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Show 6PONTAHEOU8 COMBUSTION rea t IHilli mmw la Blaaarr Jalr Awaawt Wabew. Ail care of apoaUaaea comtraetio of alfalfa bay that bar com to Uie aotlc of tb Kaoee eutlon have occurred oc-curred with the Brat cutting. Early aprtug growth of alfalfa In an ordinary aeaeoa i rank. Th alfalfa la cut ltber In May or early lo June, and at tbi Urn of tb year tb weather la arb tbat it la difficult to thoroughly car tb alfalfa without getting It wet Uauafly tbore la conaiderable damp weatber and llttl wind after tb Brat Dtting i But in tb mow r atack, and tbi binder fortiMr drying. With later ratting tb growth I not eo rank aad occnjrnt, and th weather la drier, and there la often wind. Tbi make ruling eaey. At tbla tut loo we bare not bad alfalfa al-falfa beat aurflrlently to take Are, but we bav bad It become eo bot that a a matter of aafety we took It out of tb barn eeveral weeke after putting It in the mow aad (tacked H outdoor, W bav had eo mucb trouble with the Bret crop heating tbat for tbe paat four year w bav Uckcd K outdoor and put tb other cutting In th barn. W bave cured tb Brat cutting a carefully care-fully aa we knew bow, keeping It eeveral eev-eral daye tn cock a. putting cover on the cocka at nlgbt and opening the cock during tbe daytime, aud wltb all tbce precaution. If there cam a week or more of wet, muggy weather in July or Auguet, tb alfalfa bay woold be- i cum bot. if th weather atayed dry, ao heating took place. Alfalfa abould be cut when not more than ooe-tentb of tn plant bar com lo bloom. Cut at thl early atage, tb yield of bay for tb action will be mucb greater than if tb alfalfa la cut near maturity, aud every pound of hay eecured will b worth mora for feed. Tb method of curing will vary wltb th condition of tb crop, ground and weather. When alfalfa bae mad a alow growth and at tb time of cutting cut-ting tb ground and tb weather ar dry, there hi no difficulty la curing. Often under three coudltlone It la aofe to rake within a few boure after mowing mow-ing and atack a few hour after tb alfalfa al-falfa ba been put In tb windrow. When alfalfa baa madea rapid growth and la rank aud aucculeul and th weather and ground are damp, th problem of curing la a difficult on. It la eaey to dry tb leave, but tbe (tent will contain much mollur after th leave are too dry. Alfalfa bay toould bevom ao dry before atacklug that when a handful of atema are lightly twlated .together no water cau be aquM-ard out. Th moat practical way to accompllab tbla and at tn earn Um ear a tb leave L tb plan to adopt, and tbla will vary wltb different differ-ent eeaeona and place. There I practically no difficulty In curing any but th Bret crop. When tbe condition for curing th Bret crop ar unfavorable, we . uaa uaually found the moat practicable method to be to cot the alfalfa In the morning after tbe dew le off. allow It to barely wilt In th awatb, then rak and before be-fore night put in narrow, tall cocka. After the dow la off tb neat morning and the eurfec of th ground ha become be-come dry w open the cook carefully, careful-ly, no aa not to abetter off tb leave. If tb weather la favorable, th bay may b stacked In tb afternoon; if not, w rvcork carefully and repeat tba trentment until tb bay I properly proper-ly cored. Kroiu all th experience we hare galuw to dato wo advlae tbat the berrt way to prevent apontancoua conibua-tlon conibua-tlon of alfalfa 1 to thoroughly cor before etucklng.-II. M. CottrcIL Level Calllvallaa er Cwra. in cultivating I do not hill up corn a wa done when I wa a boy. The uinmier of cultivation then required a bill and tb manure In tn hill, for tb farmer would cultivate eo dorp he would cut off th root, ao the plant waa conflnrd to a plec of ground about aa large a th bill. I ue level cultivation and Juat atlr the top of tho ground to keep down wrcda. After corn la planted I find tbe ground la all full of corn root a, even running from one hill to another, aay a Maine cor. rvepondent of American Agrlrultniiat The brat time to work the ground I before the corn la planted, utlng tbe aprlug tooth aud dlak barrow. Tbla cull be done to perfection If w go over tbe land lime enough, elway In an oppoaltc dirrctlou from tb but time Tun iovhq con boot. we went over the ground. Tben we can get a good aeed tied on vrry foot of ground. When corn iprouta. tb flrat aprout la a strnlKht taproot going down on or two Inche before tbe etalk atari, aa eh'jwn at No. 1. A aoon aa tbe etalk begin to grow th root put out It feeder (No. 2) Juat beneath the aur-fnce. aur-fnce. and three develop, aa abuwn at No. 3 and No, 4. No. 8 abow where the root bave hern cut off by doep cul-thntlou. cul-thntlou. Tbe plant aland still for abmt a week after cultivation, when It heal and puta out more little root tela There were many Inatance In Kuu ail l during the cummer of 1U01 of al fairu buy Iniotulng o bot th.it It took (lrr by aiiouluneoua cuiubuMlloo nim was dcetroyed. |