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Show erintiBsirrnfiis, wbak two-rxa two-rxa (t le peifertly Bnderaiood by every lck aiaa or womaa that if tbey eaa gat aaaae remedy that will amp Ih grsdaal loe of lash aad etrength, their reoorery la ee-eared. ee-eared. People that are nervous and an-steady, an-steady, have dluy ensile, wltb weakened j ateaeory, aad loss of ambltloa their blood I 1Mb aad watery. It ahows la their sallow aompleilon and tired msaaer, ooa aa they commence to gain flesh ibey look baiter aad sleep bettor. To gala fmaaossto three I be, f good solid flesh per weak, the blood meet be mads rko aad pure. Dr. Uunn'a Blood and Nerve Tonic puis la tha body tb very pith of what make pure rich blood In lb met direct way, and euraa disi asiby making etreagth. This Tools I la tablet fena, lobetakea right after meala. Iiearlchee th Mood, making fore where tbara was felotoeea. Far wossea' aaakaese a batter remedy wa error rtade. Soli by all Druggist for 7tcta. per beg, or three boiee lot t0, by mall. WrHena abeal yeur eaee. Address, Dr. Genii, Philadelphia, Pa. Far eale by ioha Boydaa Boa Ooelvilte Uuh. A Certain Oar re Braasasey es Bler-vBassi. Bler-vBassi. "soma year ago I waa oae of a party that latenteaded asking a leng bicycle trip," says F. L. Taylor, of Albany New Bradford Cownty, Pa. "I was takes suddenly with diarrhoea, and as about to glva up tba trip, when editor Ward, of tha Lacey villa Mesaeegrr, eng-geeted eng-geeted that I taka a doe of Charaber-lalu' Charaber-lalu' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhnee Remedy. I purchased a bottle sad look two does, on hefor elartlog and nee on tha rou'e. I mail lha trip surceealully aad aever felt any 111 effecl. Agala Is. I msauieJ t aa almost rompletely ran dowa with an attack of daenUry. 1 bought a bottle of thle same remedy end this lima one doe curs me." Bold by John Boydea A Boa Drugglste. Send us your orders for all kinds of Job Work. Bare Cere Far files, Itching Pile produce moleture end cause Itching, this form, as wells Blind, Weeding or Protruding Plies sr en red by Dr. Bo-esn-ko'i Pile Remedy, (top iclhing and bleeding. Absorbs tunora. 60s a Jar at Druggists, oraent by mall. Treaaiiae Ires j writ about yourrsee. Dr. Boaanko, Philaita.l'a. Forials by John Boyden A Bon. Tale atasslere la aa every aea ef sse geaelae Laxative BromoQuinine Tvua aa eaeaeSv thai eweie a esM as saw aarv Scientifically Distilled, Naturally Aged, f Absolutely Pure, I Bttt and iaft$l (or til aft. E Ftr Sal it Coarife tf K J. H. BALL. S; I gllB I if BEST SERVICE. EQUIPMENT TRACK. VIA The Union Paciflo FOR A IX Eastern Points. THREE TR&lis DMLT THRODCB C48S It CblcU. Imui Cllj, St. Fiol, Mlnnt-tptiii Mlnnt-tptiii ; . : Direct Cuntctloni (or tin tut ud Southeast. : Detailed Information cheerfully furnished fur-nished on application. 0,1. WHEADON, Agent, Cnalvllle, Utah f ; r X-., Tho Salt Lake Tribune UTAH'S 8RKATIWT UAILT RBWHPAPKa. Refleata the mw of th world, general, gen-eral, Riate, county and city. IT Ml tin tan ABUT BKPWRTs Ar fall, fair and eonclalve. Repnbll-aaa Repnbll-aaa la pollilos, It Is jait.aad it print all th news, both potltiral and commercial, j wilhoat fear ar favor. THIS IS A CAIPAIU" TBAB And yoa cannot be without Tha Halt Ike Trlbua. TERM OF 8UBHCR1PTION Iniilyand Suarlay Trllmne.ooe week, 2 cants: Daily and Sunday, one month, fl 00; Sunday Tribarw.on jrar, Kt.00; Sunday Tribune, alg month, 11.00. The Inter-Mountain Farmer and Ranchman Pabliahad by Th Trltmea Publishing eoeaesny, will eonlala saeh lalormatloa reepestieg the ferni aad ranch ol Uuh. Idaho, Wynmlag, Nevada aad Colorado aa will make Invaluable atock ratelng, aa well aa agriculture frail aad flower collar, aad tba track gerdea aad hea-eery hea-eery balag especial attealiea. It I 11.00 a year In advanoe j la publiehed every Taawlav, and will be mailed ene year with THK WKKICLY TR1BVNB lor 91 .M la advance. SALT LAKE TRIBUNE alow. 11.00 Pr year. ADIIRKRH XAf.T LAKE TRIBTJNP. PUBLlHHINttOOMFANY, Rait Lake Cltv. PKRRYH. HKATM, Publlshar aadUaral Manager. A TREE rATTERN Iraarewa aelatjlaa) le avser aee etriaae. O.lf B easta a r A UDirS' MAGAZINE. JWwaj fcsiaayHfgil lm4 MN Maahl wrltWlsXtaf, gar. Meat) m reaitawaw nmf L1f asM -ylal. ao4 taw Mibm tfHth, k1lati.., SlsipU, ITfit- atata, KcvsBiiCaa1 m4 Aktaalait rsMfMt-l'tHLsaj p.pM PalMrM. MSCALLffNl fAmi5lSME si laeaa ismil sal rsfweiaai east I las BMlSe ael aasa laaa. I THE MaCALL CO.. I tlJ-IIVIIT wait Ita) U atw re., pro i 1 trmm rw.r.w ran lUsnt)J 111 rVrrrMbwk.1 : K',:r.rrTRADE-MflRKS iff: Opposite U. 8. Patant Offiow ; W AS H I N GTO N D. C. !!' THERE IS A TRIPLE ECONO. MY IN.U81NO DIAMOND "C" KOAP . . . .THB ECONOMY OF BETTER SOAP FOR YOUR MONEY.- THE ECONOMY OF LESS WORK, AND THE ECONOMY OF .SECURING SOMETHING) OF USB AND VALUE. FOR .YOUR ,WRAJ. PER Complsta aatslogu showing over 300 pnaiiuns that assy br around by saving th Wrappers, furnished ire spas sp-as requaet. Sand yoar asss ( oa a poaul card, snd w will ' mail you lb catalogues staarasi; PRIMIUM OBFT. THE CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY, SOUTH OMAHA. NIB. Ciwiisn-f esynsreegaais. I I At onr Store you oan bny Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Suits of Clothes, Tinware, Flour, Groceries, etc., Cheaper ton at any oiler Store in town: COALVILLE, UTAH If you are going to white wash your house or do any plastering you should use the very best Lime in the country. We are now prepared to furnish PURE ILIMJ Of the best quality in any quantity. GRASS CREEK LIME eo. c , Always On Hand at the WASATGHj- MINE Lump, - $2.25 Stove, - - 1.50 Tbis Loaded Prpmptly. Ddai. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co UNiueRsiTY op mm. wwwwwwwwwwwww Tha University of Utah Includes th School of Art and Science, th Hcheol of Mines and tha Hlata Norm si School. rhoel r Arf anal trlearea. ttat aVrheel r Mine. Th School of Art am Sciences of- The School of Mine olhrs courare iat (er course lo : 1. Mining Kntflueerlug. 1. Ueneral Science . J. Electrical Engineering. . . 1. Liberal ArU. rrnparatary aVhwal. Stale Noraaal brhowl. A Preparatory School it maintained Tha Normal School offer: which gives preparation lor th course 1. A Four Years' Normal Clour. lu Qeneral Science. Liberal Art, Mla- 2. Advanced Normal Courses. ing and Electrical Engineering, Law, . Ouraee lo Kindergarten Training. Medicine and Business. The proiluilty ol great mines, reduction work of various kinds snd power houses lor the generation of electricity ; afford advantage lor thorough and practical prac-tical work In mining anil electrical engineering, not enjoyed by any other school of mine in th United btates. HOP WORK IN WOOD AND METALII.-Stndents In engineeriae; oonreea are given two yeare' work in wood and metal la well-equipped bop aaa under the direction ol thoroufhly competent machinist. HI ANVAL TRAI1J AND DOUKftTIC M IKN K are (eatare of the Normal courees. Mo tuition is chsrged, hut a small annual registration fea is required. Krgistraliun of students, September 12th and llth. Arrangameaaa have been made whereby students from outside the city rso obtain board aea) rooms at the Otand 1'acitic Hotel, opposite O. H. L. R. K. depot, Hal lse City, at 76 cents a dav until they are permanently located. Tbe University Annual, which gives lull inlormstinn concerning courses, requirements lor admission, ad-mission, etc., will be tent free oa application to tbe UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, Salt Lake City, Ulab. |