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Show FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE I personally itilervirtvcil al their h.inies gay I'oan'l Kidney 1'iilt . urej tlirm Thousands took nluiii.ne of th-ij following ft re nfcr ilue. l!y it was made. r'rirntis he.ir.l ol tlieirturr; thus came the r,rc.it fame ol 1 loin's. They renliril what ilicy promised. II y their direct a. turn on kidney structure, bat Lu lie, lui k, hip, and loin pain is rrnimed. I he lolult-tions lolult-tions causing tlrepleviirs, heart pal pitation, headai he, and nervousness I asses away ; (.welling of the limb and dropsy signs vanish. '1 hey correct cor-rect urine itli l.ni k tlut sediment, hij;h ci. Intel, enesiive, pjin in pass- inp, ilribUing, ami fre iuerti y These j pills dissolve and remove calculi and rjravcl. 1 hey are free to readers of ' this paper lor a lew days. C ut out I coupon, fill addtess plainly, and mail ll'oter-MillMirn Co , -ttulTalo, N. Y. You Get this Free by Cutting out this. - Jt -KKf t(T c. To. - r.JVv. y .jrs XtZ 7 ". Wbee ceapos M" "t -I, M l.il,u sadiset, "seyMSc """"" ' , , I.M u v-x ISyeleM SU. JOTSlW..f y.i 'fil THIS IS A TYPE of the bright, up-to-tlate Riil who Is not afraid of sun, wind or weather, but relies on CtmcuKA Soap assisted by Cuticura Ointmi-:nt to preserve, purify and beautify her skin, scalp, hair and hands, and to protect her from irritations of the skin, heat rash, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports. UHikIi that all should know about Um akin, aualn, and bak- U told la Um almulat Uli C'CTiciitA Boar. ( ) wretir I IF LAMESTIFF. or. some, use I J -4 MEXICAN t Mustsxrvs Lirimervt. 5 I SIXTY YEARS 5 J The- Beat H-emedy Known for Mvn or Re,!, f ask for SALT LAKE CANDY CO.'S MOLASSES DAINTIES ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS SELL THEM. BOnVaRTH- ..S ALTAIR.e WOcSZ. S... -. .- BAKINO POWDER, EXTRACTS AND SPICES. L 3 PAY If&d WHEN K.Jl CURED. HK U. W. wm is) t III Incur!1!! t'&ronV lWux II 'uull iMHray gft lnaw("ar' HliUwi" jtf". 1 W car fdh first an III aV4 4r.ms.wl t IVs, R. 1. . MONU. nil) tn.r roil Vim nnst.siMftn'itMMl.HftMitnKl WswkniNit, TBrtiwrl( ( WMkiwsvssMur imm. Consul' atton u4 alrl fr. t or (u pvrMiB. I'aU w writ. WE CURE CATARRH nl til 4Imm f Ik Ilaart, tumMh Uft KXltwrs. Hrt'lr Nrs Miin. IfSlll. S,D4 tll LsUllBlO aiMMtNUf M4t. Wi ttUUnsa, il n lAlp.n.1 fMuBUru4 llulldMlOlll DRS. SHORES & SHOR.ES, j LYON BLOCK. 5 W Second So. St. f I SALT LAKE CITV, S BKI.IAIIt.lt HV. t ,)J; "'"VrV.nWr Y2 I rrt''m,ii'o.,l ilu. hamA..ji OGDEN ASSAY CO. iil'Stt f WANTEO-JJf.rrV.Z 5 fe1.i! t'u.',uvo n'alu'ii'l M.,'tiw. li.ilu. lo UTAH JUNK GO.i!'"." ..SrnK REPORTERS WAHTED Msl Im 4 OUUKM O.NOKN1 .rywhar iocoUiM't umiIuI itti iind fxps'Hunrea tttkuiit tt hemtb udiI re f chililrvn, rhiataiia, miritrs, t-u:hi'r, ptirrnt, bml)urk, mihUt, iuvHlitl. a ml all oilier frit'tiilH of lliu little ituvm nn i nirrchtrti in ilxis woik, KmploviiH ni fur )u minute min-ute tu )0 ItourH u tiny uud fn-e U-Jit-Uioks with a frrt coarnv. of Mudy ljr miiil are rfiTen our nifiilar rr(Krtrn. A 6N) outlit, wbioh U realty fvurtli do-lurm do-lurm to anvunc, will lm titnVi propuid uutil tJruilwr IH. iw i'j, for 2Sc iu ai.rer iirMampn. AUlnsa INMIItHtriOM KXriIANi.K, Roin n 1A4 La klrtwt. CHIt A(sO, H.llJtOln. SLICKER mi& rt"V ar4 'J arvd after twy ytara of use on the &jtrrn eoftst Tower's Waterproof Oiled Coota were rVtrodiced in the West end were called 3tidera by the pioneers and cowboy. This froshic rone has ae Into such fnrrril use that It Is frequerty thoujh wrongfully applied to narr aiutitntfi You wutt the orrusve . Look for the Agnof the riaJvand sti; the ntrtc Tower n the button OU PY RH orSfNTATIVl TtAC f Kn TMt woato oven. Alt-' A. J.TOWtfi CO BOSTON.MAS3 WHY UVEALOIIF? Sr.-S C?Slr Wr.talMllpaWlOsfuf JM. UMrtAIIUld.l.MaMlJIlI, "iat Thompson1! Eya Water When nnowerlng Kdvertlbr.nicnts Klndlj . Mention This Paper. W. N. U.. Salt llako -No. 37. lUOa H-rilii. wratrh: M-rntch. uiisblo to atl. ml to liamnvhK dur lie the day or .eei during tls iiIkIiI llci.mg itlm. Lnrrlhle lilnguo lliMitl's Olutmeiil . cure, svo fella. At soy drug Btuie. rsl ismiU. ITo Cere a AX In One (ley. Tsae 1-i.tl.e Homo Qiilulii. Tairt. All rugMU refoud ssuuey If lifalsueure.aes Ladles C'rtn sVear gliaee One size huih lU-rafter UNtntf A lien's FooV Ksse, a powdi r. It makes liK'I't or nerr sh.eea-)r t lire iviillco. hot .sweating-. a.hlne fiiet, Ingrowing nails, come aud buutona. Ail nruifg-ixtHHiidstioe atorea, , t'.n. Trial package I- UKI-i ly ntaiL Ad ill ess Allen . O msted, l.el!oy, N. Y. I set eere Pise's Cure for Consumption saves BIT Ufa three years see. Mea. THue. K aaua, Mavis SUret, Noratoh. N. V.. Fab. IT. IIUl I Mrs. Wlnalnw'a aentMne Hreia.' Pnr rhliilrna lihlua. e.rira. o. -t,m., rfduraale Aamjuailuu.allar t.am.uuroa sloil fullt, ah:aawtus. I Hall's Catarrb Care Isaoonatitutionaloura. Price, 7Bo. least , no. Ta bank has held the brooch anw for three months, In the belief that the man or hla heirs will one day claim It. Often theae boxes con e,' Interesting Interest-ing letter letter fro , n aged mother to ber eon, from a young man lo his awovtheart, from a grateful prlaoner to hla benefactor. BUSINESS COLLEGE. New tlHa al the TaMsplelfm Teltloe Far Makaal leer. , We control the Elite Cabinet system of bookkeeping sad the lirogg system of shorthand. Thojr are the beet. Visit I ua at the TantpleUio and make Inqutr- lee alsml us from the business, rote- skinal and educational men of the city. W load, other follow. Halt J.ake Dullness Cullege. lon;idelnt aiiilimtn Cholera Infantum, ilt.eiit'itrv illerrle.ai- pie niiiMeiilv 1 nly A emu I- Iu lime he f'imler e' Kltratt uf V 11.1 r-truwltii ry always uu baud. afutbarure'aaweel Pnwdere farOhlldrsa Haooawfuily used by Mother dray, nurse la the Children's Ho nelnNew York. Cures le.erUhi.ee. Had Ktomsrb, Tsatbltig Disorders, Dis-orders, move end regulats the ilowelsaod Uaslnir Worms. Ovsr So.nuo teetlmonusla. At all druggists. '!. Haniple KIIKK. Address Ad-dress Alleu H. llnite.l. I.loy, N. Y. eieltore Carereleae via lb Mia-soar! Mia-soar! faririe Hallaajf To points In Ohlu and Indiana. One fare for the round trip plus 11.00. Ticket on sale September tnl, nth, IStb, and :ird, good lo return within 90 daya from date of sale. Kxcrlleut opportunity to visit the old folks at home. Call on or address nearest Missouri Mis-souri I'aciflo Agent for particular, U O.Tuwnaend,0.r. A T. Agt.,tit. Umls. THE SURGEON'S ; ' Ur. I'.rlil . Mcminn ct SfiH ,, Lslif) s'll-y -Tflls ilow Opcra-llim Opcra-llim For OTuriaii 'i'roubks ; May r.c Avo'ltlid. , "Prtn Mns. I'issiism T suffered f With inttnminalloti of the ovaries snd , womb for over six vrsrs.eiiilitring ache , snd pains vrhiiii none can dream uf but , those who hate bad the same expe- f BlltS WKIg STT.VIfNsOM. Hence. Ilnnilreilsnf ilidlsrs went to IhS Ces tor end Hi drsiirgist. I vts simply a walking medicine chrst and a pbya-leal pbya-leal w reck. My alster residing In Ohio ' wrote me that she had been cured ol wotnl" trouble -r trains' l.ytllat V- i l'liikliniii'a VcrcIhIiIo 'om- ; potlllil, snd ailvls. il me to try It. I ' then discontinued all other medicines and gave vonr Vegctsl.le Compound a thorough trial. Within four week nesrlv all tln had lrfl me; 1 rarely had headache, and my nervea were In a much ncttcr condition, and 1 waa cured In three mouths, and tlilsavolded a terrible surgical operation." Mite. KisiB riTgvrssua. 1M Ho. Htate hL, Unit latke City. I'tah. 4000 erfrel If aeeee veftiieieilet le eel eeeeiee. IlrnirnilMr rvrry Ttninnn la rortlltilly Invltnl to wrllc to Mr. IMiikliiini If tln-rcls nnytlilnrr Irotit lirr sviitptoma li l'sr not utiilcrstitnti. Mr. IMuklism's od'lrcsa Is Lynn, JMasa. Pad Moot and Indigestion are deadly I enemies ti good healib. Uurduok blusal I Ulnars deslroistbaiu. I A little life may ti nacrhlcail to a sudden t atta.-li of i-roui. If you doll t have Ur. f Thomas' Kle. li in O.I uu baud for lbs i uieigi-Di-y. 1 ,r. j - "i.t.'.iii. ..I.-J Tho Twentieth Century e3 MONEY MAKER. a 10. OOO . route par aara. Arg CS est Uanlen to America. Aditresa R. E. BARNARD, Houston, ho. EVERY BOY1 asUUOa.. MJW Yua-h OIleOSMTO, lMIr. GORDON ACADEMY ALT LAKE CITY A illgh-Orada Mesne and lias SrS.se far Uaye aad Ulrl. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. S Nw dorm I Wiry for girt). Orimmsr n! hlffk vrbMi (JpprtmPtiU. Unsuriii.P'-i1 B(1r.iitkft ' for Ihai tttutliT or .AnfiiftsT'). l'h"slrR Tialunjj tlrawlnti and Uute, 1 su-ntt rat.vovbl. mm ' I WHAT DO YOU CATCH1 Are you rtHhtns rr heiitth ur ri.rtullHta.-lli.a What it.. uu r.iu li In' the .i ill rc-ulls' riien ' Is uuly i.iii. l lu In. heultlit un.l b.o.py am llmtl. l..i'slil.eb.-.triie,t. V-.il ruiiii. t U.s b .1.1111. I..-I unli'-s you liae reliul.K- i.n.t . eii-rlli.nl hsklliK l..l.'r Three C.owa l.r..ii.l tilTt-rs vim nunc Inuli uuslllv mill purer hstlsluu-tlun hstlsluu-tlun thiol ttliv vim ever u-i-tl It Is hiiIJ anil sii-irsiitc-.l tiv all grocers SI Use spouutl. Why no I give it s mail HEWLETT BROS. CO. tsj, |