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Show i Dawn. Th nl.hl mnm iImiK. tliouKh aomftlmM . fulul miir A Hill- while a lllllr .T.iir- in.ilr hrml't Tin. ill. In an. L.tiar .ml IIKr. mi Iron U'l jiy h.Miiy on 111.- Intel: ml n r Ulr Hliiwlt. wlihln Ihr -H.i. ili.-f arrw a IKln W hi, h hnir wiia .lurllahl. and luir ...mi.l lo Ih' Thn h.1,,1,1 f . ,r. nl. r Tl' pain whll-lNrci.il whll-lNrci.il iin.i). li. 11,. n. .r, an. I u. Ihr li. l.l.l Of lirnvrci .lowly rlllnli .it. The amy It'w cr.il llhn in. ,Uy A wide Bill n. HI r la In Mwnrd Ihr iilcnct lHiiic.li.rv nf lh iiil, Whir- .li.wlv Hie r,.- ..ilh.i.il iin.l in. . re inu .t. It wn. nn 1111 thi mi.iiln. or a dnor 11V 1.11.1 Hull In III. hmiil I inip l..lli l.nl l Ulio... n.icn. . hlclilill by tlm huiiii.iiI t.ilil - The .nil c.lr mnv. thn wide rniim li Urn. Mum l.rluhl Hi ml b.-. c.m.'. Ihn o. "in Iiiiiii.I Iinrk iiihI mnrv dura Mifnln.t th. Iirlxtu- niii kv Ht.nrii. r HuNliiHt (he .ky the lnii ..a lln. I II hiillnw. uf Ih. hr uk. l. uli Ihr uli .r.-Wile .r.-Wile f,..n llhe leuvr. wtl.renn no mil ilnlh .hn. ThiiliKli while tli. oilier brunch., of Ih- rr..m rn' tn r..l the level heaven liliril.il Then .n.l.l.M. a. It a .wend fell fluin en hl.li. A LI. I ...1,1 n.i.ln.l oil the hurU m - Illi lnir.l U'nlK.n (lll.l.'r Monay Frozen In Ice. T.eon Wallace of 215 Oliver atreet. Itnltlmorc, carried homo 115 In Kreen-hncka, Kreen-hncka, which were Imheddnd In J twelve iHiiinil enko uf Ico that he tnt from a free Ire dlHirlbullntr bureau li waa a dirty chunk uf len, but th.ee whu x''t their aiipply frco don't amp In IiinIhI thai Ihelr atluwanco aliall flr.t lie waahed with a hn.n; an I.non tool, hla Kilt home. When tho lr! wn. wiiHhed Ihn money could ho Been, hut It linked llko a lump or dirt nr atone, nud Ihn hoy ileclcle.l tu rut It out. lie riepl'cd Ihn Ircircn rilkn Inl'i plcci nud thu roll (if Mil. fell out. I.eun'a tnolher anw thut thn hiv had mii.le n find. Hho tried In a-p-nrutn thn hllla hut they wero frn7in tightly lni:cthcr. The lump wiia plnred over a atenmlmt ti nkellli. ami thn Vh and Xa were aoon counted mil, until l.ri lay before thn aHtoiil.hiHi woman, with c cxlrn dollar bill fur Rood me. .ore. Leon had pin, let creutn and waternmlou for auppnr. "Lltaratura" In China. A traveler .ay. that In no other country haa he ever aoon aurh rcr-erencu rcr-erencu for literature Is every form a) exleta In China. A printed word la rngardcil almoil aa a aarred filnx. and thla iimetlnn. leada to amualnic tncldunta when a t.'hlncae tnachcr la dealltiK wfrn a brink Amerlran pupil. Thla relumed traveler apeat four houra a day. while lu China, with native teacher uf the luu.iuiuto, and one day, aa the younK men wore .tartlim on a walk tnitcther, and the Aiunrlcnn waa alHiut lu put oa a new pair nf ahoc, he hoard a horrlllecl ex. clniiiAtlon from ttio Chinaman. "You not put font on word.!" he reaped, polnlltiK In tho name and all. mnrked lualdo the ahoe; and It waa a loiiK llmo linfuro ho recovered from hla amaiemnnt that any one ahuuld bo au lacking tn proper re.pcet act to treat the eymhula nf hla own lun-liuaitu lun-liuaitu ur any other In aurh a way. Crow and Dog Good Frlendi. Thorn la a Inr. n Kcwfuumlluncl doR and a rruw In Itldlny I'urk al t'lienter, l'u.. Hint arn 1111 apeaklnic term, with each ulhcr. Tho crow', name la Jim. and tho iliift. a handiMiuio animal, la llnver. Iloth uio uwncit by Julius (' rlmlth, head lumliciipu Kurdener for tin I '. nimy 1 vn 11 In, Itnllmad company. When .Mr. Smith llr.t look tno bird I'nme. the cniw eapled Unver. and tlew fmm Ita new nin.ter'a hand and lit nn tho lou e back. At mien then aecmcd lo be a mutual iimleralnmlltu between cl.i ami bird, tho former "iKiw-wiiwIn.'t" In affectionate manner, and tho latter "rawrawliiK" and re-turnltm re-turnltm tho carnaiiea of ita now friend by atrukltiR ltovnr'a back with It l.euk. Jim and Hover aeem tu thnr-oiiKlily thnr-oiiKlily uiiderntnnd each ulhcr, ami aro generally found locethnr. Texae Vialted by Nony Meteor. A dlnputch from Nuvn.ota, Toxaa, any.: "I.aat nli;ht about IU:;lu o'clock a metenr pa.aod over thla city, roIiik from the eolith tn tho nurth. Quito a number of people whu had Juat ro-lumt'd ro-lumt'd fnini church wllucH.cd tho dla-play, dla-play, which waa grand. The approach Drat attracted attention by a deep rumbling Bound, re.emlillng the ap-lirimvh ap-lirimvh of a frclisht train, and then auddcnly tho heavena wero IlKhted by a largo ball uf flro which shut acroee tho lienvena from hurlann In hurlxun. A fiery trull of aparka wa. left behind which made It appear a a large rnmel. A few encomia after tho die-ipearanco die-ipearanco nf tho meteor a loud ox-..Inn, ox-..Inn, followed hy a deep rumbling. a. hcird In the illm-Hon of me (lying (ly-ing bull uf Urn, which la finiight tn have been caused hy the im-tour alrlk-lug alrlk-lug thu earth." Swordfi.h Drcwned Fi.h.rman. A and atory la told of t u lam ' an old tlhernuin rrom llluucc.tur whj went nut on the lu.l trip of n10 fishing fish-ing aohuuncr Jiacph 11. Cromwell, i The achnnnur haa returned with 111. tody. While on thn fiahing Kriunda off the llnnraea a Mg awurdiiah waa Oh.crve.l rmaalng the linw. A harpnun waa ahot Inl.i lie body and Flahnr-. Flahnr-. man llnuchcr went down In a dory to guide the lire, lie fot uue foot tan- . .in men . i.e i-. " gled up In It. and In an In.tant wii drawn down under water and drowned. All ettcirta lo rheek the apm-d nf the wounded .wor.lfl.h were futile until It became exhauated and died. Then It ro.o lo the aurface. and lloiiclmr. atlll tangled In the line, tame up with II llu.ton Tranacrlpt. Guard Agalnat Coal Famine. Fearing a coal famine by reaaon of the atrlke. the member, uf the I'rntea-tant I'rntea-tant Kplacnpal church at HI. Clair. I'a . havo entered on a novel project. At the eiiKKc.tlun nf Ihnlr pa.tur, Knr. W. II. Holder, l!io entire male part of the congregation arn funnel dally nu the refuae hnnka nf tho aeveral rulllerlca picking coal fur thn church' winter aupply. Their paatur. attired In overall, and w-lth alenvea rulled up, acciimpanlca Ihnm. Thn bank, are a mile from tuwn and the product la hauled In hy team.. The church haa a capacity fur 70 ton. In thu ecllur ami the Idea la In till II. Authentic Ghent Story. Hlghteen muntha agn a well-known mil 11 died in Lundon, and a few dnya after hla death a l-ondon Journnll.t declared lhat hn had JiMt aoen the Inri'dent In a London club and had, moreover, apoken to hlin. Andrew Lang utire met anmnlmdy in tho atreet whom he took fur a well know n unl-vernlly unl-vernlly man. Hi apnkn tu li Im. ahnnk hand, with til 111 and left him. and tho next day ho waa aim tied to learn Hint at thu very moment when he waa spcuklng tu the gentleman In I'm atreet hi. unlvprkii friend wn dying more than a hundred mile away. Row of Corn Mllee Long. A Kim:maii counly, Kim., farmer I. growing a row of corn a little mire than 2."i mile, long for nu other rea. ami Hum to be alngitlur nud extruor. (Unary, lie run need In a f.u acre n.-ld mid went round mid round In a circle with n llsier until hn hud (limited (limit-ed the whole In a 8ln ;ln row. which reimmcnccB nt one of Hie. nigra mid lermlnaina In Ihn middle; Wimn ho cultivated It. nf courao ho had to plow Ihn eamn way. A. nppcurancca go Ihn field will make aa much crop aa It would If planted In tho ordinary ordi-nary way. A Novel Houae. One of the moat novel huliaea ever built waa ahnpnd In the form nt an elephant. It waa tho ownnr'a boa.: that there waa a free circulation of air liolow the ronma, and that an abundant aupply uf light waa enaurcd. Tho lega contained flight! of etalrct and the trunk waa ut Hired chiefly for water plpea. etc. A lire unfortunately destroyed thla novel manalnn; and though ita owner maintained that It waa a grcnt auccnaa, yet it la algnlfl-cant algnlfl-cant that ho never built another houae on tho "elephantine" plan. Cave Uaed by Indiana. A larger Indian rave than the ono recently found In llarwluton haa been dl.rovercd In the wunda un the farm of II. A. Anderann nt Htnnwlch, Coun., on the very hlghcat point, extending over ninety feet, with an opening at either end, where thn Indiana uaed to hliln their plunder. It la In a large lot called In thla day by the old real-denla real-denla the "Wigwam" lot. Mr. Anderann Ander-ann baa fuiiiid in It arruwheada, plccca uf pottery and part uf a crude bran-lot mndn out of different colurod plccca of Hint. Champion Fish Story The champlnn fl.h atury nf the pre. cut acahon Ih being tr'd by Jame Patrick of Kannaa t'll; 1 10 a.-iya that he la In receipt uf a .oiler from hi alaler, whu Uvea In aouthweat Mia-anurl. Mia-anurl. In which aim atntna that a fuw days aitn her boy. led tho horauM down In a pond to drink unci that while Ihn horaea wero thua engaged a aU pound hui Jumped nut of the water and Into tho Jacket pocket of one of tho boya. Old Postmaster Robbed. PoHtinuHtcr Ko.well Iteiirdhlcy, whn la auppoaed to hn tho olile.t government govern-ment employe In thn I'nlted Hi ales, having been poaimnaler at Nurth Lan.lng since IhJS, auatabi'd the first tusa ho has ever met at tho handa of burglura the other night. Mr. HeariU-ley's HeariU-ley's atnro wna cntnred fnnn the col- 1 In r and a quantity uf atiiiup. and postal pos-tal card, waa removed. The loss Is alKiut t'lO. Mr. Uiuraley la S3 year, old. Headquartera for Toothplcka. Only one characteristic, distinguish ce the little village of Strong. Mo., from tho thnuaanda of utlura that are scattered all over New Hugland. That la the peculiar industry which aorvca tn eupport tho enllre cnmmunltjr. Strong la famuua fur nothing but tuiithiilckB, but It la known In the trade aa tho pluco from which come tho majority uf tho toothplcka that aro uaed In tho I'nlted dlutca. Claim Mine la Haunted. Three hundred miner, the other day refuacd tn go down tho (Jlyncorryg raillery, near Port Talbot, in Wales, liecanan they sulci it was haunted. It was HHBi-rtcil that thn figure of a womun licailng a lighted lamp had been seen In tho workings nud the rcrcum. of a woman heard. |