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Show 8ht on Pcrauadad ta Try St. Jacobs Oil, and All Pain Diaapptarad Immtdlataly. It la undoubtedly a tart bryond dispute dis-pute that tha atrongi'st aiivartialne meilluin the proprietors bare la that of nrnpln who reNmneud ntbera to use HI. Jnobs Oil. IVnple wbo bave taem selves expvrienred a happy result wlilcn Invarlalily folio s lha use at this aieat remtnly, show their rrstl-Itid rrstl-Itid by rerommemliiiK U to tbona whom ther know are similarly affected. affect-ed. This la the rare of Margaret l-ee. of 71 HrlKhtflelrt road, Uo Or ecu. Wis. "Having: suffered from muscular rheumatism for years, and not recnlv. Inn any beneilt from various remedies, I used Ht. Jnrolis Oil; twin and sore nesa removed at Qbre; no reliira of rheumatism." Ht. Jaroha Oil Is sold In li eta. and 60 eta. slu a by all druif-rltis. |