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Show Chance and Changs. j Though dull and dark th skies, what I boot dasttalrT t- 'Tls but tho niumont, which will soon i bs o'er: f Ths merrow's dawn may be as bright and 1 fair i As though the clouds wrs past for Nor bs thou ov.rjnyous tr th dsy ' Is lad and bright and Nature hath bar : fare 1 Knwrrsthed In smiles; th morrow may i bm grsy, And leaiien cluuds oorae driving on ( apace. j Darkness to light, and light to darkness yield", ' Night unto day, and day again to nlsht; E'en whlln th cloud ahadsa huvar e'sr ' the nslds. Triumphant through them bursts ths , sun's glad light. t ' Bo 'tis with Ufa. lis not too much oast down ' If dsrknssa resta upon thee, nor slate j If bright ba all thy pathway; smile and i fruon ' Flit ewirtly o'er the countenance of fats. f And that thy mirror Is. Bhe frowns on thosa J Who weakly murmur and who fear the strife; i But smllrs on him who mocks at all her . blows, r And bravsly boara him through this 3 cliansllig life. Philadelphia Ledger. |