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Show Mwllcc. j I'Miran Statw La.vu Oftica I Salt Ukh (,'itv, (Jtah, ( ; Aug. 7, IWi. ) j 7b fVaeae it may (.'eawrn; Nutice la hereby given thai the State of Utah haa Died in llilt offl lltta of lamia telecled hy the laid S'ale under taction I'", of the Ait ol Congreat ap. roved July l, 18H4, The lollnwlng trncl emhraterl In raid llata, areln ' lowiiBhipt containing mineral clalma of ;. record, via. : i l.i.t No. 1 It), ft. eervolr, Ibe WW N ! '4 Sec. 10, Tp. I N., It. 7 K. l.lal No. 1.11. Rewrvoira, the SWt- i NV;NK'i HW1 tec. M, Tp. Sit., i K. I fa. .CM I Llat No. 1,13 Reervolr, the NWI i SWtjbEm iWii NWWSWli Sen. k 34, NJ HWi4; HKU S t4 Sec. 'M, Tp. j 3 ., K. 7 E.. S. L. iler. 1 Llat No 21. School ol Minea, Ihe SW 'SWtA N' KE.lg Sec. 4, Tp. S N., It. 7 P... S. L. Mr. ' j Coplceoltald llata, ao .ar aa they re- late to taid Iractt, b ilcn-riplive eulell- ( vlalont, have been eonanlcuoutlv o.led i iu Ihia otflce, for iutpectlon hy anv per- '. on inlereated, and by the public gen- r erully. 1 During the tlxly daya next following i the dale of thla notice under depart- mental lii.tru.llont of Novemtier 27, ' 1HIIH, (23 L. D tlill), pn.teal or 1 onte.lt ( agalnat the claim of 1 lie Stale to anv of 1 the Iraul nr ubdivitiona hereiiiMm ' d. n-ribed, on Ihe gnuiiid thai the tme ia more valinble lor mineral than f .r ' itgrlculliirnl purx.eea will be rwe.vd ; and noted lor report tn the Cieneral j' Laud OWce, al Wa-hingion, D. C. F .11. f urn 10 lo proietl or co. le.l wnhln the ; I'lne ape.itled will lie COIIlidrred auf- ll.imil evidence of Ihe nnn-mlueral 4 character ol Ihe aaid Iracla, and the ae- ( leuiion there..!, being otherwite Ire. i Iroui ohjia'lion, will be recouinieu.bd f I r approval I Fxank I). HoanH, RoIUt. l.lKoaiia A. Smith, R.'. oiv-r. 8-15 IU 10 |