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Show TO STOP A,R0QS.T2fl.'a.C.R0WINa. Slmpls Dsvlc Wrtlcn Will Prevent An noysncs. Mr. Val Pelnaep has hsn the dlstlnr tion of being summoned fo athvarlng a cock to crew In the morning, tu the Inconvenience of his neighbors. He showed a common sense desire to avoid aunoyahce, ' thouph tbe Bald neighbor lived a quarter of a mile from the fowl house, and the magistrate magis-trate evinced no desire tu harasa the artist., . , ... . , Hut really It Is quite possible to keep' fowls and prevent thein'ffom crow-1 lag All that la needed la a slight Bttlag over the neclr and fastened to a fnot. It Is the habit ef chanticleer In throw bark hla head when crow lag. and he will aot crow If prevented as he may be by the string from doing so. Th eoatrlvancr has the gieat merit of laaietlag no pain whatever. The bird scarcely knows or the pressure of the string till ke tries lo crow, and a haraileee Jerk krtugs him tu order. Cuuatry Life. |