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Show HOW HE MADE. AN ENEMY. Old Gntlman Tells of Perfidy ef a Former Friend. "Ye," said the old man, "Smith waa my bosom friend when wo were boys at school, but ho became my worst enemy. We sat on tha same form, ale together, slept together, and ebarcd each oilier' Joya and Borrows. "When we grew older our parents sent us to the university together, where our friendship; If possible, grow stronger. We took our degrees to. jtether, and, to preserve the friendship of our boyhood days, went luto partnership.' part-nership.' "We re more tbaa brother and were always together,- and It waa while attending a social party that we both met and fell In love with the same girl. "Oar rivalry waa a friendly one, and for sum time nun could tell which waa tbe favored one. Oue night my chum cane to me In bis old friendly way tueVaald:-" ' " Metis, I ran se that If I ahould prove It winner yon wonld Buffer deeply, therof ore I bave decided to torn over my tntnrnat- In tbe bualnoaa to you and leave for some new conn-'' conn-'' ' . "Of course, 1 endeavored to pee. snail aim not lo go. but he persisted and carried out hla plan. He went to Australia, and In three mouths 1 mar-fled mar-fled th girl." "Hul how did Bmllh become your enemy r Inquired one of 'tho listener. ' By wit lulling .mn go to Australia Instead." snapped the eld mail;- aud tbuy all understood. |