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Show BARTHOLIN'S BODY FOUND IN AN IOWA CORNFIELD. Menlerer of M,ilhr aad aelheerl t'haala llaaaaaaa bv Taklug Hie Oat a Life. The boi!y of a raau thought to b William llarlholln, accused of the murder of hla moths;- and awerlheart lo I hlnago a moolh ago, waa found lo a Held near Ixiwlher, la., SVU milei fruin Chicago. He had bron shot In the head aad aplaiol lay nearby. In the aneo'e pocket waa a Iavleasa1 feaning lo the murder of "two momvn' i In ( bluago, aud one aigurd "Miiula ! Mitchell," the name of llartholinV I murderer flennve. Nothing waa aald of the death of hla molliri', Mrs. Inn, llarthollo, whose body waa fun ml In I tbe basement of her residence lu Chl-I Chl-I cago three weeks after the ami fled, , The tutvn authorities at once anted Ihe resemblance Ihe hotly bore to Hi" deacriptiull of Hie Chicago fugitive. Il j wne then that a mure careful rxaailn- alliiu nas made ami the note couds alng Hie murders was foil ml. The t.iwi ' atllltnrllicn lutrled Hie hotly, hut l n J be eahtiineil lo remove any doubt aa tt j the Ideiiiliy of the auicitle. j llarthuliu a utile referred lo the twt utunlera and declared that no one ea Cepl hltunelf concerned Id the com. luinaloii of the crime. The note II lie. I one ami a quarter pagen of letter pn-iei and was signed "M m. llarlholln," other Idlers found on the body, were n riltcn Iwo years ago and wer aignetl '. ." The inltiala are aup. posed In stand for Minnie Mitchell, |