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Show Vui The Coalville R.EFVBL1CAN COUNTY NEWS. vrslty.o r -- 44 IMES. SENSATION AT HEBER. CONVENTION. BY THE BOABD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF SUMMIT Fontana. the Hypnotist, Stirs COUNTY, UTAH. TNinga Va SomowKat. Of Ogdon. A PROCLAMATION. Items of Interest Githertl by Onr Prof Fontana, who gave a hypnoThe Republ.can county convention to Whereas, pursuant to wetion five elect delegate to the State convention tism performance here last Tbun-daCorrespondents In Yiriots hundred and thirteen of the Revised OS the lltli, held iii iho Academy night, has vkipped the country and the of Statutes Utah, 1898, approved, legalToms of County. be hse left behind te unpaid bedding. Coalville, Tueeday. H S. only thing ised and adopted Mar:h 2, 1899, a petia wife and hearted a ?eBshend selected as chairman hoard bills, broken tion was presented to the Board of yonng lady who can congratulate her-te- lf M., tad J. Lnoklmrl. secretary. KAMA!. ComnrieeioneT of - Summit County that she did not leave with him. thirty one delrgit'ea o ere present Kakah, Utah, Sept. 10, 1902. Utah, County, August 6th, 1902, signed The profesaot left hts wife here last fipm tbevurieuf. precincts. Tbe follow the : Timco hy qualified electors of said county, Editor n for Park City ing platform at uuatiimonttly adopted: Friday and took the tra in nnmber equal to a majority of tha of Summit saying be would return that night, bat Harry McCormicks thresher will We, the Republicans votes cast at the general election held commence work tomorrow, and it will county, in convention astembled, do he never came back. He went onto ilv our most bear endorse and pledge tleber sad gave a show. lle stopped November fitb, 1900, praying for the be kepi hammiug until the work is comn. submission of tha question of tha reearnest a national was A the dance the eVenlag io will be la 10th, support given convention. However, they at the hotel and one of tbe daughters ol pleted. le and the to with moval of the eonity seat of 8nmmit pri their attended well was point which many by election. Landlord Duncan became infatuated Tbs Karnes meeting bouse is progress evidence at the coming of onr glorious counadvancement great erwam In d reseed wae bride County, Utah, from Coalville, Utah, to There is a marked contrast between friend. The under Republican rule. And Dot with him and he persuaded her to marry try iog nicely, and by the last of the week Park City, Utah, to the qualified elevt-o- rs never silk and wore flowers. As there is alone in national affairs do we have cause him, which she consented to oo. The tbe walls will be eight or nine feet all the warm days and cool night ws are of said county, to be voted upon at very moch said about the costume of tbe to rejoice for sincere Congratulations hut wedding was set to come off Tuesday, ground. The masons will have to lay now having. the general election to be bald NovemIn state affairs as well. groom we will say that he wore a plea end in spite f all the young girls folks Prater A Stone, tbe photographers, off a week or ten days waiting for the ber 4th, 1902; congratulate President Roose- could do she was determined smile all the evening. May happiant io wed the went to Grass Creek yesterday on busithe natiou snd the world upon his brick makers. Now, therefore, we, Bartley McDonness attend them throughout their mar- velt, miraculous escape from death, and wo man with a silk bat and e nice suit of A grand reception was given at tbe ness and pleasure. ough and John J. Bowen, County Comried life. hope that many years may be left to clothes. It was learned that be had efl school will resume bos of Mr. and Mrs. Ward E, Pack Tbe Peon When Mr. EHiot came home .from, h jin in which to serve bis country and a woman at Coalvillwbo claimed to be missioners in and for tha County of 9iq Wat Friday evening in honor of the its sessions on Monday, Sept. 16tb, if and But of Utah, by vlrtae efthi work Monday evening be saw that ho mankind. bis wife, bnt be explained that away mtr, should fail. do The not all pupils to of E. Grace signs their dangbter 'Tha eighteen delegatee elected to the all marriage power in ns vested by tbe Statutes herepreparations had been made fer cupper right. inbefore mentioned, do hereby submit C. A. Call is. About seventy-fiv- e people bo prepared snd be on band tbe first sod wondered where his wife coaid bo. 8' ate convention are as follows: Word was sent to the lady here and were present, some bailing from Vernal, day. M. M. F. Pinneo. FarkCfty-J. Dailey, sheet once left for lieher, but when tbe tbe question of the removal of the counOn looking around be found her elttlng . Visa. B. R. Salt Lake, Park City and a no no bar from D. H. 8. Townsend, W. W. ty sent of 8ummit County, Utah, from- Watson, on tbe bed room floor dead. Ha at cnee proteesor learned that she waseoin eettlementa between here and Coalville. Lock-Coalville, Utah, to Park City, Utah, to t called for help, but all that loving bande Armstrong, Thomas Kearns, J. M. ing be made bis escape aud has not tbe were Kocarost given Many valuable presents trt, E. P. Evans, Jobs Canty, F. R. been heard of since. The wedding w a tbe qualified electors of Sommlt County , could do was to no avail. Shs bad dona 1902. useful snd Utah, to he voted upon at tbe general Rocaroav, Utah, Bept. 10, couple, which will be both a washing and was seen by bar neighbors Davis, Peter Martin. slopped, and tbe woman returned to electien to bo held on tbo 4th day of ornamental. An boor or two were spent Editor Tikis: Coalville Frank Alma was Eldredge, uot more than an hour before abo Coalville and from here left for Kem A. D., one thousand nine in gsmes and amusements of vsrious November, Samuel Tbe Clark. here. found by her husband, apparently In Croft, haying is nearly completed merer, Wyo., where she claimed to have tbe to hundred and all two. which after Vtfanah repaired kinds, Ip Robert Young. tbe beet ef boaltb. Heart failara was crop was very good. a trank that was being held for a board O. tbe witness Mrs. of In Mr. borne and Psck, J. whereof, wo have hereunto Ilsnefsr John Paskett. Lawrence Grow has gone to halt Lake tbe esuse of bar death. Her daughters bill in which was the marriage certifiour bounteous bauds aud caused lb sea) of set Psoa F. W. Marchant. brides brother, where the came from Park City to attend tb funto spend several months. cate. She claimed to have been mar Summit Kama Pack. County, Utah, to be affixed at . John things of the earth were spread upon Tbe rie't to the naan over a year ago in In A. W. and J. E. Beamons are horns eral which was held on tbo 10th, Coalville L. tbe tables, and all enjoyed themselves to .Alternates 8. City, Summit County, Utah, Joseph Franklin, ympathy of all goes oat to Mr. Elliot diana, aud she wst much affected by her after being away all summer. aeoond this their hearts eontent. After sapper the again I day of September, A. D., hdden, Carl Allison, George Stevens, sad children. exp Hence. Sarah Gibbons and son. Oliver, Mr. oue tbonaaud an resumed nine hundred aud two. ' T and were B. enjoyable fames Wright. Girls who get smitten on a stranger Mill Creek last week for fruit. to went of bonrs Babtlbt McDonoloh, Chairman, time was had until tbe early niruaucAK rniMABT. , wbo wears ake clothes should lake a i Mrs. Martha Peterson ol Salt Lake is John J. Bowen, morning. Miss Klla Pack aangaso The Republicans of Coalville precinct lesson from this affair. UiNiraa, Utah, Bept. 11, 1902, Board of Commissioners of Sumalso Prof. Phillips favored the company here visiting her parents, Ur. and Mrs. County held their primary at tbe Brick school Editor Tubs: . mit with a aoog, and six of tbo girls recited W. H. 8taker. Utah, County, b tm Monday night and elected tho Misa Laura Batchelor is spending a Not Deemed For life. Board All of occassion. Park to tbo weot for Hortin Mrs. the Fannie By County Commissioners a piece composed City i ring delegates to the county eoaven- -t few days in Echo. wea treated for three I good by of year Mrs. as Summit themselves visit her daughter, having last week to County, Utah. present expressed a: Alex Wright, W. H.Bmith.C, doctors, writes W. A. Greer, of here Daniel is Morgan Ellingford P. H. Nbklby, County Clerk, and allwiah Wuv t bad SiT enjoyable 'time.' A.. Buchanan,, K. Swains ton, for Pile, and Mra. L. bin Brewer. t w.tvPi E, cousin, pv and j n rf' success and prosperity daring s long Miss Carrie Stem bridge has returned visiting , s Eldredee. but, when all fail,- - Bocklens Arnica I' Oommisoinoer John C. (.smbertWni? The many friends of James Fowler Cor aeful life to tbo babpv couple. from Balt Lake, where she has spent tb ntmit w ilm elected Palve cured me la twe weeke. ., : . ...I '..:j a t- -, V t . T,Yw r Cotf,o. a, to V weeks.3 few of Akx r Jt. C. Julies right, v I , , king ' f y. tious, Salt Rbeum, Pike or no pay, 20c Netlre. , and Mrs. Northeott. iwwt biuueway and William Ooarey ' improve. at Boydene drag Store. knmpo 1 ' Unitkd maBrara Land OratCa l tbo is threshing have gone to 8a!t Lake valley to get It expected that ' Balt Lain City, Utah, v State convention At lbs Eorob Thus: Republican bora on work commence chine will loads of trait for the winter. Aug. 7, 1902. ) f CstlMvImtth Marrtw.ee-yesterday Joseph Howell was nominated - W. H. Stevens has gone to Midway os Thefanrrsl of little next. Monday Mr! Julian F, Smith, formerly of this To Whom it moy Conotm: George Comcy for Congress and W. M. McCarthy for business. On aeeoont of tbo busy time it ie was wall attended ; people coming from Notice Is hereby given that tbe Btate place, and Miss Peart G. Colton of Bair 8a promo Judge. Mies Edith Slovens baa gone to Madoubtfnl if many from boro will attend of Utah hse filed in ibis office liste of all the neighboring towns. on were in married the Lake Temple on SaturPeon land ple ton to take charge of the school at at sux (elected by the said B'ate under tbe meeting lary DtMOCBATIC is 8rriUi ' nniABY. W. M. Smith, who has been working Wedneedayof this week. Mr. 5 section 12, of the Act oL Congress that place. day. A primary of of the Democrats of Coal- well and favorably known here, where at tbo cement quarry in Parleys canJuly 1ft, 1884, Tho following T. W, Frasier and wife started for will join ville and Ilenofer a for Echo, time baa Croyden returned borne yon, precinct was held at tbe Rock be wee born aud raised, and has many tract embraced in raid lists, are in Provo today to get some fruit and to get in a social picnic at Uenefer on tbe 20tb. reboot bouse Wednesday evening forth friends who will join with The Tunes to townships containing miners claims of Mrs. Esther Moorehouee of Salt Lake their boy Clifford aisled it the B. V. will be rendered by the Sunpurpose of electing three delegates to at- wishing himself and bride happiness record, vis.: and Mrs. Henry Stevens of Oakley paid A program List No. 1 19, Reservoirs, tbo W W N Academy. a and three of tbe schools good places tend the Statu convention that will bo and prosperity during their wedded life. their brother, John Hortin, a visit last day Bee. 10, Tp. 8 N., R. 7 E. and All invited Calli are C. A. time is anticipated. passed through Oakley week. held at Provo next Tuesday. Nooouaty Of the reoepion tendered the young List No. 131, Reservoirs, the 8WJ those attending will please bring lunch. eenyentlon was held but delegatee were couple yesterdays Herald had tbe fol- NWLNEJ BVVf Bee. 34, Tp, 3N.', the other day on hta way to Coalville. Democratic primary held here R.7E. Wc didnt eee aBy difference in Charleys keted according to the number of vot- lowing to aay : An old expei lenced miner has ex-aWilliam Crook of Wanship last List No. 132 Reservoirs, the NWj night " A very pretty reception wasjbat appearance; bek aTI right.' nedlhe Copper Coin mine, known ers in each precinct. Summit county UVtXi bWJi 8WW ps SWM;hE was elected s delegate to attend the conTbe dance and drawing of a quilt was vention at Provo. as the Tnonel Hollow mjnes, owned by was entitled to twenty delegates. Tho which wae tendered Mr. and Mrs Ju- 34,MfBW;.8EtJ 8W8oe.0,Tp. SN., K.7E..8. L.Mer. a grand success last night, and the Rean incorporated company In Coalville, following were selected to attend from lian F. Smith, whose marriage look List No 2t. 8choat of Mioes, the 8W CARD Or THANKS. XX 8EH ike- - 4, Tp. S N., lief Society realised! Boat little sum. J, and makes tbe following statement: The Coalville: W. W. Cloff, C. A. Cal lie and place yesterday at 1 oclock in tbe TemR. 7 ., 8. L. Me Death brings to os all burdens of sorL. Frasier, Jr., was the lucky one at tbo runs north and eonth and dips to George W. Yonng. Alternate W. G. ple. Tbe affair took place at tbe home Copies of said liata, ao ar aa they rerow that U seems are . too heavy to bear. tbe oast at an angle of about 70 degrees. Johnston, M. A. Wright. of Mrs. J. T. Hodsou and, was enjoyid thawing. to said tracts, b deacrip tlvs subdilate When we eee our loved ones taken from They are driving a level tonuel north on by about 160 of tbe friends of the young visions, have been Tbo church building is progressing conspicuous!? posted as and while our little innocent ones are the lead, bnt they are about forty feel TBRrBOrZKTY CALLED HEALTH people. Receiving with tbe bontess and io this office, for inspect ion by any pernicely under the supervision of R. C. the bridal party were the two sisters of son interested, and by tbe public genTbe torn from ns by tbe releu t lees band of into the hill running with the lrad, catJohnson as master mechanic. It io like any other property, it rnno down ws cannot but foel that our greet death, tbe bride, Mrs. Rives and Mrs. Vaoghn, erally. of Tbs window ore. over for the tbe high or tbe top ting building is now ready improver, just depends on how it is Daring tbe sixty dayi next following sorrow has been lightened by tbe many from at the table in tbe hall. Miss Virand is b on tbe soger grade copper ore Irenes. csrd (or. It it the moat valuable propdate of this notice under 'departthe words of sympathy and acts of kindnee threo to eighteen inches thick, all the erty we have, and should receive tbe ginia Smith and Miss Nanna Chapin mental instructions of, Novsmoer 27, that have been bestowed during our length of tho tunnel, still gAiiilngin moat consideration. It helps you id your served punch, rsiiA. 1898, (23 L. D.,459), protest or contest grew! affliction In tbo loss of our darling width. In tbe face of tho tunnel is very business, helps good looks, helps make The bouse was prettily decorated, a against tbe claim of tbe Bute to anv of . 1ioA, Utah, Sept. 10, 1902. Mends helps gets it nations and helps the tract or sa bd i v isioo beret u before son. We desire to publicly xpresaonr rich grey copper ore, blue and black yon hold them, sod always makes happi-uss- i. wreath of palms and slmitsx forming a Eorroa Tikis; on the ground that the same described, bencere thanks to all wbo have ttiu effective background for tbe rotors, oside of copper. Two practical miners U more valuable for mineral than tit Property like this, at the first In- most Harvesting of grain is now on. friended us with the hope that every are at work on tbe claims, about two dication of being out of repair, should I o which were pink and white in the paragricultural purpose will be receiv'd Mis Emma Jensen went to Salt Lake tender word, every considerate act may tons of rich ora is at tbe mouth of tbo looked after nod-- a remedy applied at lors ssd red in tbe ball. aud noted for report to the General on Saturday. once. Thera are any number of signs bring you ten fold blessings. The bride wore a aandsom grown of Land Office, at Washington, D. O. Failtunnel snd a great quantity thrown that show repairs are needed. Bilious ure so to protest or contest within the Arthur M. Marchant is rejoicing over Wm. CosaiY and Family. while crepe de chine over while taffeta, ever tbe dump; tons of ore arein sight spells, indigestion, dyspepsia, belchlng-diadne- H, B. fme specified will be considered sufBox from letter a on the bauging walla tbe entire length with trimmings of real lace, and a sasb ficient evidence of sick-hea- d, sallow complexion-pimplthe WAKSMir. sick Mrs. Lutie Miles bee been quite on the face, a of broad satin ribbon. She carried and liver-spo- ts of the tunnel. Samples of tbo ore can character of the said tracts, and the seWanamr, Utah, Bept. 11. 1902. drowsy sleepy feeling after meals, soar large shower boquet of Brides roses. lection thereof, being otherwise free for the past three dsys. he aeon at tbe poet office. : Tikis stomach, etc. These symptoms all show The Euitoi from a returned young couple received a great num- from object ion, w ill be recommended Arthur Maxwell has weakness, and tbo property needs repairf r approval. Look for oot some more ber of handsome wedding presents with weddings. A Beys Wilde Ride For Life. visit in tbe lower vallev. ing. Druggists will sell you for 2Sct., a Fbsnx D. Hobbs, Register, With family around expecting him box of Dr.Gunns Improved Liver Pills, which to adorn tbeir new home. They Some of our y'onng people went to the . Mr. and Mr. Leeraing have moved in 0 A. yeoioa Bhith, Receiver. to die end u son riding (or life, 18 mile, tbs best remedy In tbe world for any of will be at home after Bept, 16th at 10C6 their new cottage. dance at Oakley last night. A Parsons Noble Act. to get Dr. Kings New Discover for these ills, or we will send a box poet-pai- d South Fifth East Street. Li h Hixson and wife and Mra Rigbv The seer nd crop of alfalfa is now being 0 naumption, Cough and Colds, W. H or receipt of 26. eu Samples free. Only I want all the world to know," writes me spending a week io Salt Lake. Secured, what little there is of it. Rev. C J. Bodlmig, 4 Asti easy, K. I Ind., endureu one pill for a dose. Write Dr. Gann, Water Cure fur Chroale Coas.lpe'lon Brjn of ' from sale Pa. John this For but deaths Mrs. and Misa or McOiefr Riab half Pbilada., by down tl water an was agonies Boydea bour what a thoroughly good Sod bot asthma, Rigby of Take cups Oakley G. G. Stevens wonderful medicine gave instant relief A bon Coalville Utah. before g iing to medicine I fou id in Electric Biu-r- a, and meal r- each n before fro Salt Lake here just with bent. ness bum visiting Bnt of the week on and soon cured him. Ho writes: I now bed, also a drink of water, bot or co d, They cured me ol janndic and liver of onr , the,r hroU,.r 6 Bibf A Fortune A little bird whispers that one Favor soundly evfiry night, l ike mar sleep two boors after each meal. Take troubles that hid cause t u great sufabout I Ned Young is spending i few days velous cures Consumption. Poenmoolt, will soon enter the matri- oovduorexercise walk tide drive. fering for many year. For a genuine, of in lots ladles bead, Having pains distressing young and Cold Bronchitis, his is with friends. He and ru ih-- v reel anr'Mng I Grip Cooghs, a without Make and and back parents just regular habit qf this and In being stomach, monial bliss. matchless merits tor all Throat appetite, I began lo nse Dr. its saw prove chronic ever Electric ititter areth ar cases New may a from vers coustipttion absesoontho many Kings send recovering The Republicans of Peoadi.t not and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles Life Pills. writes W. P. Wbitebead, of be cured without the ue of any medicine. prise of all fr tbeir wou forfui or I io . convention on kg 60c and (1.00. Trial bottles (roe at Boy-de- ns When a purgative is required take someLver, Kidney and MomU"h troubles. Keaoedale, Tex., "and toon felt like delegate to the county n 'Mr. Ephraim Bates and Miss May drug store. Dont latl to fry (hem. Only 60 ete. new man. Infallible in stomach aud thing mil t and gentle like Chamberlain the 9th. Owing to toe boky time only j For sale by Ustiafartion ia gnarwM'i by Jo" -were married the Judd Tablet. Liver homeoflhe and at none and 25c troubles. Stomach at livr Only the Boydeus attended primary very few A A deu boa do We too ssork. store. Borden b. Druggists. Druggists, of Juhu on the afternoon toe your job dreg the time tu atund the. pies parents could Doles The Finest Cake if ait Elected Is made with Royal Baking Powder. Always light, sweet, pure & wholesome. to 5to.ta Convention "Prof. tu -- aomin-Irtratio- 'Wv ct ' aixtriE folio-- - ? MoCn-ueUstUle.- r Jan, , vfi - pit ' O., Fi-tu- la, s 4 t-- r ap-rov- ed 'i its mi -d es al 1 8-- 16 Ttua. nd - there tpare uu r 10-1- t 4 |