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Show OOLD IN THE UNITED STATES IL tia BalMK a.Ncl Oismsnv tjussia Umivcs aiarcs n j 'rtssess 'JM.7SS900. immi. Vims.- yaesesaeelill fLa IT WOULD TAKt 100.000 MEN TO CARPV -fV KtQ A BILLION AND A QUARTER Of COLO" V ifry and fur armvof tm aiur gfz?Z75?'c' , yil BEAOEnS WOULO riLUs" , - J Through the treasury department of hi government at Waahlugton, Uncle Bam gave out a rather startling ploc of new the other day In tho late-mcnt late-mcnt that thla country at thla moment loaeaae about a quarter of all tb gold that ha been made up Into money In the entire world. To quote the official figure correctly, cor-rectly, there I now In the United State (Including treasury coin and bullion) $1,200,000,000 of gold money, whereas the world s entire stock of gold money I worth less than 16,000,-000,000 16,000,-000,000 (14,806,700,000, according to the lateat figures). New York financier finan-cier believe Unci Sam' figure aa to hi own gold money aro shy and that In truth the amount of gold money In th country I cloe to ll.tr.o.ooo.ooo a billion and a quarter while all the rest of the world posaeaae loaa than 13,760,000,000. Thla la a larger sum of coined gold than baa ever boon poaaessed poa-aessed by a slnglo nation In th history his-tory of th world. Next to the United State, according accord-ing to the latest reports, come V ranee, with 1810,600,000, followed by the llrltlsh empire, with 76U.7O0,00O; Huasla, with 1724.800,000, and Germany, Ger-many, with 1721,800,000. So far aa coined gold la concerned, It will be observed the United Statue la In a claa by Itaolf. |