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Show BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM-MISeiONKRH COM-MISeiONKRH OF SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH. A PROCLAMATION. Whereat, pnrtnant to fcllon Dr. hnndred and thirteen of the Revlted Statutea of Utah, 1HP8, approved, legal-It. legal-It. I and adopted Mar-h 2, 1HW, a petl- 'jj lion aa preaenled lo the Board of County Commlatlonert nf Summit 5 County, Utah, Augntt fith, lOOi, aigned hy 'he qualified elector! of aaid county, In ntimUr equal to a majority of the vote eaat at the general election held November Ath, ltWO, praying for the tihmlwinn of the qiiettlnn of the removal re-moval of the co.ioty teat of Summit County, Utah, from Coalville, Utah, to Park City, Utah, lo the qualified eteat-ora eteat-ora of aaid eonnty, to be toted upon at the general election to be held November Novem-ber 4th, IU02; Now, therefore, we, Barlley KcDon-ough KcDon-ough and John J. Ilowen, County Com- I nilaalonert In and for the County of 'm- - f ml', and Rule of Utah, by virtue of Ike I power in na eeated hy Ihe Rtatntea here- I inbefore mentioned, do hereby aubmlt the queatlun of Ihe removal of Ihe eoun- ty aeal of Summit County, Utah, from ; Coalville, Utah, to Park Cite, Utah, to ' the qualified alMtnra of Summit County, i Utah, to be voted uMn at the general ' eletttleo to be beld on tbe 4th day of I November, A. I)., one tliouttad nine hundred and two. In wilnrae whereof, we have hereunto J eat our banda and cauaed the aeal of " Summit County, Utah, to be affixed at Coalville City, Riitniult County, Uuh, ' tblt aooond day of September, A. D., oue thouaaud nine hundred aud two. i Baart av Mi Poioutni, Chairman, I John J, Bowrm, j Board of County Coruiulatioutr ol Summit Sum-mit County, Utah. t By the Board of County Commtaaioneri s of Summit County, Utah. r. II. Nxatar, County Clerk. j ISeal.) J Ooramlaetnner John C. lmbart blog wbtenton aroiMiwVotetekweea. -r -- - ."--- ' |