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Show Want Tea Closs to Osngcr. One of the victims of th Ht. l'lerr disaster waa a French palmar, Paul Merwert, who waa al Martinique on an artistic mission from th government. govern-ment. II ascended to the crater of Muni Pelee as late as April 2. Ha Com From Cleveland. Pnil. Klllott, an Ohio acientlst, was . . oefore the waya and means committee commit-tee some lime ago apeaklug upon the subject of the preservation of tb -fue ' ' eala uf Alaska. In tbe course ot hla atatooient neo rksenlatlve Tawney asked th wtl aee what his business waa. "I am a nomologist, a, horticulturist, horticultur-ist, vltlruliurlst, an artist, and a naturalist," nat-uralist," replied th professor. The reply ataggered the Minnesota representative for a moment, and then h said: "Oh, I undrratand, you com from Cluvelsnd; that xplalu It." |