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Show ORCHARD FUMIGATION. ajBweal Oataaal fee PtakHeaT tmm tamm aaaae as raaja Taeaa. A fumigating darlea recently aaed for tba Ban Joae acale In orchard work la New York la Illustrated by Country UeoUaman, wbtch talla bow It waa handled! The epreadlng branrbea war draw In with a rope, permitting the tenia, which are twelve feet In diameter, to drop over the tree. Twa tree are fav algated at a Una, lb apparatna paaa- ewenaurnra oamow. Is btwae. rh row. Th tanU ar hong fruaa tb gaffa, which ar loot enough to earre the porpoaa. The teat ar draw up from the bottom bot-tom and whea telescoped ar atltl further fur-ther Uftad to tb betfht of tbe eutor aada of tha gaffa aod la poeltlo to drop orer the tree. The tent ar tbea let down aa far aa they will aetUa. Tba entailer Mie tree tha lower they will sink aad tba laaa apace will remain re-main for tba aaa of tba gaa. Tha ear-plue ear-plue tent gather on tha ground. Twe men cao easily handle the apparatus. Tha tenia are made of light sailcloth, oiled with two coata of boiled llnaeed oil and dried. Tbey ar 12 feet la diameter di-ameter and 14 feet high. At tba top of tba tent la a tbrae-quarter Inch gas pip to heep th teat ipnded tbe full diameter at all tlmea. At tba bottom of the tent Is a three-eighths Inch steel hoop for a Ilka purpose. For each tent are four ropea running through a pulley pul-ley block at the top aad outside tb tent These rope run tbroagb tb top and down tb Inald of th tent at the four quarter, through ring to bold tbea In place, to tba hoopa at tba bottom. bot-tom. This ptaa telescope tb tent wbeo In use. A etngle meat la mortised Into a bad piece, firmly attached to a frame, sled-Uha sled-Uha In form, or It may ba Bied to a wagon, and guyed with wis to tb corner of the aled. Thee gy ropea are attached to tba top of tb nasi aod ar lied to tree, two ahead aad ona behind. Two galT are fastened to the mast and are aacb long enough to reach tba center of tha tenia, pulleys are at tached to tbe gaffa, and rope ar need for lifting the tcnta and placing them In position. The gaffa can be raised by a rope attached to tha mast, thus enabling en-abling oue to raise th teut In addition to tbe tulcaooplug described. |