If the farmers within reach A good set of tools of churse is utterof his factory or creamery have the unand the person ly Indispensable, co'we but do not bring the milk he will willing to expend 2 or $3 for them U have to preach the advantages ot havPRESIDENT WOODROW. not Included In the list of persona ing the creamery make the butter. If who can safely undertake tbe operathey have not enough cows then he tion. -. must preach the advantages to be deNsw Head of Princeton Makes Him-rived from keeping a herd ot milk self Popular With fitudenta. cows. Whatever he does he must , ,, Keeping .Eggs for Hatching.. . , j, , A Princeton man tells of an Incident duty., ' j Recently In New York Louisa, Shah of Dr. .Woodrow Wilsons elevation to Eggs for hatching oeed not b preach the dairy gospel and keep at it ler was found among the stqerage pas- the presidency of Princeton which he turned etery day,-- as some believe to The question ot hie success depends sengers it the North German Lloyd retards as Indicative of the war hi be aecesaatry." Eggs to produce chicks on the amouut ot enthuriaam he can' steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der Crosse. which. be.wiH hold .the students la should mot be kept so long that they arouse. This means the sacrifice of She was not' a stowaway, but mixed leash by ready wit and a genial smile would need treatment ot t this Vt e- j the mans ea-- e and it means; a contino trying to awe them --with dit eggs are to ha kept longer than a uity of purpose that would make him up with ahe- - lmmtgranU before' the d IVe are week they should be put In a dry valuable anywhere. Ship eft Bremen and reached Newjhis mj;utty. that many of the creameries Wbei 'darkness - lent edver to tSs place and kept at a temperature not TortC; She said her son was .a passenger on the steamer, and She could project, on tbe evening of the day on to exceed 60 degrees If possible. Of that have proved to be failures would not bear to have him leave without which the announcement ,of Dr, JWlb course the temperature should not be have been successful if the factotum had done all possible to stir up Interher, aad she had not the money to sons flection was made,' some pf the loir enough to permit the egg to est in .tbs subject of dairying and esn 1 to was allowed some her a vShe advised freese. It more' boisterous spirits organised' pay passage. by of creamery butter-makinpecially land by the Immigrant officials. not to use for hatching, egg celebration, and haring requisitioned , as : horns and-- a green grocer's stock of that are more than tea days old, as 1 - I- - PRISONER IN BEAR FIT. head lettuce, descended upon' thS BSW some of the chicks from older eggs Creamery : ' president , . 3 I "J J, will prove weak In constitution. In , ' t There are many things to be said la' At the first foot of a horn he .knew nature of course It ii different A favor of Indies Follceman Makes 8ure of In tha establish. what was coming, but before bedlam hen lays a clutch ot eggs In perhaps ing of creameries. of Suspected Man. One is that 'the All night In the bear pit at Silver could break loose. Dr. Wilson was out three weeks and then begins to sit profit and losses are thereby distriLake and handcuffed, while two boars among the aerenaden, grasping each Ot course some of tbe eggs are then buted. ' It prevent any one man from poked their nose, through the wide one by the hand and thanking them three weeks old. But nature makes becoming very rich and It also prebars of the grating gt him wa the try- individually and collectively or their allowance tot enormous waste ot ma- vents any one man from going broke." ing experience of Johann Vaellnskl congratulations, pretending not to See terials Out of those eggs man ot the It la a ead thing tp see a man tkit has the lettuce heads which the students chicks that are bora soon perish. invested all his money In a creamery of Kent last night Indian who made desperate effort to keep out of Man tries to do away with the natur- finally have to turn over all hta propPete Bey, a al waste and even' to turn It Into erty to tbe sheriff. " If there la to be I recently came from Canada, Is doing view and to get rid of. - , t from Whew recovered loss the many can hear that lost better the profit atdjdents special police duty at the Silver Lake this unexpected overthrow of their than one.- - R there la to be succesa It resort and hia opinion of, the law 4 1 shouted: . tome is better that the many should divide one be elevated. When plans very majesty Eggs for Fall Hatching. , What's the matter with Woodrow rather than that found Vaellnskl and two other men From the Farmers Revtewi I have It among themselves - aU ef the saccess onu hareshouid Wllscnr. -purchased a hew - Incubator in fact, idea eliminate very grounds "late last night' he gave a "yAnf the answer , came loud and the only Incubator I ever owned,, I of gambling, the clear: principle largely Whoop and caught two A the fellow In some time .to fill with want It eggs Hes all right Hes a brick." t , November. As I have no hens ot my which exist with tha individual venbefore they could start to run. Tbe The spur that drive on the The students then marched away, third - escaped, Another got away own. where shall I obtain .egga with ture, while Peter was putting the cuffs on singing, For hes a Jolly good fellow," which - to .fill It? Can J depend on individual. to Invest all hi property VaelinskL Where to put the prisoner and carrying their lettuce beads with store eggs for thi purpose f I once tn a creamery is the possibility that he will make more than a fair interest bothered the Indian for-while, but them. tried some store eggs and found them on his money' after paying himself for at last be thought of the bear pit or two out ot little value, as only one Love's Triumph. feervlcea. is all Stability is what Is an entrance to the pit three There of every doxen hatched. That was wanted in the creamery business, and by four feet, and with wide barred He waited while the long years when 1 was using hens. As a genit can be best found when the institu- gates on each aide. Into this the prisaway; eral rule can we depend ou tbe stores lion- - Is founded on tbe interests of all In hie oner was pushed and though he yelled To om, happy youth, he- gave for eggs at this season., when those tbe patrons and not on a few, Co- . , heart; with fear as the bers' came trotting eggs are to go Into tbe lncubator? operation has j to he studied as any wa jeaiou of htm, and Oh fat But" toward him It did no good. By put What do other, people do that, have day but it is worth the Contrived, for aplte. to put them far this situation to face? An answer other, science, ting their feet through the grating the studying. bears could come within an inch ! H. novice. a H, will greatly oblige ' touching their visitor and they made Another claimed her, hut the man who Th Stayer In Dairying. , f things Interesting fat him for seven ft rat Not Will Eggs. Keep 8ulphur with staying qualities v The Had given her hia love went on atone; , hours, The twenty Leghorn ' eggs, ',Iald is the dairyman love obe gave to him bo fondly one that makes money in th After sn Investigation this morning The tiuraed, during five days May 12th to 16th, end. ' This past year the prices of all Vaellnskl was released, It being found 8UI1 hoping bo might claim her ao bit were, on May 18, 1899, packed small kinds of feed have been excessively and man he the with him had that own. J ends" down, carefully separated, In high and many are either giving np become lost tn going from Cuyahoga many long and- lonesome yuan finely powdered sulphur (flowers of the business or preparing to do ao. Falls to Kent. Cleveland Flala Through be prayed, feulphor). Result: Cood, 0 per cent; But this Is not th part of wise men. Dealer. t And the la widow's weed ono day bad, 100 per cent On examination There are ups and downs id evsry vent pa- -. May 31, 1900. the shells of these eggs business, and the dairy business has tho to f Death of Famous Elephant.' claim ruahed Ho to Joy long . Advices from Tours, France.- - give appeared discolored or darkened. The its downs. But at this time It should an account of the death of the giAnd held her in hia arms hi own at air Cells were doubled in size and not be forgotten that it h&s also Its v : last! v i were mouldy within. In most easei ups. If this Js a time of high feed, gantic elephant Fritz, which t be-- -t to was Intact' Tbe yolks there will Barnnms longed show, which certainly come a period of He waited long aad hopefully end drew the albumen that place.' The di feed and of good return . bit. hairj. L latt, and were thickened. These eggs had not . . then cus, which bad given a two days well, but were not rotten.' Tbe Taking on year with another dairy kept ef her la a month or two Savor was stale. R. L Station. ' performance In Tours, was making Drew weary prices are as good as can he asked for, 1 And wished that ho could wait and low - ' Its final parade through the streets. X at least so far as the retail prices are again. f When the Place Nlcolas-Pruneawas - 8. E. Kirov fn Chicago RecordvHerald. Th producer that allows concerned. Time to Start Incubators, , a . eiHai.. i , " reached Frits, with a mighty effort, ' A Very1 Loud CalL- From Farmers Review: How early the middleman to taka more than his freed hfmself from hls chalns.jrose A committee catted Sn Minister Wa In the fall should the Incubator be share le not looking after the business. on his hind legs, trumpeting'Toudly, to request him Ur address a society started t Will some reader of the The men that Btay in dairying are the and causing a panic among the crowd.' contorted with cue of the fashionable Farmers Review that makes a prac- one that make money out of it NearFortunately wo keepers managed to churches of Washington. Casual men- tice of running hl Incubator In the ly always, however, it will be found entangle his feet with ropes,' but this tion was made' of the fact that the fall please ansyer? I know a good that they have been enabled to be stayonly increased the hnlmals fury, and youthful minister of tbe church id ad many start their Incubator late In the ers because they have studied tha he struggled violently, snapping two with tbelr recently resigned to enter upon a new fall, but I presume there Is a great great questions connected and have of taken business large trees. After some exciting mo- field of labor on the Pacific coast advantage Tbe quesIn tbe difference practices ments be was brought to- tbd ground that they have did ha resign? asked Mr. tion is what Is the best time and why, every" condition; Why and securely bound. The authorities Wa. weeded out the worthless cow end -- M. L. D. were notified of tbe occurrence, and have provided the best systems of feedhe received had calTla a Because a picket ofliafantry brat sent to stop another church. waa the reply. If a man wants to find out how ing. all traffic on jha place. The circus much hie clay land needs draining, let What salary did you pay him?" The pontine marshes are to be ' him dig a hole In some central locaproprietors eventually decided that dollars." thousand Four drained by a German syndicate, the recession of Frits should be killed.- - Cables, pulthe the watch and tion What Is his present salary T" Italian government paying 31,000,000, were windlasses a and It after water In heavy saturating ley brought and Eight thousand dollars. the huge , brute was strangled. The rain. tbe said of Ah!" Confucius, disciple A duck sitting on duck eggs hatches body bat been offered to the Tours a very loud call!" Blind . farming Is usually followed them In 30 days; a turkey sitting on Museum them In 27 days. duck eggs hat-he- s to the detriment cf the fanner. -- st L TRIBUTE TO Never had there been each a gorgeous wedding, scene in the social annals of the city. The church was crowded with the fashion, beauty and chivalry of the most exclusive circles. The floral decorations were something the costumes beyond marvellous; even the female society reporter. At the appointed hour tbe groom stepped from the room assigned to him, accompanied by his best man. and moved toward tbe altar,' Just as the bride, arrayed only- - as wealth can array Its favorites, moved up the aisle preceded by a pretty flower t girl followed by a splendid array of bridesmaids, all veiled. They met at tha altar, and tbe ceremony began. Tbe great audlence"craned Its collective neck to hear the responses. , Do you, Florence, take this man to be your wedded husband, to cleave unto him, forsaking all others, to love, honor fnd obey him until death you do part? read the clergyman solemnly In his most sonorous voice. -- - , -- -- -.- Aler-losd'rjto low-price- d - t u k " J - O'; |