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Show ANCIENT HISTORY WAS FATAL Shade of Phlladslphus Evoked with Sad Results. The trio who sat In the lee of the deckhouse bad been doing Europa and the orient, end were homeward bound on a big ocean liner. Tho woman lived In Halllmore, ona of the men called Philadelphia his homo, while tlie other man remembered remem-bered with satisfaction hi bachelor quarter In New York, which ho was willing, however, to abandon, provided he could porauadu the woman to accompany ac-company him along the shoals and breaker of the matrimonial sea. The Philadelphia waa of the urns mind. They had been dlaucsslng the various va-rious points of Interest seen by thorn during their stay abroad, and unanimously unani-mously agreed that Kgypt. "the playground play-ground of the east," with lie beggars and pyramids, tta , mondtaiils and ruins, Ita Hphlux anil Its donkeys, waa by all odds the moat entertaining and Instructive. Then tho conversation drifted Into the history or that ancient country. All were fulrly well Informed upon the subject, and for half an hour or more the dynasties of Cheops, Thot-mes, Thot-mes, Itameaca, tho bulldlcg of tho , pyramlda and other kindred subjects were thoroughly snd learnedly d la-cussed, la-cussed, until the Phlladelphlan aald: "Of all the rulera of Kgypt, none were greater than the Ptolemies, and of all the Ptolemies, Philadclphua oc-cuploa oc-cuploa tho first place In history. Among hla other clalma to greatness Is the fact that the City of Urotborly Love la named after him." "I didn't know that," said the New Yorker, rather Ironically, "but I can scarcely Imagine anything mors ap- , proprtato." "Why so?" queried the others to . chorus. "O, that's easy," replied the New Yorker. "Phlladulphua haa been dead for mnny, many yeara, and so has "Philadelphia." "O, cut that out," angrily snorted th Pennsylvania as be walked away, while the man from Manhattan selxed the opportunity to put the momentous mo-mentous question to the fair rest- dont of tlie Monumental city. |